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As in Canon, the Primordials started everything off. They made Creation, they made its people and its gods, and they made it run. In this version, the concept of death and rebirth existed prior to the Primordial Wars, and as a result there always was an Underworld, which came with its own gods and residents.

Once the Primordials became infatuated with the Games of Divinity, they began to forget about Creation. This affected some more than others, and one Primordial, known as Autocthon, became concerned. Unable to sway his kin from their Games, he suggested they craft servants to help run things. The others agreed and the Incarna were born. As with canon, they fashioned the Unconquered Sun, Luna, the Maidens Five, and Elemental Dragons. Unlike canon, they also created Charon, the Incarna charged with running the Underworld. The Incarna took over for a bit, but grew curious about what was taking up so much of the Primordial's time. They soon became infatuated with getting in on the action, all save Charon, and began to neglect their duties. Charon cast about, looking for some form of recourse, and noticed that Autocthon often did not participate in the Games. Charon went to Autocthon for advice, and learned about the initial appearance of the Games and the creation of the Incarna. Autchton councilled that perhaps the Incarna could also craft servants to help them run Creation. Charon returned to his siblings and implored them to return to their duties, but was steadfastly ignored. Reluctantly he brougt up Autocthon's plan, and this did get the others' attention, but not in the way that Charon had hoped. They would create chosen, not to help run Creation, but to assisst in overthrowing the Primordials. Enter the Exalts. As his siblings prepared for war, Charon despaired and then crafted his own chosen, the Eidolon Exalted. He hoped to pick up the slack that his kin were leaving behind with the help of his children.

And thus the seeds of the The Primordial Wars were sown.

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