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Ashaz-Brai, Which May Be Hidden, guardian soul of Lost Tayala
Tayala was lost, and she liked it that way. But there was something coming to find her, so she yelled at it to go away, and Ashaz-Brai was sound and the meaning of that progenitive scream. Ashaz-Brai is a creature of silence, of hidden ways, of nothingness. It cannot be followed, it cannot be found, it is ever lurking in the corners and never seen. But it is limited by this, and because it can never be found, none except Tayala know to seek it; and she will never do so. She knows that to find Ashaz-Brai would be to make it meaningless, and so it is forever hidden to no end, wishing to try its subtleties and tricks against a tracker, but unable to show itself enough to earn pursuit.
It is known as that Which May Be Hidden because none know it exists; there are rumours among demon savants that there is a secret soul of a secret soul of Zuratha that cannot be found and cannot be named, but that is all that is known, and even that is not meant to refer to Ashaz-Brai, but the one that came before it and perished.
Ashaz-Brai desperately wants to be hunted, but is too firm in its beliefs and its nature, and will never reveal itself for its own pleasure. It's body truly is a scream; it has no visible form, and if forced to become material does manifest as a hideous shriek that shatters glass, corrodes metal, and forces its enemies to turn away for a crucial second, allowing it to again escape.
Important stats: Conviction 6, willpower 9, essence 7, dexterity 10, manipulation 10, stealth 12, awareness 8
Special charms: Ashaz-Brai's stealth dice always count as automatic successes.
Ashaz-Brai cannot be perceived without the use of a perfect awareness effect.
Ashaz-Brai's name is a secret even to those who know it; they must succeed every day at a Manipulation + occult roll, difficulty 5, or forget they ever knew anything about the demon - they will know only that they have forgotten something that wanted to be forgotten. Its name effaces itself from pages when none are watching, leaving only burn marks behind. It would require artifact paper and ink to successfully hold information on the demon.
Ashaz-Brai may spend 10 motes and a willpower to emit a terrible piercing noise; any creature capable of hearing within fifty yards increases the difficulty of all hearing-based rolls by 3, suffers a -2 internal penalty to all rolls, and must spend a willpower to not fall to the ground covering their ears. This effect is instantaneous, but the penalties persist for a scene.
Ashaz-Brai may possess a target, but only to hide inside them; it will not force them to take any actions, and they are unaware of its presence except for a ringing in their ears which they dismiss as nothing. The only exception to this is that it will attempt to force sorcerors who have bound it to banish it back to Malfeas.
Ashaz-Brai is unknown to the demon world; Zuratha has chosen not to have known about its existence, and so cannot control its body as Yozi usually can with their souls; Cecylene does not know to hold it and it can shriek straight through her walls into elsewhere; Adorjan's winds resonate with it and they have frolicked together, but they did not hear the scream over their own roarings. Summoning rituals attempting to capture Ashaz-Brai have their difficulty increased by his conviction.
This is cool. But rather pointless. Noone will ever use it! I struggle to figure out a way to actually involve this demon :)
-- Darloth
- Oh, I expect it would be rather impossible to use. Yep, almost completely useless for that purpose. I just figured it was a soul that she would have. Alternately, if a sorceror somehow found out about it and got ahold of it, it would be a near perfect spy. - TheHoverpope