From Exalted - Unofficial Wiki
Drugs, chemicals and poisons form a minor role in the game of Exalted, mostly those produced by Thaumaturgy. More mundane drugs are discussed in Books/ManacleAndCoin. Some other pages dealing with them are:
- ArtifactRelayDrugs/Drugs
- BrilliantRainDrugs/Alchemy
- BujiExtrasDrugs/BujiPoison
- CynisChahailisJournalDrugs/ThoughtsOnDrugsAndSex
- CynisChahailisJournalDrugs/ThoughtsOnHouseCynis
- DariusSollumanLunarsRevisedDrugs/RevisedLunarPoison
- Darloth/PurpleAmaranth
- Discussions/PoisonPenalties
- Guild
- HouseCynis
- TheHoverpopeDrugs/JustSayNoToDrugs
- MoPoison
- Thaumaturgy/AlchemyQuendalon
- Weapons/Blowgun
- Wordman/BeyondAlchemy
- XerExaltedLiteDrugs/Poisons