The Furnace Eternal
by Moxiane
On a small island at the centre of Lake Sokana in the southern Threshold kingdom of Gherull stands the Furnace Eternal, a vast metalworking complex of barracks and toolsheds, chimneys and forges. From its five great stacks black smoke filled with glowing carmine sparks spews night and day, and those standing on the shores of the lake can sometimes hear the ringing sounds of metal on metal, and some even claim to have seen movement amongst the ruins that surround the Manse.
Currently the Furnace Eternal is the property of Mnemon Tyeress, an Air-aspect outcaste Dragon-Blood and high-ranking member of the Guild. The vast barracks of the Manse house the four hundred slaves and their fifty guards who work in the Furnace Eternal day and night, churning out a never-ending supply of swords and axes, spears and mail, shield and plate armour, to supply the wars that are an endless fixture of the Second Age, particularly in the hot-tempered South. This has led to Tyeress’ riches swelling dramatically over the last decade, particularly since the disappearance of the Empress has made her adopted home even more volatile that usual.
Special Features
Constructed at the start of the waning days of the Dragon-Blooded Shogunate, the Furnace Eternal was constructed at the time when the various daimyos began to take Essence-weapons away from the citizen militias, instead equipping them with steel-based weapons are armour. A huge amount of such equipment was required, far more than was producible from the local forges, and so a vast manufactory complex was built around a powerful Demesne. The flows of Essence through the whole complex were carefully managed to increase productivity and proficiency amongst the largely mortal blacksmiths. This has the mechanical effect of granting anyone who uses the facilities of the Furnace Eternal for construction a +1 bonus to any and all Craft dice pools. The facilities themselves are large enough to allow approximately two hundred workers at any given time, while the barracks can house almost three times that many in reasonable comfort.
Hearthstone Chamber
Deep underground, in the bowels of the Furnace Eternal, is a large rounded chamber. Molten lava flows through channels cut into the black basalt floor, describing esoteric and mystically-significant patterns, and filling the entire room with a blood red glow. At the heart of the room is a yard-wide pool, the lava forever bubbling up from the depths of the Demesne and spilling down the ruts in the floor to feed the furnaces and forges of the Manse. It is at the centre of this pool that the hearthstone forms, a Smeltstone, floating atop the pool of earth’s blood. Mnemon Tyeress currently has the hearthstone mounted in her blue-jade necklace.
Manse Defences
None. At its zenith the Furnace Eternal was home to over seven hundred people, and any defences would have caused more problems than they would have solved. However, the current guard contingent is not inconsiderable, and Mnemon Tyeress herself is no mean combatant.
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