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The End of the World | Introduction | Characters | House Rules | Missions | Player Notes | disposition of the Sidereal Shards | Storyteller notes


Now for the Introduction:

Greetings True Beleivers,

Creation spins out of control. Enemies of life and happiness beset it on all sides. The center falls to the degradation of those who were meant to protect it. The shades of the ancient rulers of reality now seek to feed it into the maw of Oblivion, the first ones gather at the boundaries of creation gathering themselves for a Ninth Balorian Crusade to unshape this great cyst in the heart of the Wyld. And most fearsome of all, the Old Ones, who wrought Creation from the very fabric of myth and legend itself, knock at the gates of their prisons and seek to escape and make the world theirs once more. You have been chosen, hand picked by five of the most powerful beings in creation. You have been selected from all of humanity to guard this thing we call creation. You must see to the constant weaving of destiny into reality. Though none will ever know of your efforts, there is only one force standing between Creation and annihilation, The Sidereals! Welcome young Jedi. You have just completed your training under your Sifu and are about to undertake your first mission. The challenges before you are great; the Rhaksha, Demons of Various Circles, and even the dark forces of the Deathlords. Yet perhaps the greatest challenge is that of corruption. The bureau of destiny is not the entity it once was, and there are many others who would love to assume the powers it wields. So to is the challenge of rot from within. The temptation to see to ones own desires is great, and the opportunities greater. Can you resist such temptation and see to the saving of the universe? Or will you simply take what you can get while you can get it and leave the saving of creation for the next guy?

Before there was a World of Darkness, There was an age of savage adventure.

Civilization falls under the weight of its enemies and its rulers, War between brothers threatens to shatter the remains of order.

The lands of the dead pierce the veil and merge with those of the living, And the shadows of the ancient betrayed call for revenge

At the edges of reality stand armies both outside and within Some led by ancient enemies and some by allies betrayed All seeking to raze that which was wrought.

Those who first ruled all of creation Test the strength of their chains And find them lacking.

You have been give guardianship of reality Your foes are mighty Your tasks are great Your failure all but assured…

What legends will they tell of your deeds?

As stated in the first paragraph of the Core Rulebook, the end of the age is coming, and it won't be pretty. There are far too many foes for you to face and too many wrongs for you to right. The Elder Sidereals fight either to prove that they were correct to try and eliminate the solars, or they attempt to rebel without having a true agenda for change. Beleiving that using the solars as tools will be enough to salve off the destruction of the world and reshape creation into the glory it once had.

You can't win, but you can try, and in so doing perhaps you can change "the sound of inevitability". Or you can fall into the roles of the agents from the matrix, simply attemoting to ensure the status quo. Or you may choose to indulge in your own passions as others have done and are doing now.

Each of you may choose a different path, in PbP I can handle that. Yet the main theme is this: The fate of the universe is in your hands. Those who should be ensuring its survival and prosperity have turned from their duties or are clouded in their judgement. No one can possibly stand against the forces arrayed against you. And yet, here you are, given one chance, to save all of humanity from Oblvion, Chaos, or Eternal Damnation.

What would you do? And more importantly, What will your character do?