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BuzzChild's Campaigns

This page is organised under 3 headings; Games i run; Games I play; and Old Games. Its pretty straight-forward, the games we play currently will be posted here, everythign else will go into the section of old games which are games that we just dont play anymore for whatever reason. My group only have first edition, and i dont think were going to be switching over to 2nd edition, so all of these campaigns are first edition. In addition the Gms of our campaigns are affectionately called God and so some references to god on the following pages refer to the gm not some deity.

At some point i intend to post character sketches for all pcs in these games, i also intend to organise my descriptions of the games and go into further detail on all of them.

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Games I Run

Kolitus and Argyle Game: 2 players formed a solar worshipping cult and begin converting the riverlands. They hold a large portion and are beginning to gain influence by fighting off the deathlords. This is an epic game with simple roots in began as the mirrors of wyld, and turned into the ending of the age of sorrows.
more to come...

Gladiators Game: The realm begins holding fighting matches using solars caught in the wyld hunt. Just started im working out a few kinks.

The new Pirates game(or the antics games)Just plain old fun.

The new old pirates game: an old game come again with new characters because we missed our serious pirates game.

Nexus Assassins/earth warden stones: world changing events and the council of entities wants its cut.

Ebon Shadow Masters: An ebon shadow master saves the lives of 3 young solars and begins training them to survive

Games I Play

These are campaigns where i play a character, most of these games are played with between 2-4 pc characters. Im not going to go into great detail for all of them rigth now because im more concerned with getting them all down for now i will try and make sure you at least know what theyre about.

gangs of nexus: lotsa gangs vying for power

Sash game: like afro samurai

Bounty hunters Game: bounty hunters operating out of nexus, i lead and my characters goal is to begin hunting the wyld hunt at some point using the business to gain power.

Gravediggers: a simple game but fun things happen aroudn graveyards during war and revolution and with lots of religions represented.

Old Games

Old Games For whatever the reason, these are games we dont play anymore, i had fun playing all of them and wish to reassemble all the players and finish most of them. Some of them we have began to run again minus a few old characters and with some new.

Comments Section

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