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Animals of Creation

Sky Lizard\\ Popular as pets and couriers during the first age, these creatures have for the most part gone feral during he Second. Only a few Air-aspected Dragon Bloods train and keep them. They are believed to be related to the flying snakes of the Eastern jungles, being about two to thee feet long and possessed of a 5 foot wingspan. Notable only for their tendril-like beards and their incredible speed, they are rarely hunted or bothered by humans. Sky lizard hides are normally white or blue and hey range across the East and Northeast. Unless provoked, Sky Lizards are not hostile to humans.

Stun Dragons\\ One of the more dangerous inhibitants of Southeastern and Southwestern swamps, Stun Dragons are huge lizards, adult males reaching lengths of 16 feet and weighing several hundred pounds. Strict carnivores, these huge reptiles present such a danger to nearby villages that they are the subjets of near-constant hunting. A Stun Dragon is slow, but its natural armor provides protection equal to the best Superheavy plate. Villagers fear the Stun Dragons not for their formidable armor or weaponry, but for their unique power. A Stun Dragon can inflict crippling mental wounds on their prey with their gaze and overwhelming mental presence. Highly intelligent, Stun Dragons will sit in wait for a victim and then emerge from cover only enough to catch the eyes of the target. When another creature moves in to rescue or dispatch the mentally crippled bait, the Stun Dragon emerges form hiding and quickly devours both victims. It has been whispered that the Stun Dragons may be remnants of the Southern Dragon-Kings, even more degenerate then the Eastern Stalkers of Rathess.

Beast of Resplendent Roads\\ Giant snail-like creatures, these marvels were engineered by the same Exalts responsible for the creation of the Beasts of Resplendent Liquids. Instead of processing drugs, the Snail Creatures were ment to consume a wide varietiy of objects and materials, blazing a trail across the wilderness of Creation to make way for the roads they create. The slime trails produced by normal slugs and snailes are modififed in these creatures to produce a fast drying cement-like substance that will harden over a period of five hours to form an almost indestructable road wide enough to permit entire caravans to pass without problem. Only two dozen of the so-called "Road Snails" still exist with 7 of them in Guild hands and the rest wandering creation. By nature the road-snails are incredibly lethargic and require little nourishment. Their lairs are often secluded, but always paved with the snail's own slime.

Beast of Wood and Stone\\ These huge lizards, sorcerously mutated versions of komodo dragons can eat any material known and digest it into materials which can easily be used for building and other purposes. The products are excreted in normal form and must later be shaped to construction purposes. Few of these beasts still exist as they require vast amounts of resources to survive unless fed certain sorcerous potions reguarly. Without the potions, they strip the land around them bare of nature and replace it with processed and workable material. Many settlements in the Far East and Far South have been built with these mysterious beasts' help.

Beast of Immaculate Mining\\ Giant rock-skinned badgers created by Southern Exalts in the early First Age, these creatures devour rocks, sand and minerals with a voracious apetite, digest the material and excrete it in purified and seperated piles. It has been thought they may also excrete a liquid form of natural gas. Their urine coagulates into a jelly like substance which can be burned to release the gas. Only three of these creatures remain, feasting on the deserts of the Far South.


Cool stuff. Got any more? - Quendalon

I like the Beast of Resplendent Roads... what would an area frequented by such creatures over the past several centuries look like? Miles upon miles of concrete in all directions? I'm reminded of those "Pave the Planet" buttons. - Quendalon

I'd imagine they'd be engineered to prevent that, as nifty as it would be. They'd likely be /extremely/ sleepy, spending, most of their time in long naps and only awakening when they were needed. At which time they would be 'led' about five hours or so ahead of a caravan, toward the destination where a road was needed:) Then they'd be put to sleep. Kind of like an expediate to forming roads to the frontier, kept there for ease of use. - CrownedSun