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Prismatic Arrangement of Creation Style

The Charms of this Style are not compatible with Weapons or Armor.

Path of Enlightement

Prismatic Sight (ZHOU)
Cost: 5 motes
Duration: One Scene
Type: Simple
Minimum Martial Arts: 3
Minimum Essence: 2
Prerequisite Charms: None
Learning secrets about the architecture of Creation the character is able to enter an enlightened Trance wherein she able to understand the shape of Essence! For the remainder of the Scene the Martial Artist is, with a successful Perception+Martial Arts roll...

  • ... able to discern the Permanent Essence rating of any being he can perceive.
  • ... able to discern the rating of any Manse or Demesne within his line of sight.
  • ... able to discern the abilities and the thematics of a Martial Arts Style he sees the Form-Charm of.
  • ... able to discern the Circle of any Spell he can perceive the effects of.
  • ... receives one automatic success when attempting to affect beings enacting Form-Type Charms or shaped into a different Essence-construct by Sorcery (such as using Invulnerable Skin of Bronze.)

The roll needs to be made again as a dice-action for each such object at standard difficulty. This Charm only works in things the Martial Artist is able to perceive - it is no help in perceiving dematerialized Spirits or cloaked beings. Creatures of Necrotic Essence are a pall of shadows to this Charm, increasing the difficulty of its roll by the Underworld-Being's Whispers rating +1 for this Charm to be effective on them. The character does not need to roll for all possible targets he can perceive, much as anyone can focus on some objects within their line of sight and just let others blur in the background.

Prismatic Flare (JI)
Cost: 2 motes
Duration: Instant
Type: Supplemental
Minimum Martial Arts: 3
Minimum Essence: 2
Prerequisite Charms: None
With a short, dance-like kata the Martial Artist centers his breath and channels his Essence into a brilliant flare that wreathes his hands and strikes like soul-lighting! The attack enhanced with this Charm has its damage increased by the adept's Permanent Essence rating.

Ride-the-Light Movement (LU)
Cost: 2 motes
Duration: Instant
Type: Reflexive
Minimum Martial Arts: 4
Minimum Essence: 2
Prerequisite Charms: Prismatic Sight
The world is Essence, and to heighten and master its vagaries makes one a beacon of bright amidst a river of colors that flow to and from the enlightened - no creature is divorced from existence but all change and draw upon it with every breath, with every whisper, and those are only heightened with power, the movements of the mightiest Gods and Exalts drawing strands of Creation, pulling all Essence to them and releasing it with each breath drawn by such mighty titans. Drawing breath the Martial Artist is made aware of the ebb and flow of Essence between loci of power and rides their tide to speed their actions tenfold! This Charm increases the Martial Artist's Initiative by the rating of the Manse or Demesne wherein he currently finds himself or the highest Permanent Essence between creatures he is advancing torwards this turn. The Martial Artist cannot use this Charm if he does not intend to move at all during the turn.

This Charm also works within other ordered-Essence enviroments such as Sanctums and Freeholds as well as Manses.

Soul-Prism-Refraction Stance (PENG)
Cost: 1 mote
Duration: Instant
Type: Reflexive
Minimum Martial Arts: 4
Minimum Essence: 2
Prerequisite Charms: Prismatic Flare
The character wreathes her body in a prism-like sheath of Essence which scatters the lights of magic latticeworks of Essence about her form! Activating this Charm in response to Charm use directed against her or used within 3 yards the Martial Artist regains 1 mote per 3 motes spent on the Charm or combo.

Order-All-Things Epiphany (CAI)
Cost: 13 motes, 1 willpower
Duration: Instant
Type: Simple
Minimum Martial Arts: 5
Minimum Essence: 3
Prerequisite Charms: Ride-the-Light Movement, Soul-Prism-Refraction Movementt
Igniting all his chakras the Martial Artist closes his eyes and opens them as pools of Prismatic Essence! In that single instant the character understands the shape of Creation and the arrangement of all things within its nfinite pattern. He does not see people, but the brilliant arrangements of Essence which make all aspects of their bodies, the magical constructs of their specific powers and natures like physical objects held by those ascended beings. In that single instant the character can perceive all that she would in Prismatic Sight without a roll. He is also able to perceive the form and function of ordered Essence patterns on a single object per use of this Charm, discerning...

  • ... the subject's Nature.
  • ... the magical nature and overall powers of his subject: the Caste of an Exalted, the Essence-provenience of an Spirit, the origin of a God-Blood, their Anima Powers and a general sense of their magical powers.
  • ... all Circles of Sorcery and Martial Arts whose Form-Charms are known by the subject. If the character does not know the Arts scrutinized he receives a one-sentence description of the Style's tone and object of emulation.
  • ... the Aspect, Function and extra magics of a Manse if it is the subject, as well as the powers and the birthing Manse of any Hearthstones worn by the subject.
  • ... all currently-active Charms of the subject, receiving a one-sentence description of each.

Afterwards he receives three automatic successes when attempting to affect a subject enacting Form-Type Charms or shaped into a different Essence-construct by Sorcery observed in action during the turn Order-All-Things Epiphany was used - he knows their patterns and movements based on the crystallized natures of such Essence-structures. This bonus vanishes should they switch Forms or lose their Sorcerous transformation, and is only good for the occasion in which this Charm is used - minute changes in their Essence from time and place will require this Charm to be used again in a different occasion. This Charm only works in things the Martial Artist is able to perceive - it is no help in perceiving dematerialized Spirits or cloaked beings. Creatures of Necrotic Essence are a pall of shadows to this Charm, requiring a Perception+Martial Arts roll difficulty equal to their Whispers rating +1 for this Charm to be effective on them.

Powers that cloak Essence - such as those of the Day and Night Caste - require this Charm to have a roll like Necrotic Essence does, or just prevent it, depending on their nature.

Living Essence

Charm Redirection Technique (AN)
Cost: 8 motes
Duration: Instant
Type: Supplemental
Minimum Martial Arts: 5
Minimum Essence: 4
Prerequisite Charms: Order-All-Things Epiphany
The character learns to catch, tangle and throw the Essence flows of Charms as if they were the flailing limbs of her hapless foes. This is a Martial Arts parry action. Therfore, before the character's initiative, she can abort to the Charm Redirection Technique. Afterward, she can use Martial Arts parry actions (obtained through a pre-split dice pool or a Combo with a Charm allowing a reflexive Martial Arts parry) for the Charm Redirection Technique. When someone uses a Charm against her or when someone within three yards uses a Charm, the character's player rolls her character's Dexterity+Martial Arts against a difficulty equal to the Charm user's Essence. The character must invoke the Charm redirection technique before her opponent's player rolls the Charm's effect if applicable. Should the Charm Redirection Technique succeed, the Martial Artist learns a one-sentence summary of the Chosen Charm's effects. She can then choose a new target for the Charm (if possible) or annul it entirely. The rules for annuling Charms can be found on Exalted: The Sidereals, page 191.

Spell-Shattering Palm (LI)
Cost: 12 motes, 1 willpower per Circle
Duration: Instant
Type: Supplemental
Minimum Martial Arts: 5
Minimum Essence: 4
Prerequisite Charms: Order-All-Things Epiphany
The character uses martial arts to yank the threads of a delicate construct of sorcery out of place. Upon contact with the effects of sorcery, she activates this Charm and makes a Martial Arts attack against the structure of the spell. The difficulty equals the sorcerer's Essence plus the spell's circle. If she suceeds, the spell shatters, as if dispelled by countermagic of its own circle. The Martial Artist takes the Sorcerer's Essence in damage dice when she does so: the protection afforded by this attack is not as perfect as that of formal Countermagic. The Martial Artist can only use this Charm against a Spell of a Circle he could normally master (but need not have done so - a Sidereal does not need to master Celestial Circle Sorcery to shatter Celestial Circle Spells.) Those Circles beyond his level of mastery - such as Celestial Circle for a Dragon-Blooded - can be shattered with an additional cost of 1 health level for every 2 motes required to create the Spell (The adept can pay health levels beyond those he has, effectively killing himself in the proccess.) During the Usurpation Sidereals have given their lives to destroy the magics of Solars.

Astrology-Interrupting Methiod (HUA JI)
Cost: 10 motes
Duration: Instant
Type: Supplemental
Minimum Martial Arts: 5
Minimum Essence: 4
Prerequisite Charms: Order-All-Things Epiphany
The character uses her education in the nature of fate in conjunction with her martial skill to disjoint, snarl and otherwise tangle the fates the spiders weave. By lightly striking the target in the five points where the threads of the Loom of Fate attach, the Martial Artist can negate the effects of Astrology. Upon contact with a Sidereal astrological effect, she may activate this Charm and make a reflexive unarmed Martial Arts attack against the threads of destiny. The difficulty equals the Essence + College of the Sidereal who created the effect. If she suceeds, the effect is dangerously torn or frayed, and the pattern spiders abandon it. This causes one Paradox die to be rolled for both the martial artist attacking the effect and the Sidereal who created it. This Charm can target resplendent destinies, even those not currently worn by the Sidereal.

Soul Fire Shaper Form (QIAN JING)
Cost: 7 motes
Duration: One Scene
Type: Simple
Minimum Martial Arts: 5
Minimum Essence: 5
Prerequisite Charms: Astrology-Interrupting Method, Spell-Shattering Palm, Charm Redirection Technique
The characer balances her actions so perfectly to the local flow of Essence that the world around her - whether Creation, the Wyld, the Underworld or Malfeas itself - cannot help but support her victory. While using Soul Fire Shaper Form, the character increases her effective permanent Essence score by half her Martial Arts score, rounded up. This does not give her additional temporary Essence, although it does increase her maximum temporary Essence. It does not allow her to purchase Charms, Familiars or other characters she would not otherwise be able to possess. In addition, she can make use of Charm Redirection Technique, Spell-Shattering Palm and Astrology-Interrupting Method as though they were Reflexive Charms that do not require an action to be used - the action is created reflexively by the Soul Fire Shaper Form.

This a Form-Type Charm and is not compatible with other Form-Type Charms.

Terrestrial Essence

Demesne Unification Kata (HOU TUI)
Cost: 10 motes, 1 willpower, 1 health level
Duration: One Scene
Type: Simple
Minimum Martial Arts: 5
Minimum Essence: 4
Prerequisite Charms: Order-All-Things Epiphany
Performing a flowing kata that resembles the growth of mountains and trees the character opens her chakras to the flow of ambient Essence and becomes one with the Essence flow of a Manse or Demesne. When within the boundaries of a Manse or Demesne the Martial Artist rolls Essence + Martial Arts with a difficulty equal to its rating. Should the Martial Artist suceed she becomes attuned to the Manse or Demesne regardless of its owner's wishes and increases her natural Soak and Hardness scores as well as the Accuracy, Damage and Defense of her unarmed Martial Arts attacks by the rating of the Demesne or Manse. She also receives the benefits of the Manse's Hearthstone's as an innate effect.

The character remains attunned to the Manse or Demesne even after the Demesne Unification Kata ceases its effects.

Demesne Emulation Practice (KAO)
Cost: 10 motes, 1 willpower, 1 health level
Duration: One Scene
Type: Simple
Minimum Martial Arts: 5
Minimum Essence: 4
Prerequisite Charms: Order-All-Things Epiphany
Tugging gently on the flows of Essence around him, the character forms himself into a nexus, a convergence point through which power pours. The Martial Artist's player rolls Essence + Martial Arts, unmodified by any other Charms. For the remainder of the scene, each of the Exalt's successful unarmed attacks also does one die of aggravated damage per two successes rolled. This damage is soaked separately, The Martial Artist's hand upon an enemy's chest burns her with raw Essence, his elbow in her ear fills her head with Essence lighting, and his foot against her knee is as terribly cold as the Essence of a saltwater siren's heart.

Demesne And Manse Form (CHUNG TING)
Cost: 7 motes
Duration: One Scene
Type: Simple
Minimum Martial Arts: 5
Minimum Essence: 5
Prerequisite Charms: Demesne Emulation Practice, Demesne Unification Kata
The character adopts the stately grandeur of a temple and radiates the ancient power of a Manse. She can now properly channel and constrain the raw Essence flow that the Demesne Emulation Practice feeds into her, coalescing it around her Caste Mark into a Hearthstone set in her brow. This Hearthstone only exists while the character is using Demesne and Manse Form. When Demesne and Manse Form Charm is terminated, the Hearthstone fades. When using the Form, the character receives the Hearthstone's benefits as if it were properly set in a Magical Material Circlet. The player and the Storyteller should work together to determine its effects, developing a 4-or-5-dot Hearthstone that reflects the character's personality. Treat major changes to the character's nature as architectural alterations to the Manse, adjusting the Hearthstone's abilities properly.

This a Form-Type Charm and is not compatible with other Form-Type Charms.

Divine Essence

{Type} Exalt Ways (YOU PAN)
Cost: 10 motes, 1 willpower, 1 health level
Duration: Five turns
Type: Simple
Minimum Martial Arts: 5
Minimum Essence: 4
Prerequisite Charms: Order-All-Things Epiphany
The character strikes his throat, abdomen, spine, brow and crown chakras, forcibly reshaping his Essence and altering how his anima reacts with the world. This is actually a set of Charms. Each allows the character, for five turns, to mimic the anime banner and anima effects of one other type and caste of Exalted. Even Alchemical, Abyssal, and possible Primordial animas are viable choices. This Charm temporarily replaces the Exalt's anima banner. It does not change his Caste Mark or supresses his ability to use his own Anima. The character also adds his Essence in dice to one of the relevant caste's favored Attributes or Abilities while this Charm operates. He can choose a new Attribute or Ability each time he invokes this Charm. Knowing this Charm, even Eclipse Caste Solar Ways or Moonshadow Caste Abyssal Ways gives no special ability to purchase normally forbidden Charms.

God Ways (ZUO GU)
Cost: 5 motes, 1 willpower, 1 health level
Duration: One Scene
Type: Simple
Minimum Martial Arts: 5
Minimum Essence: 4
Prerequisite Charms: Order-All-Things Epiphany
The character allows her Essence to envelop her body like an anima, becoming more spirit than flesh! he Essence about her form makes her translucent like a manifested Spirit. This will cause others to assume the character is a lesser God instead of an Exalt unless they suceed in a Perception+Occult roll with a difficulty equal to the character's Permanent Essence rating - the character is affected by all powers which deal more damage to Spiritual Beings, however. While under the effects of this Charm the character becomes the blank blueprints of one of Creation's servitors, ready to be filled with their mold. When touching or striking a God the character can assume some of its abilities - she receives the God's Essence to her Bashing and Lethal Soak and can replace her own Permanent Essence with the Spirit's own for the remainder of the Scene. She can also use a single power of the God as if it was her own Anima Ability. As long as the character is mimicking a God's specific Essence patterns other deities will see her as the God she has touched unless they suceed on a Perception+Awareness roll with a difficulty of the character's Permanent Essence rating. The character can freely switch between Gods during the Scene - she just needs to touch another to re-align her Essence to the specific new God's patterns.

Games of Divinity Form (WU JI)
Cost: 7 motes
Duration: One Scene
Type: Simple
Minimum Martial Arts: 5
Minimum Essence: 5
Prerequisite Charms: God Ways, One Exalt Ways Charm
The characer adopts the attittude and posture of the spirit courts, moving with the infinite baroque complexity necessary for the managamenet of Creation. Directed by the four powers of her mind - aspiration, effort, intention and analysis - the whole of her Essence flows as one. Simultaneously, even the smallest mote of her being directs itself torwards managing its own affairs. Though no imperfect creature can truly master it, this Form has a perfect beauty to it. While the character uses this Form, enemies' players must fail a Compassion roll if these enemies wish to harm her. Subduing her and and manipulating her remains acceptable. Those who witness the Games of Divinity Form become addicted: So long as they remember the character or the Form, they crave to see it again. Their players must suceed at Temperance rolls for the characters to refuse any reasonable opportunity to behold, once again, the Games of Divinity Form. Dreamstones provide more intense experience than this Form. Dreamstone addiction both wipes away and prevents addiction to the Form, although witnessing or performing the Games of Divinity Form is an unpleasant but palatable alternative for even the most desperate addicts. Successfully shaking off addiction immunizes one against the addictive quality of Games of Divinity Form.

This a Form-Type Charm and is not compatible with other Form-Type Charms.

The Ultimate Technique

Prismatic Arrangement of Creation Form (TAO)
Cost: 10 motes
Duration: One Scene
Type: Simple
Minimum Martial Arts: 5
Minimum Essence: 5
Prerequisite Charms: Games of Divinity Form, Soul-Fire Shaper Form, Demesne and Manse Form
As she assumes this Form, the character vanishes into the flows of Essence around her. For a long moment, she is nowhere and everywhere, embodied in the dance of all things. Then, she manifests again, in every movement consummately aware of everything around her and everything in her, her body encompassing the perfection of all arts martial. While using the Prismatic Arrangement of Creation Form, the character can also invoke any or all of its subsidiary Forms, paying the normal Essence cost. The character can also invoke other Form-type Charms not of this style, but this limits her to a total of two other Forms. For example, she could invoke Prismatic Arrangement of Creation Form followed by either Earth Dragon Form and Games of Divinity Form, Tiger Form and Ebon Shadow Form or Snake Form and Endings Form. The Prismatic Arrangements of Creation Form is transcendent and embraces other Forms as lesser parts of itself.

While this Form is active, the character may have access to unexpected weaponry. Any weapon treated as an unarmed attack by a style whose Form-type Charm she has active is treated as an unarmed attack for the purpose of all Martial Arts Charms. This is a specific benefit of the Prismatic Arrangement of Creation Form and not a general rule. For example, Tiger Form allows the use of tiger claws as unarmed attack. If she has both Prismatic Arrangement of Creation Form and Tiger Form active, she can use Essence Venom Strike - whether or not she also has Snake Form active. This effect does not extend to armor.

The Prismatic Arrangement of Creation Form is complete and perfect in every respect, but to perform it correctly requires a deep undrstanding of the other styles that it subsumes. Sidereal masters estimate that a complete understanding of roughly 40 styles would allow an essentially accurate adoption of this Form, possibly increasing the power of this Charm. Sidereal Exalted (and those who learn this as a Sidereal Charm) can enhance it with a Scripture of the Perfect Maiden. It folds itself into an origami lotus and circles the character, shining with all possible lights in the spectrum. As long as the Prayer Strip survives the Sidereal halves the mote cost of all non-Form Martial Arts Charms, rounded up (minimum 1.)