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Revision as of 20:27, 14 March 2006 by MUrielw (talk) (what ride should be)
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Meaning of the Ability

She moved her steed forward, and her steed moved forward her.

Say this out loud seven times before brainstorming Charms: Ride is a Concordant Ability. Thematically it is about the master-servant relationship and, more specifically, the proper relationship between the hun and p'o. Mechanically it is about using another creature as a form of transportation. --MUrielw

Charm Writeups

Charm ideas and Commentary

If we're lining up Virtues with Abilities, Ride should use Conviction. --MUrielw

My rough idea of a Charm tree is: a base charm allows you to force out a mount's p'o soul and replace it with your own for a time, allowing for greater coordination. (When you reconsolitate your soul the horse dies. No big loss.) This serves as a prerequisite for a charm that lets you form a Phantom Mount thinger from your own p'o. Branching off from this would be charms that let your p'o mount take on various kewl powerz - pterodactyl mount, nasty combat mount, &c. (Maybe there could be four such ones organized around the Virtues.) A branch that breaks off at some appropriate point would let you send souls the other way, sending out your hun to do possesion-type stuff. --MUrielw