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The Thief of Crows

Description: A woman dressed in leather and soulsteel, bearing a long soulsteel powerbow. She is veiled with a fine mesh of soulsteel.
Roleplaying Notes: Anything can be accomplished with sufficient forethought. Never enter a battle without preparing the battlefield and carefully studying your opponent.
Caste: Day
Nature: Savant

Attributes: Strength 3, Dexterity 5, Stamina 3, Charisma 2, Manipulation 4, Appearance 2, Perception 2, Intelligence 2, Wits 5
Abilities: *Archery 5, *Athletics 4, *Awareness 2, Brawl 3, *Dodge 5, Endurance 1, Lore 3, *Presence 3, *Resistance 1, *Ride 5, *Socialize 3, *Stealth 4
Note: * = Caste or Favored skill.
Virtues: Compassion 1, Conviction 2, Temperance 3, Valor 3
Backgrounds: Artifact 4, Command 5, Manse 4
Willpower: 9, Essence: 3, Essence Pool: 18 personal, 39 peripheral
Resonance: O O O O O O O O O O


  • Archery
    • Bloodthirsty Arrow
    • Iron Sleet Attack
    • Pulse of the Prey
    • Flawless Archer Discipline
    • Withering Feathered Maelstrom
  • Athletics
    • Raiton's Nimble Perch
    • Spider Pounce Technique
    • Autumn's Leaf's Descent
  • Dodge
    • Flitting Shadow Form
    • Fivefold Shadow Form
  • Endurance
    • Ox-Body Technique
  • Presence
    • Elegant Tyrant's Majesty
  • Resistance
    • Spirit-Hardened Frame


  • Vengeful Shadow Fang: Bloodthirsty Arrow + Iron Sleet Attack + Fivefold Shadow Form. 1 Willpower, 7+ motes.

Equipment: Warbird, soulsteel long powerbow, soulsteel breastplate, Stone of Spirit Shackles

Base Initiative: 10
Clinch: Speed 4, Acc 8, Damage 2B piercing, Defense 8, Rate 1
Fists: Speed 10, Acc 9, Damage 2B, Defense 10, Rate 5
Kick: Speed 7, Acc 9, Damage 5B, Defense 5, Rate 3
Soulsteel Long Powerbow: Speed 10, Accuracy 13, Damage 8L, Rate 2, Range 350. (Broadheads)
Soulsteel Long Powerbow: Speed 10, Accuracy 13, Damage 10L (armor lethal soak doubled), Rate 2, Range 350. (frog crotch)
Soulsteel Long Powerbow: Speed 10, Accuracy 13, Damage 6L piercing, Rate 2, Range 350. (target)
Self Bow: Speed 10, Accuracy 10, Damage 5L, Rate 2, Range 150. (Broadheads)
Long Bow: Speed 10, Accuracy 11, Damage 5L, Rate 3, Range 200. (Broadheads)
Dodge: 13, Soak: 9B/9L/8A (Soulsteel breastplate, +6B/8L/8A), Health Levels: -0/-1/-1/-1/-2/-2/-2/-2/-4/ Incapacitated

Experience Points: 75
Unspent XP: 0

Experience Log: Vengeful Shadow Fang (9 XP), Stealth 0 to 4 (12 XP), Athletics 3 to 4 (5 XP), Raiton's Nimble Pearch (8), Spider Pounce Technique (8), Autumn Leaf's Descent (8), Essence 2 to 3 (16), Brawl 0 to 3 (9)

Character Description and Background

The woman who became the Thief of Crows was once an assassin for the Guild. Deceived by an Akuma, she slew her superiors and was betrayed. She discovered the deception too late to save her life, but was offered a chance for revenge by the Raiton Queen.

Her experience both before and after her Exaltation has given the Thief a great contempt for humanity (and for ghosts). She has found few who measure up to her inflated standards -- she demands "rationality" and sees bowing to the inevitable march of Oblivion as the only common-sense thing to do. She considers herself a student of life and death, and especially of the transition between the two which she so often brings about.


Aside from the standard goal (Obey the Raiton Queen), the Thief has a couple of other assigned to her:

  • Keep an eye on the Mask of Winters. Don't let him get too powerful.
  • Further the cause of the ancestor cults and worship of the dead.
  • Try to find secrets of flight wherever you go.

She also has some personal goals not sanctioned by her liege (but which might be more important to her).

  • Track down the Akuma who killed her and take revenge on him and his entire organization.
  • Try to find some redeeming feature of Creation / humanity.

Expanded Backgrounds


Presently (as of the end of session 14 of [[[JesseLowe/ThiefOfCrows/PirateMonkey]] | Pirate, Monkey]], she is at 6 personal Essence and has taken 10 levels of bashing damage. She will be fully healed on mid-afternoon of the 24th of Descending Wood, RY 768. She is also down to 5 temporary Willpower. -- JesseLowe