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New Alchemical Formulae by Quendalon

Level One

Elixir of Immaculate Sobriety

 Roll: Intelligence + Occult
 Difficulty: 1
 Cost of Materials: Resources 1

There are several formulae of this sort, of varying degrees of palatability. Each instantly purges all traces of alcohol from the drinker’s system. This is accompanied by a brief, unpleasant headache and a surge of nausea as the drinker experiences an entire morning’s hangover in a single moment. This results in a –3 die penalty to all rolls for the next minute.

Smoke Grenade

 Roll: Intelligence + Occult
 Difficulty: 2
 Cost of Materials: Resources 1

The alchemist fills a small and fragile container, such as a glass phial or an eggshell, with an alchemical mixture that dissolves into billowing smoke upon contact with air. Breaking the container releases a mass of blinding smoke. Indoors, this fills up a room up to twenty feet on a side; outdoors, it fills a two yard radius. The smoke lasts for several minutes in an enclosed space; it dissipates more swiftly outdoors, and high winds will disperse it within a turn. Attacks directed at targets within or beyond the smoke must be made blindly, and suffer a penalty of two successes as a result.

Level Two

Flash Grenade

 Roll: Intelligence + Occult
 Difficulty: 3
 Cost of Materials: Resources 1

The alchemist fills a small and fragile container, such as a glass phial or an eggshell, with an alchemical mixture that ignites with a blinding flash upon contact with air. When thrown or otherwise broken, everyone within ten yards (except the user) must make a Wits + Resistance roll, difficulty 3, to avoid being temporarily blinded by the flash. Those affected must then make a Perception + Resistance roll, difficulty 2. Success results in partial blindness; this increases the difficulty of all visual Awareness rolls by 1. Failure results in total blindness; this makes visual Awareness rolls impossible, subtracts two successes from all attack rolls based on sight, and limits ranged attacks to 100 yards. (See the Exalted Player’s Guide, page 33, for more details on blindness.) The effects of the flash fade after ten turns.

Level Three

Level Four

Level Five


I like the Exiler of Sobriety. I might increase the penalty, though, considering that a hangover causes a -1 dice pool penalty on it's own, you might want to make the 'cure' worse than the affliction. For that minute.  :P - Scrollreader

Sounds fair, especially since intoxication has a -2 die penalty of its own. - Quendalon