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Nine Scholars' Mantra

Remismund, who perhaps is no more, writes:

The Scripture of Maiden and the Lake
Once, there was a maiden...
...and no one had seen a thing beautiful as her face.
Which was funny, because she wasn't very pretty.
But endless songs of joy were composed of her loveliness,
And basking in her beauty the maiden did many an unforgiveable thing.
Until one day, she learned of mirrors, and lakes, and other shining things.
And she could go no farther.
"There's always an ending," said she.

Among these unforgiveable things was the composition and utterance of the Nine Scholars' Mantra, by which Flawless Mirror mistakenly bound his godshard into nine times nine thousand seasons of service, death and reincarnation notwithstanding, to the maddened Garda bird, On-Wings-of-Brass-and-Truth. By the bird's urging, Mirror refused to assist in the containment of the Lexicon/NineScholarsMantra/HarborofStars entanglement, affecting (perhaps a little too well) an air of vain detachment.

In later debaucheries, after the bird's madness made his service less stringently binding, Flawless Mirror sunk to such incredible levels of inhumanity that the strictures of the Lexicon/NineScholarsMantra/IndentureOfDragons were relaxed that he could be put down once and for all.

See Also:

- FourWillowsWeeping