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Compassion Flaws

Dark Angel

The character gets increasingly infuriated at being denied his chance to help people. When the character limit breaks, he will stop at nothing to help people, whether they wish his help or not, regardless of consequence and allowing nothing to stop him in his path of righteousness, becoming angry and possibly violent if rebuffed further. The character thinks such dedication is perfectly normal and just, and cannot be convinced he is not doing the right thing and truly helping.
The limit break will last until he feels he has 'helped' in a number of situations equal to his compassion. If any of the situations would involve long term help, the character will come to his senses after a number of days equal to his dots in the Compassion Virtue.

Examples: A slave chafing under his labour, denies aid from the character, knowing such would only earn him more punishment. The limiting character grows increasingly angry as his incredibly generous offers are turned down, slapping aside the slave and performing the work at a speed befitting an exalt.
Or the character wishes to free a slave in the middle of the city, and is talked out of it by his circle. He limits and cannot be turned aside from slaughtering the guild guards in plain sight and freeing the slave.

Limit Break Condition: The character is either disallowed the opportunity to help someone when he wishes too, or his aid is rebuffed.