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Chosen of Secrets and Junior Operative of the Convention of Water

Associations:  Bureau of Destiny ,  Forbidding Manse of Ivy ,  Convention of Water 
Combat Abilities: minor sorcery
Favored Equipment: a summoned blade
Astrological Certification: none
+12  : Born in a mountain village in the Northeast.
+24  : Exalts as a Chosen of Secrets, retrieved and inducted into the  Convention of Water  as a trainee.
 MS. OBOL 'S COMMENTS: Nuran and I interviewed her when the agents first brought her in, and figured out quickly enough
that she'd already manifested knowledge of a Charm.  We were shocked when we realized it was in fact Sorcery.  A new
Exalt shouldn't even have enough power at her disposal!  There must be a reason for it, but she seems as ignorant
as us.  If it weren't for this mess we got dropped in our lap -- referring to the Convention of Water fiasco --
I'd suggest it be investigated immediately.  I suppose saving the world has to come first for now.
Please make any comments on the main /YouZhao page. Thank you!