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Houses of the Dark Iron Centipede

This is the legend that the great gurus of the Houses of the Dark Iron Centipede tell their students:

"Once in the darkest times of the First Age, when the madness of the Solar raged unchecked and the Terrestrials mustered their forces for the great attack, a single sidereal, a chosen of Endings known as the Dark Iron Centipede, tuned away from his fellows and disappeared into the shadows of the underworld. He was a powerful being, more deadly than most gods, the slayer of both mortals, exalted and indeed whole nations and his chosen weapon; a dark starmetal fighting called March of the Dark Iron Centipede was like a being of legends itself, constantly hungering for blood and essesnce. As he walked the shadows of both the Heavens, Creation and indeed the Underworld, the Dark Iron Centipede began taking apprentices; mortals who were all exceptionally skilled in secrecy and killing, skills only further increased by the teachings of the dark sidereal. Each time, he would leave behind a select student to lead the others and each group of students would become a link in the chain that made up the secret empire of the dark sidereal: the Houses of the Dark Iron Centipe".