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Greater Ghoul (level 5 Familiar)

Greater Ghouls dwell in the most desolate reaches of the Southern Deserts, mostly spending their centuries of life slumbering under the pale sands. They are hulking beasts, seven feet tall with shoulders six feet across. Their pale grey skin is hard and craggy and armored plates of bone protect their chest, back and faces. Vicious claws sprout from their fingers, sharp as knives. The Greater Ghouls use their tusked maws to tear into human bodies, feeding on the rich meat of humanity. They can eat only the flesh of humans, dead or alive. Anything else might as well be dust for all the good it does them.
Black ichor flows in the veins of Greater Ghouls and it is in this ichor, not their gross bodies, that the soul of the Ghoul resides. Their ichor is the source of their greatest powers, for hurting the body of the ghoul does nothing except anger them. Only by destroying the ichor can the ghoul be killed forever.

Attributes: Str 5, Dex 3, Sta 10, Cha 0, Man 0, App 0, Per 2, Int 2, Wits 2
Abilities: Awareness 1 , Athletics 2 (Strength x3), Brawl 5 (Bite x1, In Clinches x2), Endurance 5, Resistance 5, Linguistics 1 (Old Realm, Flametongue), Survival 5 (Deserts x3), Presence 1 (Intimidation x3) Dodge & Soak: 5 | 10B/10L
Essence: 2
Willpower: 6
Health Levels: -0, -0, -1, -1, -2, -2, -4, -4, Incap
Virtues: Compassion 0, Temperence 1, Conviction 2, Valor 5

  • Claws - Acc 13 | Dmg 8L | Def 10 | Rate 5 | Spd 8
  • Bite - Acc 15 | Dmg 12L | Def 5 | Rate 5 | Spd 5
  • Clinch - Acc 10 | Dmg 5B | Def 10 | Rate 1 | Spd 5

Special Notes:

  • Black Ichor - Since the soul of a Greater Ghoul resides in its tar-like blood rather then its body, harm to the body does not inconvenience a Greater Ghoul vastly. Their bodies can be reduced to quivering bits of flesh, but so long as the ichor is not destroyed, the Ghoul survives. Greater Ghouls regenerate one health level of Lethal damage every turn.
  • Ichorous Immortality - The only way to kill a Greater Ghoul is to destroy their Black Ichor. Fire does the job as does dissolution in water. Salt absorbs the Ichor and neutralizes its magic. Unless the Ichor of a ghoul is destroyed, it will return to full health very quickly. The only exception to this is Aggravated damage. If a Ghoul is killed via any means that does Aggravated damage, it will die normally.
  • Armored Body - Greater Ghouls are immune to bashing damage from non-magical sources. Artifacts and attacks enhanced with Charms or spells are examples of magical sources of Bashing damage.