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BuzzChild's Campaigns

My group only have first edition, and i dont think were going to be switching over to 2nd edition, so all of these campaigns are first edition. In addition the Gms of our campaigns are affectionately called God and so some references to god on the following pages refer to the gm not some deity.
Currently we only have two people running games so i will post updates on both games that are currently running. we dont always run the same games so if play somethign else ill llevae the previous update up and post an update on the new game.
At some point i intend to post character sketches for all pcs in these games,
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Games I Run (right now)

These are the games im running right now.

The new old pirates game: an old game come again with new characters because we missed our serious pirates game. Take what u want! Give nothing back!
The guys finally made it back charted waters (after 2 years, and 5 ships lol), and Captain Blood Beard plans to Raid and Recruit in Antang!
I could say more but ill leave it there for now because i want to describe the pcs in this game they are fun! and i dont want to devote too much time to this section!
more to come...

Games I (currently) Play

These are campaigns where i play a character, most of these games are played with between 2-4 pcs

Bounty hunters Game: A small bounty hunting unit loaded with exalts and questionable morality works out of nexus and for the Cult of the Illuminated.
I took my team south via riverboat and fooled one lookshy inspector on the way, only to have him come back and chase us after one of us flared scaring off some pirates, we ended the game during a fight in which we ambushed the lookshy strike force which was about to ambush us!
more to come...

Old Games

Old Games For whatever the reason, these are games we dont play anymore. ill have the current game rotation posted here and a description of some old favourites and characters.

Comments Section

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