Thus Spake Zaraborgstrom/FairFolkInspiration

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Again from Any idea of a better way to put the quotes they're responding to? -MeiRen

Originally Posted by (un)reason
Yup. Of course, we still dont know if their powers will have ability/attribute/whatever prerequisites, or be organised in tree forms like exalted charms. (and personally I'm hoping they aren't, to make sure they still feel different from exalted charms.)

I can't imagine Fair Folk powers ever looking like Exalted powers in practice.

There are a few Charms---Spite-Summoning Malediction, the Naming of Secrets, and Extinction of Desire come to mind---that are fundamentally dissimilar to Exalt Charms.

Most of the Charms---including standards like Thousand Tiny Hooks Technique, Impinging Web of Dream, Opalescent Gossamer Raiment, and Defining the Parameters of Battle---look extremely similar to Exalt Charms on paper.

This similarity is deliberate. Trying to make the Wyld and its inhabitants work in a game is hard. I spent weeks with my brain ground to a halt, and weeks more poking at things, so that you wouldn't have to. And emphasizing the similarities in structure is part of this.

I should pause, here, to admit that there *are* things in the magic chapter that are not Charms.

It occurs to me that the fair folk are even more thematicly infuenced by Vampire Princess Miyu than sidereals and abyssals were. Most of them are predators that feed upon human dreams to survive. Some do like humanity, and want to blend in, or help them, but their nature still means they spread chaos wherever they go, and can never truly fit in. They may be alien, but they still have passions and loves, and believe that they are doing the right thing. People give themselves willingly to them, sometimes even when they don't want to feed of them, becoming seduced despite themselves due to some deep hope. And once they have given in, there is no release but death. All very tragic and emotive.


Vampire Princess Miyu is a great example of a sympathetic Thing That Should Not Be. Perdido Street Station is another good place to look. ^_^