Imminent Thunder

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Name: Imminent Thunder
Aspect: Earth
Concept: One-man Wyld Hunt
Anima: Landslide
Nature: Paragon

Physical - Strength 5 Dexterity 5 Stamina 5
Social - Charisma 3 Manipulation 3 Appearance 1
Mental - Perception 4 Intelligence 3 Wits 5

Athletics 4, Awareness 5, Bureaucracy 2, Crafts (Calligraphy) 3, Dodge 5 (Against Ananthema +3), Endurance 5 (Age +1), Investigation 4, Larceny 2, Linguistics 3 (High Realm, Riverspeak, Sky-Tongue, Flame-Tongue), Lore 5 (Wyld Hunt +2), Martial Arts 6 (Against Ananthema +3), Medicine 2, Melee 1, Occult 3, Presence 5, Resistance 5, Ride 2, Sail 1, Socialize 2, Stealth 4, Survival 3, Thrown 4

Artifact 5+, Backing (Wyld Hunt) 5, Breeding 5, Connections (Wyld Hunt) 5, Connections (Immaculate Order) 4, Manse 5+, Reputation (Wyld Hunt) 2

Compassion 2, Temperance 4, Conviction 6, Valor 5

Willpower - 9
Health -0,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-2,-2,-2,-2,-2,-2,-2,-4,Incap
Permanent Essence: 6
Personal Essence:
Peripheral Essence:

Paragon of Virtue (Conviction) 3 pts, Lucky 5 pts (side effect of constant sidereal magics), Signature Style (Visual Poetry) 2 pts, Signature Style (Shocking Brutality) 2 pts

Charms: Awareness
Precision Observation Method, All-Encompassing Earth Sense, Feeling the Dragon's Bones, Entombed Mind Technique, Sight Riding Technique, Hearing and Touch Riding Technique, Smell and Taste Riding Technique, Sight Destroying Method, Hearing and Touch Destroying Method, Smell and Taste Destroying Method, Essence Disruption Attack
Threshold Warding Stance, Hopping Firecracker Evasion, Virtuous Negation Defense, Flickering Candle Meditation, Smoke-Obscuring Effect, Safety Amongst Enemies, Arrow-Consuming Flame Defense, Smoldering Karma Strike
Unsleeping Earth Meditation, Uneating Earth Meditation, Untiring Earth Meditation, Unbreathing Earth Meditation, Unfeeling Earth Meditation, Sleep of Stones Trance, Breath of Earth Trance, Purifying Blood Ascendancy, Ox-Body Technique x5
Indisputable Physical Analysis Technique, Scent-of-Crime Method, Bloodhounds Nose Technique
Observer Awareness Method
Elemental Bolt Attack, Elemental Concentration Trance, Elemental Empowerment Meditation, Elemental Succor Method, Elemental Burst Technique, Dragon Vortex
Martial Arts
Jade Mountain Style
Pillar of Marble Stance, Fortress of One, Boulder-Crushing Grasp, Sliding Glacier Grip, Jade Mountain Form, Pasiap Still Stands, Falling Rockslide Onslaught
Five Dragon Style
Five Dragon Fortitude, Five Dragon Blocking Technique, Five Dragon Claw, Five Dragon Force Blow, Five Dragon Form, Five Dragon Invulnerability, Five Dragon Fist, Five Dragon Wrath
Initiation Charms
Spirit Sight, Spirit Walking
Earth Dragon Style
Force of the Mountain, Unmoving Mountain Stance, Stone Dragon's Skin, Earth Dragon Form, Shattering Fist Strike, Stillness of Stone, Earthshaker Attack, Weapon-Breaking Defense Technique, Avalanche Method, Hungry Earth Strike, Ghost-Grounding Blow, Perfection of Earth Body
Water Dragon Style
Flowing Water Defense, Rippling Water Strike, Shrugging Water Dragon Escape, Drowning in Blood Technique, Water Dragon Form, Flow Reversal Strike, Theft of Essence Method, Ghost Restraining Whirlpool Stance, Crashing Wave Style, Bottomless Depths Defense, Essence-Dousing Wave Attack
Air Dragon Style
Air Dragon's Sight, Shrouding the Body and Mind, Breath Siezing Technique, Wind Dragon Speed, Air Dragon Form, Tornado Offense Technique, Cloud Treading Method, Avenging Wind Strike, Thunderclap Kata, Wrathful Winds Maneuver, Lightning Strike Style, Hurricane Combat Method
Crimson Pentacle Blade Style
Graceful Tortoise Technique, Speardancer Concentration, Crimson Pentacle Blade Form, Northern Lotus Petal Discernment Meditation, Sprinting Stag Defense, Western Shield Crush Counterattack, Blessing of Jeweled Vambraces and Mantle, Retribution of Honorable Guardianship Attitude, Call-to-the-Blade- of-Righteousness Mantra
Glowing Coal Radiance, Aura of Invulnerability, Unbearable Taunt Technique, Moth to the Candle
Strength of Stone Technique, Impervious Skin of Stone Meditation, Earth Protection Form, Wood Protection Form, Chaos Warding Prana, Defense from Anathema Method, Mountain Toppling Method, Armor Hardening Concentration, Mantle of Earth Invulnerability, Mantle of Wood Invulnerability
Feeling the Air Technique, Distracting Breeze Meditation, Trackless Passage Style
Whirlwind Shield Form

Items of Note: Incomplete at the moment...
White Jade Perfected Kata Bracers
Five Skin Mount amulets w/ the following hearth stones.

  • Gemstone of Perfect Mobility
  • Ice Hand Gemstone

and more...


Well that is the bulk of him, but I need to talk to my friend so I can remember his exact gear, combat stats and other fun things. Hope you all like it. BronzeTiger