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Apart from the Seams

Cost: none
Type: Permanent
Duration: Permanent
Minimum craft: 5
Essence: 4
Prerequisite charms: Shattering Grasp
The solar uses his crafts to work deeply into the essence of their creations.
This charm is a permanent enhancement to Shaterring Grasp; that charm now automatically succeeds regardless of Strength+Athletics. It may affect targets that cannot normally be altered with that pool, such as the results of Craft (Water). It may dismantle even the normally unbreakable, such as artifacts, into their component magical materials.
The speed of the attack is now 6-essence, to a minimum of 0, making this a speed 6 simple action.

Every Last Grain

Cost: None
type: Permanent
Duration: Permanent
Minimum craft: 5
essence: 4
Prerequisite charms: any craft excellency
The solar uses every scrap of the material they are presented with; they lose nothing, they waste nothing, and with pure efficiency make more of what is at hand.
The solar reduces the required resources of raw materials for any task by 1, and reduces the number of exotic materials needed for artifact construction by 1, to a minimum of 0 and 1 respectively.

A Thousand Hands

Cost: 10m, 2wp
Duration: One project
Type: Reflexive
Minimum craft: 5
Minimum essence: 4
Keywords: combo-ok, obvious
Prerequisite charms: Any craft excellency
All of those who work for the exalt feel his might channeled through their arms. Multiply the effective size of his work force by essence.

Many Labours Unfold

Cost: 2m/action
Duration: indefinite
Type: Extra Actions
Minimum craft: 5
Minimum essence: 3
Keywords: Combo-OK, obvious
Prerequisite charms: craftsman needs no tools
The solar cannot wait to find the time to craft a dozen things at once; instead, he makes the time. The solar commits 2 motes per craft project on which he works; each craft roll he makes is made at its full craft pool at the normal intervals; each period of work done on the projects applies to them all. Up to essence in projects may be worked upon at once.

Inspired Artisan's Heart

Cost: none
Duration: permanent
Type: permanent
Minimum craft: 4
Minimum essence: 3
keywords: none
Prerequisite charms: any crafts excellency
Sometimes, there is an art that the solar loves more than another; sometimes, they devote themselves utterly to a single art, and perfect it. When they buy this charm, the solar names one specific project, either mundane or magical; be it small golden fishes or brass legionairre swordsmen. The solar must have completed at least one copy of that project before; they now reduce the total difficulty of rolls for identical copies of that project by their essence.
Projects beyond the first can be added to gain the benefits of this charm for two experience each.

Solar bioengineering

A'ight. I know these are poorly written - I am exceedingly tired, and my brain hurts. But hey, ah well. Now you can ignore them, because Craft (Genesis) exists. And makes more sense.

Shaping the Flesh That Breathes
Cost: NA
Type: special
Duration: permanent
Minimum medicine: 3
Minimum Essence: 2
The solar is now able not only to understand intimately the shapes that life may take, but also to nurture and place life into those forms - the solar may now purchase craft (life), allowing them to build living things of a species that exists already.
This is not a form of necromancy, twisting dead flesh into being; rather, new flesh is grown, wholesomely and healthily, through the judicious application of essence, through the manipulation of the air and the space through which it flows, through twisting together all of the different weaves of wood, air, fire, water, and earth essence into new, living substance.

The solar builds a creature in the same manner that they would build an artifact, as per savant and sorcerer.
- A solar treats the process like building an artifact with level equal to the creature level - 1 for a small creature like a bird or rat, 2 for a larger or more dangerous beast like a horse or great cat, 3 for something colossal like a tyrant lizard. Only mundane, non-essence channelling creatures may be designed, although wyld mutations or other bizarre quirks that do not involve the channelling of essence may be replicated.
- Because much of the work is done by the flesh and essence of the new being growing on its own, only guided by the exalt, this labour requires only an hour of the solar's time every day - however, missing work for more days in a row than the solar's essence will act as a botched roll, adding a major flaw.
- The only drawback flaw that applies is the component drawback, which applies at a level equal to the level of the creature being made as determined above.
- The solar uses medicine in place of lore at any point at which lore would apply to the design or construction process.
- The solar using only this charm may solely use the option “design from existing example” to design their creature.
- At the end of the construction process, the product is indistinguishable from any other of the same species, with the exception of shards of magical materials that dwell in threads throughout the body and one extra attribute that may be applied as the craftsman sees fit.
- The creature will breed true and normally with others of its kind, and the extra attribute dot will be passed on to descendants.
- It is impossible to create any sentient being with this process - while rudimentary intelligence is possible, without other more potent means intelligence will not pass 1, although it could be raised later by other means.
- A botch at any point in the process is likely to introduce some minute flaw that will most likely prove fatal, or at very least severely hamper the creature's life.
- Consider the conditions of construction the same as for an artifact; however, note that a medical lab or hospital of equal quality should substitute for a workshop.
- This charm also allows the creation of plants, through the same process- consider a small plant (grass, shrubbery) to be level 1, or a larger and more complex plant (a delicate orchid, a great tree) to be level 2. If the plant has special properties (medicinal, exceedingly hardy or unusual), add 1 to the level.

Dreaming the Flesh of Things
Cost: 3 motes, maybe 2xp
Type: simple
Duration: indefinate
minimum craft (life): 4
minimum essence: 2
prerequisite charms: shaping the flesh that breathes
The solar, with this charm, becomes able to alter and twist living matter to serve his will. With divine powers of creation, he may bring into being whole new species, new forms and means of survival and life.
The solar may design new living things as if designing an original artifact, laying the layers of essence flows into place, harmonising all of the functions of the creature's body, and This is done precisely as in Shaping the Flesh that Breathes, except that the solar uses the method “design from first principles.” This does not allow the solar to design animals that have inherently magical traits; only new and original beings that have never walked the earth before. If the storyteller rules that the creature is sufficiently similar to a creature which the craftsman is willing to dissect (creating a new wolf-like creature and dissecting a dog, etc), then the difficulty of the design rolls may be lowered by 1.
This process normally produces only one sterile example of this new species. However, if the solar spends two experience, the species will thrive and instead of one example being made, a clutch of eggs will be formed (no matter how the creature would normally be born), equal in number to the solar's essence. These creatures will breed true and not suffer from any sort of inbreeding, and within a dozen generations will number likely in the thousands. Unless the species is wiped out for some reason, it will likely integrate itself into the environment and world, and eventually may be recognised by the heavenly bureaucracy and granted an animal avatar.
The charm is activated at the start of the process, and the essence is committed for the duration.

Flesh of New Legends
Cost: 3 motes, maybe experience
Type: simple
Duration: indefinite
Minimum craft (life): 5
Minimum essence: 5
prerequisite charms: Dreaming the flesh of things
The solar understands all of the principles of life and understands how the essence of the world interacts with everything that passes through it. He may comprehend how it is that that creature, then, may harness the essence about them, and he may therefore make creatures that are in some way magical, that in some way capture a minor echo of the exalt's own power. It is this charm that created many of the more bizarre creatures that served and hunted the world of the first age; the chillikin, the harvester of poisons, the furnace rhino.
The exalt makes a creature, designed from first principles exactly as in dreaming the flesh of things, except that it is required that he base it off of a living creature; this does not lower the difficulty of the design rolls by 1 as it would for that charm. As the art of tying essence to flesh is a trying one, raise the level of whatever creature is being made by 2- something small and magical like a chillikin would be a level 3 creature, something more dangerous and magical like a desert basilisk would be a level 4 creature, and something great and terrible like a furnace rhino would be a level 5 creature. It is possible that there is a way to make things yet greater, but that is beyond the purview of this charm. It is certainly possible to make intelligent creatures with this charm; the Ash Devourer is one such creation.
If the creature is to reproduce, pay 2 experience plus one more for each point of permanent essence over one the creature has and a clutch of eggs will be produced, as with Dreaming of the Flesh of Things.