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The Sun Lions

The Sun Lions are one of Lookshy's favored mercenary companies, alotted their own neighborhood headquarters (called the Blue Sky Den) branching from the Hexagon, wedged between the Academy of Sorcery. The Sun Lions employ about a Dragon's worth of troops (1250ish mercs). The organization closely mimics the organization of the Seventh Legion's troops, and some say Tertael was a great aid in organizing Lookshy's armies so many centuries ago.

Gonna flesh this out as I need it for my campaign. Needed an idea of Essence-users in command. Plus my player insists on getting to know everyone, so... --UncleChu

The Soldiers

Kazei Tertael, the Celestial Lion Tertael is the leader of the Sun Lions. Tertael lives atop an enormous Shogunate-era skyscraper overlooking the Hexagon and the Academy. He rarely leaves the Blue Sky Den, knowing that the Lookshyjin frown upon the gods roaming their streets. If he does leave the den, it is because he leaving Lookshy altogether for a contract. His name is widely known, but the fact he is a Celestial Lion is not. No one knows why he has abandoned his original post, but he has lived in Lookshy since its founding, and possibly while it was still Deheleshen.

  • Shozei, Water Dragon-Blooded, Orichalcum Wing
    • Taizei, God-Blood, Talon
    • Taizei, Mortal, Talon
    • Taizei, Earth Dragon-Blooded, Talon
    • Taizei, Water Dragon-Blooded, Talon
      • Chuzei, Wood Dragon-Blooded, Scale
    • Taizei, Mortal, Talon
      • Chuzei, Fire Elemental, Scale
      • Chuzei, Water Dragon-Blooded, Scale
  • Shozei Qusius, Niha, Lion's Mane Wing
    Qusius is a Niha, an abominable, genderless elemental that forms within the wombs of women that work with fish. The pregnancy is only a month, and the mother often is unaware she is pregnant until she births a fish. The fish swiftly grows horrifically manlike in a matter of minutes, with large malformed fins that crudely mimic arms and legs, and a hunched back with a long spiny frill. It has a slender tail and bulbous eyes. Mothers do not have the heart to kill the creature, despite its hideous appearance, not that they are generally capable of slaying an elemental. The Niha then seeks out the closest male relation to the mother and emulates him. If the male tutors the Niha in his trade, he will become blessed with incredible fertility and good health. If he refuses, the Niha will slaughter him and the mother, and then suddenly become unable to breathe, flopping about until it dies and dissipates into watery essence. Qusius's mother was married to an ex-shozei of the Lion's Mane Wing four generations ago and has risen to the rank its stepfather had once held.
    • Taizei, God-Blood, Talon
      • Chuzei, Air Dragon-Blooded, Scale
    • Taizei, Air Dragon-Blooded, Talon
    • Taizei Hao, God of Battle-Hookworm Disease, Gloaming Talon
      A small, disgusting female that stands no more than 4 feet tall. She is constantly clutching her abdomen in discomfort, flatulating, and smells vaguely of feces. She has a few perpetual battlewounds that are stained in mud, and careful observation of the mud-splotches reveal small wriggling roundworms worming through the injuries. She has decided to take a more active role in the spreading of BH disease, ensuring the surviving enemies of Gloaming Talon find themselves infected by the illness, while Gloaming Talon itself can remain free from the incredibly uncomfortable parasite.
      • Chuzei Er-hatan Dosodio, Fire Dragon-Blooded, Luminary Scale
        Dosodio is a hulking man, his hair, mutton chops, and eyes bright orange, his skin slightly red. He is striking, extraordinarily cunning and intelligent, but constantly distracted by even his own surface thoughts. He is a prodigy, boasting four Favored Abilities.
        • Gochei Banrad, Mortal, Provenance Fang
          Gochei Banrad took responsibility for Sumire's loss against Rem, and introduced him to Trainer Igtiff. Knows Rem is a Solar and reported it directly to Tertael's assistant. He has very dark skin.
          • Nitei Sumire, Mortal soldier
            Defeated by Rem in an arm wrestle.
        • Gochei Nishikami "Meatdolt" Naka, Mortal, Rumblers Fang (all equipped with fighting gauntlets). Squinty man, brown hair and grey beard.
          • Nitei Rem, Solar Exalt soldier
            Our hero, Pillar of the Sun.
          • Nitei Marui, Mortal soldier
            Huge blonde mountain of a woman, humiliatingly defeated in a spar by Rem.
          • Nitei Upie Uwepo, Mortal soldier
            Slightly smaller than Rem, long black hair, covered in freckles, somewhat dense.
          • Nitei Junta Non, Mortal soldier
            Very witty, non-threatening in appearance, thick lips and shaved head.
        • Gochei Polacia, Mortal, Forfending Fang
          Polacia's fang specializes in investigation, detective-soldiers.
    • Taizei, Mortal, Talon
      • Chuzei, Earth Dragon-Blooded, Scale
      • Chuzei, Water Dragon-Blooded, Scale
    • Taizei, Fire Dragon-Blooded, Talon
      • Chuzei, Water Dragon-Blooded, Scale

Supplemental Staff

  • Trainer Igtiff, Mortal
    Trainer Igtiff also saw the glimmering shine of Rem's Caste mark in a scuffle with Marui. He is very skinny, grey-haired, and has a very fashionble mustache.
  • Wai Tan-Junai Last Oshiro, Freelance Sorcerer-Engineer
    Androgynous, wears pale green robes and a colorful, geometric mask. Has a strange feeling about Rem.

1-God 2,3-Elemental 4-14-DB 15-17 Mortal 18-20 God-blood


They ought to be calling this group the Freak Legion. ^^;; --John Biles

Ha, indeed. I figured since Lookshy is pretty much into the Immaculate faith, there aren't generally too many spirits or god-bloods walking around. However, as there is a canonical merc company in the Hexagon that's run by a Celestial Lion, I figure it would be a haven for the stranger bunch of entities. Finally, the ratio of dragon-blooded is about the same as everywhere in Lookshy, 1 DB to 100 people. My player's character has a really clean, shining image of Lookshy and its associates, and I wanted to muck that up a bit with this freak legion. --UncleChu
Gleeble! So Lookshy has 3,000 DBs. Dang. --JohnBiles
Indeed, Outcaste p. 23, "In most of Creation, the ratio of Dragon-blooded to mortals ranges from one Terrestrial for every 5,000 to 10,000 mortals. In Lookshy, numbers are closer to one in 100."--UncleChu
Just observationally, I'm not sure that Lookshy would canonically have a prejudice against godbloods. Their parents, yes, but I think whether you blame the children for their parents' issues is a separate question. Lookshy pragmatism plays a role here: in the Second Age (and in the First, too, I suspect), Essence wielders are the key to victory on the battlefield. Godbloods might well be the only non-Dragon-blooded Essence wielders Lookshy can get its hands on, so there'd be strong utilitarian pressure to let the kids get by, and once that's happens, there's every reason to think Lookshy's policy of "aggressive recruitment" toward DBs would begin being applied to godblooded as well.
All of that is conjecture as well, and I'm not trying to claim any kind of superiority for my interpretation of Lookshy, but I thought I'd toss it out there anyway. -- Hapushet finds Lookshy endlessly fascinating for some reason