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[hide]Extras and Non-Player Characters
First-Age Ancients and Legendarium
First Age Persons (Note, Gods, Spirits etc, being essentially immortal, will be listed in other catagories unless specific to the First Age) Also, this does not list all those noted in the Fortress of One Thousand Suns (yet)...
* Solars o Nilus -- Night Caste Assassin and Demonslayer for the Solar Deliberative (Current Incarnation :: Mettan'Aku) o Pleasant Clouds -- Zenith Zealot (Current Incarnation :: Yari) o Magnus Vocan -- Eclipse... or was he the Twilight? (Current Incarnation :: Kiss-Of-Winter, I think)) o Caras Maran -- Dawn (Current Incarnation :: Scar) o Janil D'vough -- Dawn Hero (Current Incarnation :: Watcher-In-The-Visible-Tower) o Ozandus Pal -- Twilight? Apprentice to Kal Bax? (Current Incarnation :: Jocelyn of Albin'Shar) o Kryal the Stern, Leader of the Armies of Right -- Dawn (Current Incarnation :: Karess of Bellum) o Aure Orchester -- Eclipse Diplomat (Current Incarnation :: Acturius) o Dermanar the Unseen -- Night Ninja Apprentice (Current Incarnation :: Was Soulban, now Unknown) o Gilneir Karnosan -- Weapon Smith (Current Incarnation :: unknown) o Kal Bax -- Architect Twilight (Current Incarnation :: Presumed Tiger-Seer-Of-Gold) * Lunars o Shadow-Claw -- Female Assassin and Spy, betrothed of Nilus o Mnemon-Storm-Of-Crows -- Male No-Moon in Nexus (still active) (Probably not his real name) * Sidereals o Shining-Omen-Of-Falling-Stars -- Male Favoured of Jupiter, Prophet/Priest to Nilus * Terrestrials o Hidden-Ember -- Male Fire, Assassin Cohort of Nilus o Breath-Of-Secrets -- Female Air, Assassin Cohort of Nilus o Subsiding-Flood -- Female Water, Assassin Cohort of Nilus o Wisdom-Of-Blossoming-Solitude -- Male Wood, Assassin Cohort of Nilus o Lore-Of-Forgotten-Depths -- Male Earth, Assassin Cohort of Nilus o Bernon Hildok -- Friend to Gilneir Karnosan * Alchemicals o Triumphant-Harbinger-Of-Glorious-Victories -- Female Orichalcum Make * Mortals o Semennen Hex o "The Ancient" - 6000 years old due to a curse from the Unconquered Sun, let die thanks to Yari and the 24 success prayer!!!
Mortals and Mooks
Mortal Extras
* Human o Rise-Of-Darkness : + Cynis Jilen Kilahad -- Female Child of Cynis Jilen Havara and a Pit-Fighter (Born 768 IC) + Cynis Mugal Labaresk -- Male Guild Slaver + Vorn -- Dragonlord of Dathnor, Commander of Beggar-In-Draconic-Glory's Water Dragon. + King Ildar IV -- Ruler of Etheria (Now Deceased?) + Prince Tine -- Prince of Etheria, lover of Princess Shinta of Pati (Deceased) o City-Of-Gold : + Karn -- First Mate of Acturius on "Cireneg" and ... Swan Spit...? Or something like that...[Arrow-Flight?] + Prince Ling of the Swids -- Prince of Swidland (May now be dead, hated foe of Prince Till of Stromberg) + Joshua of Albin'Shar -- Jocelyn's Father + Marriott of Albin'Shar -- Jocelyn's Mother + Marisson -- Albin'Shar guild thief and larcenous lock-picker + Corlyne -- Albin'Shar guild thief and larcenous lock-picker + Banyan -- Head of the Albin'Shar thieves guild [Technically a Lunar] + Fogsulm -- of the Sijanese Mortuary... or is this from the Abyssals Campaign? o Road-Of-Steam : + Mnemon Satar -- Barge Trader near Lookshy once met by Ragara Duroji + V'neef Akeh -- Marine of Ragara Duroji who once stabbed his own foot in an embarrasing moment never to be lived down... + Tephos -- Guy from Village near Oasis of Life? Or was that the name of the Village... curse my poor note taking! + Rankar VII -- Hereditary Despot of Gem, has five sons and seven daughters + Ragara Sidel -- Lieutenant of Duroji's Marines + Ragara Kehin -- Captain of Duroji's Marines + Ragara Topul -- Lieutenant of Duroji's Marines, (Iselsi spy...?) + Peleps Cabes -- Lieutenant of Duroji's Marines + Ragara Soras Bathas -- Male Ragaran Factor in Gem + Terekhan -- Deceased trader ally of Terek Duhok + Baskettan -- Deceased trader ally of Terek Duhok + Khartok the Bereaved -- Deceased trader ally of Terek Duhok, once married to Erelana the Fair + Barani the Fortunate -- Leader of the Five-Fold-Traders consortium in Gem + Ghulthan the Pragmatic -- Leader of the Five-Fold-Traders consortium in Gem + Jodhin the Intuitive -- Leader of the Five-Fold-Traders consortium in Gem + Heymul the Pickpocket -- newfound contact of V'neef Aron, possible member of the Copper-And-Lightning-Gang + Hakam the Assassin -- member of the Copper-And-Lightning-Gang + Ragara Arkeni -- [Deceased - by Sesus Ludar] Former landowner, Father of Ragara Tellum, swindled by Sesus Jekena, blamed Sesus Bathur for the death of his son and put out a contract on her life + Sesus Tecuney -- Sibling to Sesus Ludar, joined Immaculate Order. o Rings-Of-Iron-And-Glass : + Talon -- Male Thief Extraordinaire in Nexus + Jarvis -- Male Slaver in Nexus + Maret Javiel -- Male Rotund Merchant in Chiaroscuro + Crimson Scimitar -- Male Pit Fighter, Deceased by Wordless + Beggar Hacham -- Ro Ganishibar gave him charity + Kalseem -- Thieves Guild in Chiaroscuro, foes of the Children-Of-The-Sands, their leader was recently found dead and bloated from poisons near the docks. + Children-Of-The-Sands -- Thieves Guild of Chiaroscuro, foes of Kalseem, they have recently acquired a new Assassin of unknown nature + Mesheshish -- Male Chiaroscuro Pit Manager - now Deceased + Wordless -- Male Pit Fighter in Chiaroscuro, Skilled whittler, too good to be Mortal... but was... although created by potent magics and often possessed by Kor'vax...? Now Deceased. + Rowl Kor'in -- male Scout of 'Blood-Hornets' rescued from Ss'ess'a'ra Swarm by Ro-Ganishibar and Dervish-Of-The-Burning-Sands. + Captain Laz'arus -- male, of the 'Blood-Hornets'. + Garret -- male, soldier of the 205th Division of the Vermillion Legion. + Annan-Kalseem -- Male (Hah!) Date of Whispering-Vixen in Chiaroscuro + Blood-Hornets -- Light Cavalry Skirmishers of Cathak Ulrius, Best of the Best. Banner is 'Gules, an Agatha Rampant Sable, Pierced by a Lance Argent'... and yes, I'm a nerd. + Lissian -- Female Employee of the Zule Family of Merchants and Guilders in Chiaroscuro, Husband, Son and Daughter were taken by Fae on the road to Paragon * Beastmen o Tribe of Jaguar Beastmen -- South-West Jungles o Tribe of Crab Beastmen -- South-West Coast o Watchful-Bestial-Eyes -- Wise-man of a small tribe of mutants east of Dathnor * Animals o Kory -- Jocelyn's other Tiger which is now dead (and was never a familiar even though he hung around a lot) * Zombies o Garg-Three-Fist -- Wyld Mutant turned Zombie follower of Eviscerator-Of-Innocent-Souls-(The-Blood-Stained-Canvas-That-Smothers-The-Light-Of-Righteousness)... I couldn't think of anywhere better to put a Zombie...B-) * Constructs o Blood-Bags -- Creatures created by Kor'vax... Possibly should be listed under Zombies...? o Automaton in MettanAKorren's room -- Was this named? o Maidens-Of-Fragile-Whispers -- Handmaidens of Trailing-Gossamer-Veils that explode when killed / destroyed. o Crystal-Cat -- Trailing-Gossamer-Veils' 6-legged crystal beasty with a spiked-ball on it's tail. Very heavy, very nasty.
Gods, Spirits, Elementals and Demons
Spirit Extras
* Gods o Blbdblb -- River God that rescued Mettan'Aku outside Nexus o Sessiless -- Southern God of Serpents (South-West) + Recently gained a noticable amount of power and status... + ... Despite losing many worshippers... o Relza -- Satrap to Vanileth, Shogun of Artificial Flight o Plentimon, God of Gambling -- Found and gambled with by MettanAKorren and Scar... o Madame Marthesine of the Lost -- Not yet found... (no pun intended! B-) o Kor'vax : Lord of Carnage -- Once-Bound God in Chiaroscuro, now freed by the actions of the Lunar Pack... + Newly unbound and free, making great efforts to promote his domain, + Working with (providing aid and bribes to) Amoth and Siakal. o Jagalza, the Satrap of the Realm :: + Feeling under-pressure, and somewhat besieged. + Chief advocate of Consolidation. o Zocho, the Satrap of the South :: + Growing fatter, more corrupt and more confident on the influx of prayers emanating from the south. o Amoth City-Smiter, God of Tumbled Ruins, the Sub-Director of Bribery and Finance :: + Accepting gifts from multitudes of gods, who are hoping vainly to save their domains from destruction. + In particular Black-Quarry, God of Gem. o Sigur, Lord of the Kept, God of Human Bondage :: + Due to shake ups in the east (ie: Albin'Shar and it's rulers and allies having such an Anti-Slavery ideal) feeling irritated over the situation, but does not consider it (or the returning Solars) a problem... o Taru-Han, Lady of Souls, Shogun of the Department of Abstract Matters :: + Alarmed at the lack of souls being recieved from the South-West. o Ahlat, the Southern God of War and Cattle :: + Growing stronger with the rise in conflict. o Siakal, the Western God of Battle, Slaughter and Sharks :: + Much as Ahlat, but more so. Battles are frequent, Slaughter is common, Wars require time and preparation. + Eager to promote her causes. o Lytek, the Right Hand of Power, Daimyo of the Division of Exaltation :: + Has noticed Terrestrial turn-over in that direction and is getting worried... he knows it is a Dragon-Blood's place to fight and die and breed in large numbers, but in that direction their Souls are being captured a lot more often than they should... * Elementals o Stick-Man -- Bravest twig in the world o Makran -- Lesser Elemental Dragon of Water, summoned and bound by the Wielder-Of-The-Adamant-Torc, made a deal with Acturius... o Sarmak the Skilled -- Fire Elemental Leader of the Five-Fold-Traders consortium in Gem o Joyous-Thunder the Persistant -- Earth Elemental Leader of the Five-Fold-Traders consortium in Gem * Spirits o Talorin -- Celestial Lion guarding underways of Albin'Shar o Righteous Guardian Of The Tombs Of The Great -- Celestial Lion in Rathess o Horse Avatar -- Umm... let's not go there o Shining-Flower -- Servant of the Unconquered Sun in Rathess o Han-Tha -- ? In Rathess... o Albin'Shar -- City Father o Servants of Sessiless -- Snake Spirits o Ill'vars -- Plague Spirit in Nexus o Grandmother Bright -- Chiaroscuro Enigma * Demons o Bardok the Unclean -- Teodozji (sp?) defeated by Yari * Ghosts o Omen Of Mishap -- Beast-Of-Seven-Lamentations' ghostly gargoyle bodyguard/pet o Portent Of Mistake-- Beast-Of-Seven-Lamentations' ghostly gargoyle bodyguard/pet o Augury Of Misfortune -- Beast-Of-Seven-Lamentations' ghostly gargoyle bodyguard/pet o The Archivist – Ancient ghost, member of Resplendant-Vision-Of-The-Perfection-Of-Oblivion's intelligence network o Sesus Niron -- Former Dragon-Blooded Hero (Fire Aspect) of Korannaset o Sesus Niron -- As above... hehehe... o Prince Till of Stromberg -- Oh dear... left in the Forest outside Albin'Shar when the underworld claimed everyone else! + Hungry Ghost of Till Stromberg - haunting forest near Albin'Shar [Leath] o Scar's Nameless Fiance...? o “Slayer Ghost” -- Bogey-Man of many a nightmare tale in the Hundred Kingdoms o Ten-Strides...??? B-) o Fragile Orchid -- Dragonlord of Dathnor, Commander of Beggar-In-Draconic-Glory's Fire Dragon o Ragara Keros -- Former Hero of the South-West, from Rakset o Ragara Keros -- As above... o Erelana the Fair -- Deceased wife of Khartok the Bereaved, now also deceased. * Familiars o Besk'Atta -- Mettan'Aku's Stallion Familiar o Korin -- Jocelyn's Tigress Familiar o Puss -- Sting's Lion Familiar? o Cat -- Whispering-Vixen's Familiar * God-Bloods o Gentle-Flower -- Female God-blooded (Appearance 5) (Wood aligned) diplomat to Albin'Shar from Great Forks o Granite-Mind -- Hexumvir of the League-Of-Iron-Spirits o Kepel-Shamar -- Ditto o Dazari-Stonebone -- Ditto o Ruby-Eye -- Ditto o Khanash-Spur -- Ditto, married to one of Rankar VII's daughters o Salam-Ironroot -- Ditto o Effervescent-Flame -- Son of a Fire Elemental and a Mortal, has a very dark secret, a Shock Pike, a suit of Ashigaru Armour, a lot of money, unwanted oracular powers, bizarre looks and an addiction to opium... unsurprisingly he decided to join the Ragaran Marine Corps under Ragara Nekuna in Gem. o Meri Rooner -- Son of an Earth Elemental and a Mortal, has Inheritance 5(!!!), a Goremaul, a Reinforced Breastplate and a Short-Powerbow. Presumably all of Jade. He has almost no money, and is almost completely non-descript, some might say boring... unsurprisingly he decided to join the Ragaran Marine Corps under Ragara Nekuna in Gem. More surprisingly, he has been put in charge of Mountainous and Desert Survival Training, and thus has achieved a small rank within the Corps... oddly enough, has no ability at all to actually teach, lead or inspire... o Sogan -- Daughter of an Earth Elemental and a Mortal, has the enmity of her Sire, a Dire-Lance, a suit of Gunzosha Armour, a couple of Henchmen and a lot of Common Sense, but is penniless, has nightmares, bizarre looks and a Dark Fate... unsurprisingly she decided to join the Ragaran Marine Corps under Ragara Nekuna in Gem.
Fae Extras (Deceased = death by Aggravated Damage)
* Nobles o Venomous-Dreams -- Male Wood Rathess o Copper-Princess -- Female Wood Between Dathnor and Noss-Fens o Trailing-Gossamer-Veils -- Female, creepy, I'd say Earth Aligned, near Chiaroscuro. * Diplomats o Tempest -- Male Air Near Albin'Shar o Vau-Chen -- Female Rathess * Cataphracts o Cyclone -- (Deceased) Once bound to Mettan'Aku... Albin'Shar o Hurricane -- Near Albin'Shar o Poisonous-Carnelian-Blade -- Female Rathess o Crystal-Lotus -- (Deceased) Dathnor / Noss-Fens o Tempest-Of-Howling-Leaves -- (Deceased) Dathnor / Noss-Fens o Kori-Kage (Ice-Shadow) -- male, near Chiaroscuro o Kaze-Kage (Wind-Shadow) -- male, near Chiaroscuro o Obsidian-Heart -- male, found hiding and malnourished in an abandoned First-Age 'ruin' about 5 miles East of the Fortress-Of-One-Thousand-Suns, discovered and fed by Nekuna (upon Effervescent-Flame and Meri). * Hobgoblins (Leader) o Copper Wolves (Copper-Princess) o Goblin Storm (Tempest) o Ss'ess'a'ra Swarm (Trailing-Gossamer-Veils) o Lizard Men (Venemous-Dreams) * Beasts o Gryphon o Unicorn o Pegasus o Nightmare