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Essanell, The Blades of Battles Past

Essanell rose up from the field of a great battle, and he knew all that the warriors fighting there knew. He had the greatest blades of the fallen in hand, and he stood proud and glorious over the carcasses of the fallen. The survivors looked up at him and begged that he stop the killing, and he knew that it was he and he alone who had carved through two armies, it was he alone that was dripping with the blood of thousands. And he felt that this was right and true; for it was his to test himself, and he had been found mighty.

Essanell is a creature designed for battle and for war. He stands eight feet tall, but he has no flesh. His body is a mass of writhing and twisting blades of every description. He is made entirely up of slicing pieces of steel, of jade, of orichalcum and of cold forged iron, of obsidian and burnished malfean brass. He is scimitars and kami, spearheads and sabres, halbred tips and daiklaves. Every blade of every description is writhing through and making up his being. Each time that the blades clash, sparks shoot and flare, and the dust of powdered metal and the stench of burning ozone fill the air. Lightning arcs between the points of the blades. The noise of it is nearly deafeningly shrill. When he speaks, it is as if carried in a change of the weapon's shrieking pitch.

Essanell fights secure in the knowledge that it is his purpose. He has no fear of death, for it would only slow him down; he knows no restraint on the field of battle. He is efficiency and death, and he honours those that fight him well. He has met Octavian on the field of battle, and they fought for many days; for the first day, they fought bare handed, and stone fists met steel, and their blows broke at each other's might. The second day, they drew blades, and the sparks from their weapons meeting started many fires that raged across the plains where they fought. For the third day they stood opposed each other, and at the end of the day, they struck with a mighty blow each, and each was destroyed - they recovered, but they will meet on the field again, and it will be glorious.

Nature: traditionalist
Attributes: Strength 6, Dexterity 7, Stamina 10, Charisma 5, Manipulation 2, Appearance 2, Perception 5, Intelligence 4, Wits 5.
Virtues: compassion 2, Conviction 3, temperance 4, Valor 5
Abilities: Athletics 7 (feats of strength +3), Awareness 5, Brawl 6, Dodge 7 (duelling +3), Endurance 4, Martial Arts 6 (Daiklave +2), Melee 6, Presence 2 (Intimidation +5), Resistance 4, Socialize 3, Thrown 4
Backgrounds: Cult 5 Charms: Measure the Wind, Uncanny Prowess, Donning Spiritual Armor, Ride, Principle of Motion, Stoke the Flames
Cost to Materialize: 95
Base Initiative: 12
Fist of blades (punch) - Speed 12, Accuracy 15, Damage 8L, Rate 5
Quickest sun's ray - speed 26, Accuracy 19, Damage 7L, Defense 16, rate 6
Flying Silver Dream - Speed 19, Accuracy 19, Damage 16L, Defense 18, Rate 4
Dodge pool: 14 Soak: 22B/17L (Coat of History's Blades, 12B/12L)
Willpower: 9
Health Levels: -0 x 4, -1 x 8, -2 x 4, -4 x 1, I.
Essence: 7 Essence pool: 116

Other Notes: When Essanell activates Donning Spiritual Armor, his blades whirl yet faster, and he is sheathed in sparks and lightning that block attacks and increase his soak.
His first weapon, Quickest Sun's Ray, is a reaper daiklave which increases difficulty to be disarmed by 5, may be called back to the user's hand for one mote.It may be used to make ranged attacks using thrown at no cost, out to a range of conviction x 10 yards. Speed + 12, acc + 4, +5L, +1 def, rate 6.
His second weapon is a flying silver dream.
He may, of course, have any number of other blades available in his chest should he be disarmed - to draw any weapon of his choice up to and including artifact 2 weapons is a reflexive action. These weapons and his two artifacts are not real per se but are the memories of things lost on the field of battle. This does not make their edge any less keen or their whistle through the air any more lethal - it just means that they are a part of Essanell. He can give them away as a gift, although he may look through the weapon as if an eye, no matter the distance between them, and he can cause the weapon to evaporate at the slightest whim.
He knows the charm ride, for he was often summonned by the Dragon Kings, respected as a patron of battle; however, he will not use it unless he finds a target worthy or forced by sorcery.