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Character Sheet

NAME                                                   HOMELAND
Mnemon Darow Alaiya                                    The Imperial City      
CASTE                                                  ANIMA POWER
Water                                                  Operate in water normally for day
NATURE                                                 EXPERIANCE
PHYSICAL                        SOCIAL                          MENTAL
Strength    * *                 Charisma        * * *           Perception      * *
Dexterity   * * * *             Manipulation    * *             Intelligence    * * * *
Stamina     * *                 Appearance      * * * * *       Wits            * * *

--AIR --                              --EARTH--                             --FIRE--
□Linguistics   *                ■Awareness     * *              □Athletics     * *
■Lore          * * *            □Craft                          □Dodge         * * *
□Occult                         □Endurance     *                □Melee         * *
■Stealth       * *              □Martial Arts                   □Presence      * *
□Thrown                         □Resistance    * *              ■Socialize     * *

--WATER--                             --WOOD--                              --SPECIALTIES--

■Brawl         * * *            □Archery       * *      
■Bureaucracy   * * *            □Medicine      *
■Investigation * * *            □Performance   * *
■Larceny       * * * *          □Ride          * *
■Sail          * *              □Survival      

TEMPERS                         ESSENCE         * *             VIRTUES
Willpower:                      Personal:       __:14           Compassion         * * *
* * * * * *                     Committed:      __              Conviction         * * *
Limit                           Peripheral:     __:33           Temperance         *
O O O O O O O O O O             Committed:      __              Valor              * *
BACKGROUND                      DESCRIPTION

Breeding     * * * * * *        Legendary Breeding
Family       * * * * 
Artifact     * * *
Resources    * * * 
Connections  *                  House Mnemon

Initiative:     7               Soak (L/B):    (__/__)          Mobility:         __
ARMOR:  __________              w/Armor:       (__/__)          Fatigue:          __

   -0   -1          -2                -4    Incapacitated    Negative
    O    O O         O O               O    O                O  

__________              _____      _____       _____    _____
__________              _____      _____       _____    _____
__________              _____      _____       _____    _____

Dodge                   ____
CHARM                          COST        DURRATION  TYPE       EFFECT

Loquacious Courtier Technique  1 per 2 die One Scene  Simple     Increase Socialize Rolls
Drowning Embrace               1 mote      Instant    Suppl.     +1L per turn using clinches
Blade-Deflecting Palm          1 mote      Instant    Reflex.    Parry w/ brawl 
Become the Hammer              1 mote      Instant    Suppl.     Brawl does lethal
Scent-of-the-Crime Method      2 motes     One Scene  Simple     Find who feels most guilt
Observer Awareness Method      1 mote      Instant    Reflex.    Know if being watched/observed
Ears of the Snowy Owl          1 mote      One Minute Simple     Can easily hear through walls

I have presants! You artifacts are as follows...

Black Jade Reinfoced Breastplate (Artifact Rating: 3)\\ Soaks: 10L/9B, Mobility Penalty: -1, Fatigue: 0, Commitment: 4 Motes, Artifact Rating: 3\\ (Contains a single Hearthstone setting)

Shield Bracer (Artifact Rating: 2)\\ Commitment: 3 Motes\\ Raises difficulty to be hit by:\\ Hand to hand :+1\\ Missile: +2\\ (Contains a single Hearthstone setting)

Collar of the Dragon's Majesty (Artifact Rating: 1)\\ Commitment: 3 Motes\\ Grants +2 dice to resistance rolls vs. disease or poisons\\ Wearer is always kept clean and presentable (No need for bathing or laundry)\\ Grants firther 2B and 1L soak

PS: I need you to write up your family backgroud and throw it up here some time. I need to do a little planning, so I need that some time.

                                MERITS AND FLAWS

Legendary Breeding       +3        Raises Breeding to 6.  2 motes to activate anima power
                                   +1 die to Social rolls with DB's and mortals, +3 on
                                   rolls to see if his children Exalt. +6/+11 Essence

Prodigy                  +3        Stealth is favored

Double-Jointed           +3        Can dislocate almost any joint.  Extra dice on larceny and
                                   athletics roles where flexibility is advantageous.  Can
                                   escape from bonds or ropes with a dex + athletics roll.

Selective Conception     +1        Is infertile when she chooses.  Can spend one willpower to
                                   automatically concieve.

                                FAMILY BACKGROUND
Grandfather- Heroism (+1 dice pool when dealing with soldiers) 

Alaya's grandfather, without order or  request, brought himself and three of his four 
Dragon-Blooded offspring to the service of the Realm's Legions in a great time of need. 
Most other nobles of House Mnemon that were not drafted into any form of service donated 
small amounts, merely to show their support. While on this voluntary term of duty, two 
of his children died, yet he stayed at the front lines until all conflict had been settled. 
He was thought a hero by most Dragon-Blooded that served with him, and they have spread 
the word to others. 

Mother- Cruelty (+1 Intimidation when dealing with lower classes)

Alayia's mother is a figure of brutality when dealing with non-exalts.  This earth aspect  
focused on her emormous amounto f conviction and was determined that only the strong
should survive.  It was originally thought that her children had bad luck, because those
who did not exalt by age 13 would become injured in strange accidents.  Those who did not 
exalt by the time they turned 16 ended up dying in one of these accidents.  It was later 
found, after Alaiya's 16 year old un-exalted older brother was found with his neck
broken beneath his balcony window, that her mother had been beating her children in
an attempt to get them to exalt, eventually resulting in their deaths.  

Great Aunt - Vindictiveness (+1 Intimidation when dealing with bureaucrats/officials)
Father - Service to the Realm (+1 when dealing with bureaucrats/officials)