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Fiction by CrownedSun
Exalted is a beautiful and epic world, placed before us to be explored. The main way that we experience this world is through the vehicle of our roleplaying games, but that is not the only way. This repoistory contains other views of Exalted, from within the vehicle of Short Fiction.
Story Windows
Story Windows, inspired by the wonderful fiction of Ikselam, are designed for one purpose -- to further describe and illustrate the world of Exalted and various facets of its existance through the vehicle of Fiction. Focused on the world at the End of the Second Age.
- The Tale of the Dark Wanderer. (/DarkTale) An Exploration of the Faith and Religion of the Midnight Caste and the Malfaens.
- Part Two (/DarkTale2) of the same tale!
- Night Over Gem, Part 1 The story of Dewdrop, a Night Caste born in Gem.
Legends of the First Age
Tales of the Old Realm, the Primordial War, and other epic events of the distant and legendary past -- the Legends of the Exalted. The main factor of these stories is that they take place in that far off time.
- The Siege of Dala Varia, part one. (/CrownedDalaOne) Detailing the attack on Dala`Varia, and the background leading up to it.
- The Siege of Dala Varia, part two. (/CrownedDalaTwo) Detailing the (IMHO) awesome battle that took place in the center of Dala`Varia.
- On the Last Day. (/LastDay) Place-holder for a story I've got about the Usurpation.
Tales: Fiction from my Campaign
This is the place for any Fiction inspired by my campaigns. I'll make places for fiction from Time of Tumult, Rohan Empire, and any other games that I make if it becomes necessary. All jumbled together for now.
Abyssal Game and Wyld Wanderer's fiction
- the War of the Deathlords
- The Arrival. (/MaskAbyssals1) A tale of blood, death, and the coming war against the deathknights.
- First Blows. (?; potential story idea, to be developed later!)
Time of Tumult and Rohan Empire fiction
- The Villains. (/VillainsStory) A tale detailing what happened to most of the Villains, after my Time of Tumult campaign ended.
- Twisting Wind. (/TwistingWind) A tale of plots revealed in the South, in my campaign -- incomplete, but a nifty start.