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With a crunch of hull against sand, the mystical mists of the god Unoau dissipate, having driven the tiny vessel carrying Callidora, Zeleny, and Verdant Waves back to the trio of islands in record time.
Zeleny leaps casually into the surf, dragging the vessel farther aground.
Verdant gets out of the boat and assists in pulling the boat.
The captain dusts his hands. "Shall we get this over with?"
<Verdant> "Indeed."
<Verdant> "Though let's be on the lookout for...further complications."
MeiRen is now known as Callidora
<Callidora> "Did I hear my name?"
The god had propelled them to the northeastern island - home to a viscious sept of beastmen. In order to reclaim their comrade, the godblood Irisa, from her uncle Unoau, the Solars would have to destroy or otherwise drive away these Wyld-tainted mutants.
Zeleny: "After we clear out these... beastmen, I want to rendezvous with my crew."
Zeleny: "Make sure they've found the barbarians' homes."
Verdant nods.
The Brilliance and the Emancipation were tasked to explore the three islands, in search of a barbarian settlement from whence many of the ex-slaves had been taken.
<Verdant> "Incidentally, there was something strange around Irisa's face...mist that was not mundane mist. I was not able to determine its purpose."
Zeleny pauses as he leads the trio down the beach.
Zeleny: "Why did you not say something sooner?"
<Verdant> "One, because mentioning it in Unoau's house would more than likely not do any good, and Two, because when I say I could not determine its purpose, I do mean that it could have been something so harmless as a means of sustaining Irisa in the middle of the Wyld zone."
Zeleny considers.
<Verdant> "I did not see any indication that the mist was puppeteering her around, it seemed unaffected by what she said or did."
Zeleny glances at Callidora. He is apparently still disgruntled that Irisa was not being held hostage, as Callidora had indicated.
Zeleny: "I suppose we have to take Unoau at its word."
<Verdant> "Much as I hate to admit it, I suspect Unoau set us up."
<Verdant> "He rescues his daughter, that I'm not questioning, but he deliberately refuses to address whether or not he rescued her or kidnapped her."
Zeleny: "Yes, but everything he and Irisa said rang true to me."
<Verdant> "In order to bait us, and then send us off to resolve a problem of his. Which is what I'm referring to when I said to beware of further complications."
<Callidora> "Her mother didn't seem to think highly of Unoaue. I don't put that much stock in her judgement, but I put none at all in Unouae's honesty."
<Verdant> "Of course, there's the possibility he was lying through his teeth and merely sounding trustworthy."
<Verdant> "Or...whatever equivalent to teeth he has."
<Callidora> "He's the God of mist, I imagine he's an accomplished liar."
Zeleny: "I'm not sure I follow, Callidora."
Zeleny (~5111704@218.62.80.***) has joined #exalted1220
<Verdant> "Unoau."
<Zeleny> (Hi guys. Got stuck in Jilin, which means much internet time for me)
<Pyhrra> (sara!)
<Pyhrra> (le happy ^_^ )
<Zeleny> (good to see you back!)
(Take it to OOC, you damn kids!)
<Pyhrra> (But daaaad...)
(*fist shakingN*)
<Zeleny> "If Irisa were truly held prisoner-" his eyes pin Callidora- "I do not believe she would so happily volunteer to return with us."
<Zeleny> "Unless," Zeleny adds thoughtfully, "this little errand is designed to kill us."
Zeleny shrugs, apparently not much worried.
<Verdant> "In this world, it wouldn't surprise me."
<Zeleny> "We will discover the truth of the matter...onward." Zeleny nods up the beach. "Though we should not be overhasty in our judgements of the situation..."
<Verdant> "True. There is one last explanation for Irisa's behavior, captain, namely that Unoau does not intend to keep his end of the bargain."
<Callidora> "Just don't make the mistake of trusting anything you saw in there. I've seen smarter Gods than us fooled by Spirits such as Unoaue."
Zeleny shrugs. "I never trust gods."
<Callidora> "I propose we at least chat with these beastmen first. Its always possible they're friendly."
Verdant nods at Callidora. "Trust or no, I doubt we will be able to figure out what's going on by standing here."
<Zeleny> He kicks a spray of sand ahead of him, and begins the trek up the beach.
<Callidora> "Although, that would be unusual."
Callidora shrugs and wanders after Zeleny
Verdant follows.
The trio has not walked far before the beach has given way to a small lagoon. The water is shallow enough to wade across, if the Solars are willing to walk through hip-deep water.
The alternative is pressing through the thick vegetation that rings the water's edge, inland.
Zeleny scowls at the daunting terrain ahead.
<Zeleny> "Wade or hack?"
<Verdant> "Neither sounds particularly appealing."
<Verdant> "I presume you'd like to arrive with some subtlety."
<Zeleny> "Really?"
<Zeleny> "This is their home, not ours. I imagine they will see us long before we see them."
<Verdant> "If subtlety isn't an issue, you know I can provide faster means of transport."
Looking from the beach in towards the lagoon, something unusual stands out to both Verdant and Zeleny.
There is a large, irregular accumulation of palm fronds and wood right on the lagoon's edge, not quite touching the water, but not tangled in the lagoon's vegetation either.
<Verdant> "Hmm?"
<Zeleny> "Lets investigate that first. Did the mist god ever mention what beast these beastmen are descended from?"
Zeleny begins to squish his way to the palms.
<Verdant> "No."
<Callidora> "Investigate what, the local ecology?"
<Zeleny> "That would be too easy, of course. And why not? It seems an unusual arrangement."
Zeleny shrugs. His lips twitch. "Maybe it will be a...clue."
<Zeleny> He can't quite say that with a straight face, admirable as his emulation of a stone mask usually is.
<Verdant> "Well, let's start dangerously playing with it then." Verdant follows Zeleny to the collection of palm fronds and wood.
Upon closer inspection, it appears to be a crudely assembled raft, hastily covered with palm-fronds.
Callidora is very amused to see someone else doing something dangerous with no apparent purpose, for once.
<Zeleny> "A clue."
Zeleny looks amused and mildly triumphant simultaneously.
<Zeleny> He begins stripping palm fronds from it.
<Verdant> "Not a very enlightening one. Who would have a raft here? It's not like one can't simply wade across, or go around. Unless, of course, they dragged it here from the ocean, yes, that would make more sense..."
This does not appear to be the work of a beastman. It's partially composed of shipwreck flotsam, and appears to have been hastily assembled as well as hastily concealed.
<Pyhrra> "Stop...stop right there!" A voice calls from further up the hill in the trees.
Zeleny 's eyes widen.
<Zeleny> It couldn't...
<Pyhrra> "If you so much as lay another hand on that raft I will kill the lot of you
<Pyhrra> !"
<Verdant> "Pyhrra? What are you doing here?
<Zeleny> He backs away from the raft, hands raised.
Pyhrra staggers down the hill, stumbling a little, pointing the battered sword menacingly at Zelany. Her shield arm is bare, poorly bandadged and holding her midsection. Her tunic is bloodstained.
<Pyhrra> "Zelany?" Pyhrra murmers in disbelief, squinting.
<Zeleny> "Pyhrra?" The sudden strange relief to hear her voice falls away from him as she approaches, and he grows steadily more expressionless.
<Zeleny> "Yes."
<Verdant> "That's a fine how-do-you-do Pyhrra...." Verdant's eyes widen as he looks at Pyhrra. "Sweet sun above, what happened to you?"
<Pyhrra> "A very bad storm, that's what."
<Zeleny> "Your brother does not conceal himself on this island, then?" Zeleny's voice is very cool.
<Zeleny> "How inconvenient for you."
<Pyhrra> Pyhrra spits. "My thanks for the sympathy, good captain. I can't even fish for fear of being discovered, and there's not so much as a single fruit on this island."
(Beastmen don't care for fruit...)
<Verdant> "Discovered? By who? The beastmen?"
<Zeleny> "I sympathize with your distress," Zeleny replies politely, not sounding particularly sincere. "There are indeed beastmen dwelling here, then?"
<Callidora> "Wouldn't it be easier to just conquer it?"
<Pyhrra> "Look at me, I couldn't fight my way out of a box, let alone a settlement of monsters."
<Zeleny> "What sort of monsters?"
<Pyhrra> "I dont know. I didn't tempt fate by closing the distance."
<Zeleny> "It is possible they are not aggressive, then?"
<Pyhrra> "As I said, I didn't tempt fate."
<Zeleny> "Ah. Well. We are here chasing after Irisa. Still. She is with her uncle, a mist god. He has requested that we destroy these beastmen he alleges are extorting his mortal followers. We are here to investigate. Will you aid us?"
<Zeleny> As an afterthought, he adds, "What transportation we have, we will of course make available to you."
Perhaps Falling Leaf, too, could be of service to Pyhrra.
Pyhrra smiles a little defeated. "I doubt that this thing will make it back to civilization.. I am of course, at your service captain, for the time being."
<Zeleny> "I am delighted to hear it. Now, which way were these monsters....?"
(The other direction down the beach.)
(More south-ish.)
Pyhrra points thusly. After reclaiming her shining shield, the group resumes its trek.
Sadly, even the Princes of Creation are not immune to awkward silences at times.
<Verdant> "You know, you could have *said* something."
Pyhrra limps at the rear, gritting her teeth with every step. She was sure she hadn't managed to pull out all of the shard of boat hull that pierced her side in the storm.
The reunion of Pyhrra with her comrades was one of these times.
<Pyhrra> "I didn't... have the time."
(Sorry, that wasn't a jab at P. I was referring to the awkwardness they're probably all feeling at Pyhrra's return, and the tension between her and Z.)
(And specifically the lack of conversation that no doubt accompanies their trek down the beach.)
Verdant looks at Pyhrra's pained gait, and his face turns to one that is a mixture of sadness and fear.
Pyhrra stops and gives Verdant a glare. "What?"
Verdant is slightly startled. "Huh?"
Callidora had a feeling she was going to enjoy this conversation
Pyhrra sighs and continues walking, sliding Memoir back into its torn scabbard with its characteristic scraping of two poorly matched items.
Callidora is now known as MeiRen
Zeleny is silent the as they trek along the beach and through jungle.
It's almost a half-hour of walking before Pyhrra signals that the beastman village is just around the foliage ahead.
<Pyhrra> "It's just around the foliage ahead.
<Pyhrra> "
(Heh heh!)
<Zeleny> "I suggest we walk straight in. Any argument?" He is looking at Callidora as he says this. Callidora often argued with him, he found.
<Verdant> "Just the usual commentary on your eccentricity captain."
Callidora shrugs. "Aside from trying to look as friendly as possible? Not really."
Zeleny 's gaze flickers briefly to Pyhrra.
Callidora looks at Zeleny's khatars meaningfully.
Callidora gracefully waltzes across the sand, attempting to nonchalantly pluck Zeleny's weapons away as she passes by him.
Zeleny knocks her hands away, but indeed lifts his hands away from his weapons.
<Zeleny> With a glance to see that everyone was prepared, he approaches the village from the beach, hands raised.
The village is an unusual sight.
The buildings extend down to the shoreline, and then actually out into the water itself.
All told, there are about twenty huts, some larger than others, the largest seemingly able to hold about three families, but probably reserved for the village leader and his family.
<Pyhrra> "There are a lot of them here... and you're planning on killing all of them? With just us?"
More than half are in the surf, some out into water that would be waist-height on an average-sized human.
<Verdant> "Ix-nay on the illing-kay untill we find out if they're peaceful or not."
Callidora: "We've learned some new tricks since you left us, Pyhrra."
Callidora giggles a little to herself. "Our fu is strong."
Zeleny lifts his brows slightly as he regards Callidora.
Callidora waves away Zeleny's look. "God expression. You wouldn't understand."
<Zeleny> "We will talk if we can. If depends on the circumstances, I suppose."
Callidora: "Oh. Yeah. Right."
<Zeleny> (any soul to be seen?)
The land-based huts are a mixture of native wood and bone. The huts in the sea are wood where they rise above the water, but appear to have some clever shell-based compound providing the submerged base.
Many souls are busy on the beach and in the water. From their activities, these are mostly women and children, going about the business and play of the day.
<Zeleny> (...what sort of bone?)
(Hard to say.)
(Bigger than rabbit bones, I'll say that much.)
Zeleny keeps his hands far from his khatars, and continues to approach until they see him.
<Zeleny> (what sort of souls?)
(Hold on...)
<Pyhrra> "This is a bad idea..." Pyhrra murmers
Even the children are large, and the adults are impressive indeed. These are presumably women, but their bodies are powerfully built, and they stand at just over six feet.
It's hard to tell their exact gender, however, because (as the humans grow near) it becomes obvious that the beastmen share heritage with crustaceans of the sea.
Their profiles were unusual from a distance, and it quickly becomes clear why: their heads are largely part of their bodies, with no discernable neck to speak of. Perhaps even more horribly, their powerful-looking main arms posess not hands, but massive crab claws.
<Pyhrra> (You ALL have Zoidberg!)
A secondary set of arms, below the first and located somewhere along what would be ribs on a normal human, possess the semi-normal looking human hands.
Their 'skin' is in fact hard chitin, covered in many places with tiny knobby protusions.
Their torsos are flatter than a normal human's, and broader.
Their legs... are a little unpleasant to examine in detail.
The Solars find it hard to imagine how these creatures reproduce.
Both logistically and aesthetically.
Regardless of their unique physical appearance, they behave as one would expect in such a situation - the women and children stop what they are doing, staring in confusion for a moment, then run and hide in the buildings.
A few larger individuals, presumably men, stride out to meet the strangers.
The mid-morning sun is nearly blinding. The creatures shade their tiny, black eyes with their massive right-claws.
They move confidently across the shifting sand of the open beach.
Four humans, 6 creatures.
Some are nearly seven feet tall.
<Zeleny> "Greetings," Zeleny calls to the approaching posse, on the off-chance they spoke Seatongue.
No indication from the creatures that they understood.
They all come bearing what look like fighting sticks in their second pair of hands.
The thick pieces of wood are covered with shells and/or coral. It does not look particularly decorative, but perhaps they have a poor sense of taste.
The lead creature, and the tallest, speaks in a VERY unusual voice.
Apparently, crab parts were not made for refined discourse.
Verdant recognizes the language as that of the barbarians who have been aboard Zeleny's ship.
The greeting is terse, without indication of respect.
Presumably these beastmen, like many, have little but scorn for civilized people.
<Verdant> "I think they said hello. Though not in a friendly manner."
The leader continues to speak. Something about the presence of the humans on a beach that the beastman clearly claims as theirs.
<Verdant> "They're speaking the same language the barbarian freedmen did...ah, apparently they're not happy we're both human, and here."
Zeleny attunes his essence to deception, as he decides to pursue the conversation. "We have come from the mist-god Unoau."
Zeleny glances at Verdant. "Think you can translate?"
They apparently recognize the name "Unoau." There is uneasy rumbling from the beastmen.
Verdant attempts to speak in the barbarian tongue. "We have come because we are told you demand tribute from the humans in this area, humans who worship Unoau."
The chief emphatically denies this. Verdant is unable to tell which part he is refuting.
He is speaking quickly and angrily now.
He's nearly impossible to understand, but apparently he is upset about the presence/threat of violence.
<Zeleny> "Can you calm him down, tell him we are here to talk?"
Verdant holds up his hands defensively "We wish first and foremost to know the truth."
<Verdant> "He either denies demanding tribute or denies that the humans worship Unoau. Not sure."
(V: might want to keep things simple when you're talking to these guys.)
(If trying to say "first and foremost" is just in character, then go for it. But I can't promise they won't misunderstand.)
<Verdant> "We come to know the truth."
(I was thinking more like "We. Want. Truth. Good?")
(*grin* But that works.)
<Verdant> (I've been operating on a principle of "this is what V is *trying* to say. What comes out may be more like "Want truth." or something)
The chief launches on a diatribe about "truth." He gestures to the sky, the sea, his men, their weapons. Then he harangues Verdant for something to do with "civilization," which seems to be synonymous with a bad word in his language.
(Yeah, I kinda figured.)
He gestures to the clothes and weapons and boots of the four humans.
<Verdant> "He lost me there. Though apparently the word "civilization" is perilously close to an expletive."
<Zeleny> "Ask aout Unoau."
<Zeleny> (*about)
He bangs his sticks together for emphasis. His comrades make a sound that might be laughter.
<Verdant> "Their word for civilization, I mean...uh, captain, I don't think mister mist god is popular around here."
The crab chieftan apparently tries to explain about Unoau. Something about "bad," "evil." He seems to think the arrangement his people have with the humans is fine the way it is.
<Zeleny> "Really." Zeleny looks at the crabs. "Ask what relations they have with the humans."
Verdant sighs. "What...arrangement?"
<Zeleny> (oops. Should have waited for V)
('s cool.)
The chieftain is apparently speaking more slowly, as if to an imbecile. The other crabmen laugh, but he is easier to understand. The crabmen provide "safe/goodness." The humans provide food.
There is some mention of a god in conjunction with the humans and the food.
Some complicated relationship.
<Verdant> "They protect the humans in exchange for food, it seems. There's some god mixed in this arrangement, but I can't follow what god or what his part is."
<Zeleny> "Can you ask?"
<Verdant> "What...God?"
Verdant recalls the humans mentioning such a god. Verdant had presumed it was a word for gods in general, but now it seems to refer to a particular deity of the human tribe.
Food god. God who make food. Humans get the god to make the food. Much food, they help we, we help they.
Much goodness, long time.
<Verdant> "Apparently its a particular deity of the human tribe, one who makes food...the humans get the god to make the food, plenty of food, they give some to this tribe, this tribe helps the humans.
Bad things come, we help humans. Humans weak, we strong.
Long time, many bad things.
<Verdant> "The human tribe has enemies of some kind, or maybe just marauders etc. When "bad things" come, the beastmen help the humans. this has been going on for a while."
Zeleny sighs, deciding these crab-people and their arrangement with the humans seemed reasonable enough.
<Zeleny> "So. Where do these humans dwell?"
After hearing Verdant's translation, the chieftain responds: Humans live where god be.
He points with one massive claw: the western island.
<Verdant> "The humans live with the god, in that direction."
Strangely, that had seemed the most barren of the islands. The island where the Brilliance and Emancipation had made landfall seemed well-vegetated enough, and this island certainly had plenty of plant life, but the third island looked fairly rocky.
<Zeleny> "They have food?"
(I'll assume that was directed towards Verdant.)
<Zeleny> (yep)
<Verdant> "According to the beastmen."
The chief makes a small speech, the gist of which seems to be: "You go now."
<Verdant> "I believe our welcome has been exhausted."
Zeleny nods, and bows a brief farewell. "I suggest we question these barbarians...and their 'god.' The situation seems complex."
<Zeleny> He doesn't seem particularly happy the situation is complex.
The beastmen stand and wait for the humans to leave the beach first.
Pyhrra tries to keep a passive expression, but there is some relief there. Fighting while wounded was never wise.
<Zeleny> "Are you any good at rowing?" Zeleny asks her, as they all trudge back to the smallboat.
(Z: what were the ships' orders, again?)
<Pyhrra> "I've rowed before." Ordinarily, Pyhrra was stronger than the others, but a good week of fever and malnutrition have sapped some of her energy.
(Never mind, I got it.)
Zeleny eyes the lines of exaustion in her face. Perhaps he'd better do the rowing again.
(Don't forget, Unoau propelled the ship here. And it's a much shorter trip to the next island.)
<Zeleny> As they arrive at the smallboat, he hefts the oars from the bottom and splashes in. He extends a hand to Pyhrra . "Swimming, walking, or boating?" he asks the others.
<Zeleny> (*and jumps in, splashing as he leaves the water)
Callidora cracks her neck. "Boating. I'm tired."
Pyhrra does not take Zeleny's hand, but climbs in. "Oars?" she asks.
<Zeleny> "Just one set." The set he's holding in his hands, in fact.
Verdant decides to join his companions in the boat, though not before looking to Zeleny to see if the load needs to be lightened...
Zeleny nods Verdant up.
<Zeleny> He dips oars in the water, and begins to propell the small boat towards the barren island. His muscles ripple in the sunlight.
Pyhrra sits down heavily in the boat and winces when she puts too much weight on her wound...she'd have to cut that chunk of wood out soon. "Oof..ouch.."
<Zeleny> "There is a healing woman on the Brilliance," Zeleny observes very neutrally.
Pyhrra nods self conciously and looks out to sea aware of the eyes on her. Saved again.
<Zeleny> And they float across the sea, heading for an island which promised barbarians and divinities.
(Sorry, I was on the phone. And it's hard to tell when you two aren't talking to each other again.)
The day is aging by the time Zeleny drags the boat ashore.
This island, unlike the last, still bears the marks of its volcanic origin.
The sand is darker and coarser, and the higher ground inland is sharper, more angular.
Most of the vegetation is low-growing and windswept.
All in all, it is a fairly uninviting place.
Verdant blinks.
Pyhrra hooks a leg over the edge of the boat. Her boots were wet yet again. Pyhrra grumbles as she hops down into the knee deep water and drags her shield and sword out of the boat.
<Verdant> "If the beastmen were telling the truth, it seems to me that this god of the human tribes has his/her/its work cut out for it.
Zeleny sets the oars down cross-wise atop the boat. Frowns at the dark and ugly sand.
<Pyhrra> "How pleasant." Pyhrra unties her matted blonde hair and does her best to rinse it in the water before retie-ing it in a loose braid.
<Pyhrra> She felt horrible, sore, tired, sunburnt and covered in grime. A freshwater bath seemed so decadently desirable right now.
Zeleny is now known as NinjaPsychoSara
NinjaPsychoSara is now known as Zeleny
The wind howls over the rocky crags above.
<Pyhrra> "Will this take long?"
<Zeleny> "One can hope not."
<Zeleny> He looks around for signs of habitation. "Let's go this way."
<Zeleny> He strikes off along the beach, sliding in the rough sand.
Pyhrra sighs and trudges after, cursing the fact that she didn't have the strength to attune the shield anymore.
(She WHAT?)
Before long, the sounds of celebration can be heard on the wind.
Apparently, the village is nestled higher on the rocks.
Zeleny walks faster, climbing up piles of driftwood and moving up the slope, eager to be rid of the monotonous scenery.
Climbing higher, there is indeed a sheltered area where a largish cluster of huts is gathered. It's a wonder the pirates of the Burning Rain ever found these poor souls here.
Pyhrra stops and heaves the shield off her back and places it between some rocks, relieved that the strain was gone. She kind of felt better with the smaller Siren in her state anyway.
Fires burn bright, and there is quick-tempoed drum-music. Figures are dancing in frenzied excitement.
<Zeleny> The barbarians had made it back then. Zeleny is relieved. He keeps his hands well away from his weapons again- these people had good reason to fear strangers.
Some of the figures standing off to the side are dressed like men of the Brilliance - apparently the barbarians have made them their honored guests.
Verdant notes Pyhrra leaving the shield behind, and mutters something.
Niehan, and Salas Toad, and Monk and Falling Leaf are all there, as well as a few distinguished crewmen.
<Pyhrra> "Ugh..." Pyhrra rests up against one of the larger rocks, grateful for the breeze to take some of the sweat away from her skin.
Zeleny lifts his hand in greeting. He spares a glance for Pyhrra, and walks to the others.
As a few of the barbarians on the periphery notice the approaching captain, they whoop with joy and move to intercept him.
Their surprisingly strong hands pull him towards the dancing.
Verdant notices Falling Leaf, and offers Pyhrra his hand. "Not too much farther and we can get that looked at," he says, not quite meeting her eyes.
Callidora happily accepts a bowl of some unrecognizable (but clearly alchoholic) liquid.
Pyhrra doesnt take his hand. "I'm alright, just tired." She was tired. Very tired, emotionally and physically. It had been a rough few weeks.
Zeleny , surprised, is pulled along to the dancing, and he allows himself distracted for several moments, before he manages to extract himself and staggers to his amused crewmen.
Verdant shifts his weight from one leg to the other, the green cloth of his robe swaying a little in the breeze. "The way you walk isn't that of someone who's merely tired."
<Zeleny> "You found the place," he greets them.
Salas is in the middle of eating something. Niehan answers: "Aye, sir, and only on our third try." He glares at Monk.
Monk looks defiantly apologetic. "It's a barren island! How was I to know?"
<Zeleny> "Indeed. Have you spoken much with these people?"
Pyhrra pats Verdant on the shoulder without looking at him. "Let me save some of my pride please Verdant, I dont have a great deal left." Then she 'walks' into the village, taking a wider route around the more vigorous celebrations.
Salas hurriedly swallows his mouthful. "Don't be needin' to, sir, they're plenty friendly as is. How was the meetin' with the god?"
Verdant shrugs. "Pride and an empty sack is only worth the sack."
Falling Leaf notices the pretty girl clutching her side and trying not to look wounded. She excuses herself from the Captain's presence.
Falling Leaf brooks no nonsense from Pyhrra. She pulls several blends of herbs from the pouches that never leave her side, and recruits Verdant to help her tend to the wound.
Zeleny briefly explains the matter; meeting with the god, the meeting with the crab-people and (very briefly) the reunion with Pyhrra.
<Pyhrra> "Hey, wait! Stop that, ouch, that stings! What are you - help!" Pyhrra complains as the medics hound her into a sitting position and get to work on her side.
<Pyhrra> A chunk of wooden boat hull is still stuck in her side from the storm, one she has not been able to remove herself.
She looks strangely at Pyhrra - this wound would have bled her to death days ago, from the look of it. She gazes meaningfully at Verdant, makes a surreptitious gesture to her forehead, as if to ask, "Another one?"
Verdant nods.
Zeleny's lieutenants consider this new information. "So, what do you be plannin' to do, sir?" Salas asks. "We still can't none of us talk to these folk."
<Pyhrra> "That really hurts, okay!" Pyhrra groans.
Falling Leaf nods back to Verdant, and grimly sets about extracting the massive splinter.
<Zeleny> "Verdant can. Er, sort of. We will talk to these people, learn what we can of their perspective of this intricate little tangle, and then see if we can be introduced to their 'god.' "
Falling Leaf: "Hush, child. I expect more of the likes of you. My grandmother used to tell me such tales..."
Salas: "Master Verdant looks to be otherwise employed, sir. Monk, maybe you should help Mistress Leaf."
Pyhrra bites her lip and sits silently from the reprimand
Monk jogs over to where Falling Leaf tends to Pyhrra, and relieves Verdant of his obligation.
Falling Leaf: "You. Hold this." She passes a compact to Monk while she fiddles with some of her herb pouches.
Presently, the chieftain has been extricated from the proceedings.
Upon being informed that the saviors of the village wish to meet their "god," he is all too happy to lead an expedition.
The dancing breaks off as some of the men are formed into an honor guard.
The chieftain leads the motley group up, out of the shelter of the rocks, and across a windy ridge of obsidian.
The setting sun has begun to paint the sky a brilliant blend of purples, reds, and oranges.
The view is fantastic - the Solars walk across the highest point on the island, and nothing but ocean stretches out to the west.
<Verdant> "Pretty."
Just ahead, the chieftain disappears into a smaller cleft in the rocks.
Following down, there is little light to see by.
The villagers carry torches, however.
Carefully navigating past the razor-sharp volcanic rocks, the group makes its way down into something of a cave.
Perhaps a gas-chamber or vent for the ancient volcano, this space opens up ahead, into a surprisingly large chamber that sparkles beautifully in the torchlight.
And, there, stuck in the black-rock wall - an incredibly elegant construction, in some delicately cream-colored material.
It's gentle lines bely a construction method lost to modern eras, and its size belies the power of such a device.
Apparently, whatever the original purpose of this device here, it has become wedged in the volcano, and has made survival possible for this tiny enclave of humanity.
Zeleny (~5111704@218.62.80.***) has left #exalted1220
To Verdant's magical scrying, the machine virtually hums with power. Unlike the overwhelming power of the Demesne, however, it is the carefully restrained power of an masterfully engineered work.
Its purpose is inscrutable.
Verdant whistles appreciatively.
There are no controls visible. Perhaps they lie buried somewhere along the machine's length.
Zeleny leans over to Verdant. "What is it?"
<Verdant> "Shogunate era machinery, at the very least, but I suspect it's First Age."
<Verdant> "No idea what it does or what it was originally used for."
The chieftain appears to be offering to demonstrate.
Zeleny makes a gesture for the chieftain to go ahead.
With all the solemness of a religious ceremony combined with the no-nonsense attitude of a practiced foreman, the chieftain arranges his men and leads them in a fairly simple ritual involving chanting and bowing.
Verdant watches the essence flows, observing what the machine reacts to...
Over the course of the ritual, the machine gently hums to life, spinning natural Essence flows into a thick, bread-like substance before the Solars' very eyes.
Upon the ritual's conclusion, there is a small pile of the foodstuffs - perhaps a dozen loafs, maybe 16.
The chieftain happily offers one each to the Solars, and to the crewmen.
Beaming, he eats a very small piece of the loaf he himself holds, then passes it around to the other villagers.
They too take only small bites.
Callidora takes a mighty chew out of one, and almost chokes.
While painfully trying to chew, she indicates that it is, in fact, much denser than normal bread.
Pyhrra carefully takes a small bite.
Zeleny carefully pinches off a small bite, and his men (and woman) follow suit.
The bread is delicious, without being terribly flavorful.
Somehow it tastes the way one would expect "nutritious" to taste.
Except better.
Verdant is clearly impressed.
<Pyhrra> "Hey, this is actually really good." Pyhrra comments to no one in particular. The bread was flavoured with a weeksworth of mild starvation.
Callidora is still nearly choking on what may be an entire family meal's worth of wonderbread in her mouth.
<Verdant> "Yeah. Normally the problem with food made from pure essence is it's rather bland, and long-term nutrition issues...but this doesn't seem to have either problem..."
<Verdant> "Callidora? Are you all right?"
She waves to indicate she's fine, even as she doubles over, hands on knees, valiantly chewing along.
Verdant glances at the barbarians, hoping to get some indication as to be concerned...
Zeleny: "So, this is how - and why - the villagers survive on such a rock?" He strides over, casually slaps Callidora on the back. She coughs up most of the breadstuff.
Looking sheepish, Calli swallows the rest of her mouthful.
Callidora: "Yeah. Good stuff. Real filling."
<Verdant> "Also explains how they'd have "plenty" given how little is needed to feed someone."
Zeleny: "Hmm... can you ask if they do, in fact, have enough for both their people, and the beastmen? We don't know how often this... machine, can produce the food."
Verdant translates as best he can to the chieftain.
With gestures and simple words, he indicates they have plenty, and that their honored guests are welcome to as much as they like.
"Eat, eat!" he motions.
He rubs his stomach, takes another bite of wonderbread.
<Verdant> "I think he's saying they have more than enough..."
Zeleny: "So it seems."
Zeleny turns to his comrades and subordinates. "So, then, what do we do about the god and the beastmen?"
Verdant turns to the chieftain. "Who Unoau?"
The nuances are hard to catch, but apparently the chief holds little regard for the mist god.
<Verdant> "It would appear that Unoau isn't all that popular here either."
The barbarians have stories of gods who tried to force the humans to be their worshippers. The beastmen protect the humans from such deprivations.
Verdant frowns. "Apparently some gods attempt to...forcibly convert the humans here into their worshippers. The beastmen prevent such predations as part of their bargain."
(Unoau is, presumably, merely the most recent of such.)
<Verdant> "Presumably Unoau is making his own bid for converts, and wants us to get rid of inconvenient obstacles...unless there's something ELSE we're missing."
<Verdant> "Also, the device is undoubtedly First Age technology. I doubt Dragon-bloods would build anything in veneration of the Unconquered Sun."
Zeleny raises an eyebrow.
Verdant notices the eyebrow. "The chanting was mostly Old Realm, it's a prayer to thanks to the Sun and a request for sustenance from His grace."
Zeleny: "So... they worship the Sun?"
Verdant shakes his head. "I doubt any of the tribe know what the chant means. Their words are more by rote than by faith. The device, however, appears to care only for words."
<Verdant> "I wonder if the time it takes is partially because they have to repeat it until they are "close enough" to the original prayer for the device to recognize its cue."
Callidora, standing next to the device, rests a hand on it and says "food" in Old Realm.
Nothing happens.
She looks irked.
Callidora. "Chow. Bread. Manna. Gimme!"
Verdant sighs, and speaks the prayer aloud in correct Old Realm.
The machine gives a visual and tonal response, but does not produce the expected pile of bread. Barely half a loaf appears.
<Pyhrra> "Maybe it needs to regain essence?" Pyhrra offers.
Zeleny looks unconcerned. "It doesn't matter how it works. It's not like we can take... it... with... us..." He gazes consideringly at the device.
Verdant nods. "Any device that depends on local Essence cannot operate to an unlimited capacity."
<Verdant> "Captain, what are you thinking?"
<Pyhrra> "You cant seriously think that you can take this device from the people."
Zeleny: "Think how many people we could feed with this device!"
Zeleny shoots a reproving glance at Pyhrra. "Of course not. We'd bring them with us."
<Pyhrra> "And the beastmen too?"
<Verdant> "Even if ethical concerns were not an issue, and by taking this device away from these people you are causing them a lot of harm, there is the problem of the fact that this machine is buried in the volcano..."
Zeleny: "Err... I'm sure the beastmen can provide for themselves..."
<Verdant> "And it's quite probably using geomantic power. Which means, if it's moved, no guarantees as to whether it'll work.
Zeleny looks unconvinced, but disappointed nonetheless.
Pyhrra looks at the captain with challenge in her eyes. She would fight him if necessary.
Zeleny: "A problem for another time. We still have to decide what to do with Irisa at this point."
Zeleny: "So far, the only party that we know for certain to be less than scrupulous is Unoau."
Verdant sighs. "True. We've determined he was not being honest with us about the beastmen or the humans. What basis do we have to think he was not lying about Irisa?"
Zeleny: "None, I suppose..." He seems disquieted by this thought. "But what basis do we have to think we can do anything at all to affect him?"
Callidora speaks, voice heavy with sarcasm. "Oh, c'mon. He's only a -god-. Of -mist-. And fog and deception. I'm sure you can punch him 'til he says 'uncle,' Captain."
Verdant points to his forehead.
Pyhrra looks at the other blankly.
(Wait - pointing to your brain, or your Castemark?)
<Verdant> "Seriously, I wonder if...hmm...that might work...or might not...only one way to find out." And with that, he turns to leave the cave.
<Verdant> (Castemark, mainly, but a little of both)
<Verdant> (Kind of a "We're Solars, purpose built to do things that aren't possible."
The chieftain, looking a little perplexed but still quite cheerful, decides this means that everyone is leaving. He gathers his men, but waits for the non-natives to leave first, so they may have torchlight.
<Pyhrra> "What the hell?" Pyhrra remarks confused
Zeleny merely shrugs and follows his crewmen out.
Verdant walks back to the ship, murmuring. "Out of my element when it comes to gods...warding, nor most other Thaumaturgies, don't work on them...and Callidora's view is the polar opposite of mine, equally biased...I need a balanced opinion, and I think I know where to get one..."
(Which ship? The boat, or the Brilliance, somewhere nearby?)
<Pyhrra> "Are we.. leaving?"
<Verdant> (oops. Just needs somewhere private, was thinking V's cabin on the Brilliance and figured he knew where it was)
Well, it's parked offshore.
(You probably could see it from the ridge outside the cave.
<Verdant> (Offshore isn't a showstopping problem for V)
(Oh yeah...)
Outside the cave, Pyhrra runs directly into Verdant, who has stopped still, and is staring across the water... eastward.
There, just rounding the bend of the beastmen's isle, is an unmistakable black boat.
<Pyhrra> "Uff... sorry."
Pyhrra looks.
<Verdant> "Uh...oh..."
<Pyhrra> "Who...?"
<Verdant> "Bad news. CAPTAIN!"
Zeleny: "I see it. Callidora, get up here! Can you get us over there, Verdant?"
<Verdant> "You want to board it?"
Zeleny: "NO. No. But put us down on the island, out of sight."
<Verdant> The beastmen's isle?
Verdant nods and begins chanting as soon as the Solar passengers are assembled.
Pyhrra has quit IRC (Quit:)
<Verdant> The Stormwind Rider forms, and launches off towards the beastmen's isle...
Racing across the waves at a breathtaking pace, leaving the mortals behind atop the obsidian ridge, the Solars are inbound for another conflict with foes from outside Creation...