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Unflinching Logic

Cost: 2m
Duration: Instant
Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK, Social
Prerequisite charms: Any Linguistics Excellency
Minimum essence: 2
Minimum linguistics: 3

The solar's language defines and transcends logic; his words ring as true beyond the petty concerns of individuals, and the emotions that they invoke are more real than one's own. A target defending against a social attack enhanced by this charm does not gain an MDV bonus if it opposes their intimacies or virtues. Their motivation may still grant its bonus, if applicable.

Ineffible Perfection of the Word

Cost: 3m
Duration: Instant
Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK, Social
Prerequisite charms: Any Linguistics Excellency
Minimum essence: 2
Minimum Linguistics: 4
The perfection of the solar exalted is only more clear when they have had time to express the depths of their thought, to make clear through more complex mediums their meaning and art. This charm enhances a linguistics based social action to convince another of a specific belief or emotion. Double the solar's successes before comparing them to the target's MDV.

Resplendent Revelation of Majesty

Cost: 3m
Duration: Instant
Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK, Social
Prerequisite charms: Any Linguistics Excellency
Minimum essence: 3
Minimum Linguistics: 5
The words of the solar are filled with glory that seems to burst forth from the very language itself. This charm renders the target's dodge MDV inapplicable. This charm is specifically permitted to supplement rolls for other abilities.

Language Transcending Icon

Cost: 5m
Duration: Instant
Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Compulsion, Combo-OK, Obvious
Minimum Essence: 3
Linguistics: 5
Prerequisite Charms: Flawless Brush Discipline

The exalt crafts a symbol in some primal concept of language - older than old realm, this pictographic language is instantly comprehended by every being capable of language.
The single symbol contains up to a page of information, and takes as long to design and write; it need be no larger than a couple of square inches. It may be read instantly. Indeed, it is difficult not to read instantly; anyone who sees it must make a wits + awareness roll at a difficulty equal to the linguist's essence to not be compelled to read it. Resisting this compulsion costs 2 willpower. This charm is fully compatible with other linguistics charms; letter-within-a-letter technique can produce sigils with an enormous amount of information conveyed, and this can be used as a way to force others to read your twisted words.