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A Face for Every Path
Cost: 6 motes
Duration: Indefinite
Type: Reflexive
Minimum Stamina: 3
Minimum Essence: 3
Prerequisite Charms: None
For shapeshifters like the Lunars, there is no place where they are not comfortable. Kissed by Luna's mate, where they are, they will be able to be comfortable as if in a Lover's Embrace... If they are in the North, they grow fur and adapt their hearing to the wind; If they are in the south, they shed fur, thin their bodies, and bask in the heat. If they are on the west, they swim with all beings of the sea... where they are, they blend in, perfectly. This Charm gives them this adaptative ability - every time it is purchased, the Lunar chooses a new enviroment to become adapted to. The Lunar may not purchase this Charm more times than he has dots of Stamina. This Charm is a Gift and may be activated in when the Lunar shifts into a Hybrid Form. The Lunar may commit 3 motes to attune to a single enviroment upon shifting into the Hybrid Form.

  • The Northern Kiss: The Lunar receives a thick pelt of fur, becoming immune to non-magical cold and frostbite, comfortable even in the deepest north, vision adapted to the white of snow and the falling rain, suffering no penalties to visibility in them, and able to ignore the wind madness and see only music in the Northern Winds. The Lunar ignores any enviromental penalties based on Air.
  • The Southern Kiss: The Lunar receives the skin of a lizard, able to withstand the heat of the desert, immune to heat strokes, suburnts and non-magical fires, able to look directly at the sun without fear and receive no visibility penalties for light and fire, and able to go a number of weeks equal to his essence without water. The Lunar ignores any enviromental penalties based on Fire.
  • The Western Kiss: The Lunar receives the skin of a seal, gills and fins, becoming able to breathe water as easily as air, comfortable even in the most crushing pressures, vision adapted to the depths of the oceans, suffering no visibility penalty for poor light in the oceans unless it is pitch black. No ocean poison can harm her. The Lunar ignores any enviromental penalties based on Water.
  • The Eastern Kiss: The Lunar becomes one with the plants around him, his limbs adapting to the trees. The Lunar may climb trees at his normal speed, and move through them unhindered; Further, he become immune to all natural poisons, and never develops rashes and such in the east, immune to all of its insects. The Lunar ignores any enviromental penalties based on Wood.
  • The Central Kiss: Also known as the Kiss of Gaia, the Lunar becomes one with the world of rocks, able to climb on any mountain with enough of a foothold for that to be possible at his normal speed, to dig at twice the normal speed and see in the dimmest underground light, but still unable to see if it is pitch black. The Lunar ignores any enviromental penalties based on Earth.

Luna and her chosen traveled far and wide and dallied with the strangest beings, however; There exists the kiss of Malfeas, of Yu-Shan, of the Underworld Elements, those of the Autochtonian Elements and others stranger still. There are more Realms than even the Exalted imagine...

The Beast Who Hunts the (Element)
Cost: None
Duration: Permanent
Type: Special
Minimum Stamina: 4
Minimum Essence: 4
Prerequisite Charms: A Face for Every Path
Lunars survive. Through endless wastelands, through cathedrals of wood and worlds of pure fire... Lunars thrive. Shapeshifting magic is powerful enough to reshape their bodies in forms and configurations adapted to the greatest elemental onslaughts, able to simply say no to the greatest elemental forces. There is a version of this Charm for every possible element, and they must be purchased separately. The Lunar must possess the Kiss from the Direction he wishes to be protected against, and to have tasted the Heart's Blood of a Dragon-Blooded or Elemental of the corresponding element(even though elementals will not give the Lunar their shapes. A myriad of spirits in the Underworld might count as the right sorts of Underworld Elements, and suchlike). To activate this Charm, the Lunar simply increases the cost of the Directional Kiss by 1 willpower. Each element works slightly differently from each other, as follows:

  • The Beast Who Hunts the Winds: The Lunar grows features such as a fur of ice and eyes of lighting, becoming a creature fit to live in the ice wastelands of the farthest north. The Lunar becomes immune to mundane and magical cold. Any sort of magic based on the winds, cold or lighting directed against the Lunar causes no damage or ill effects. This applies even to aggravated damage. The Lunar also converts his attribute dice in automatic successes in any Resistance or Endurance tests brought by such attacks.
  • The Beast Who Hunts the Earth: The Lunar grows features such as a skin of gemstones, crystal lantern as his eyes as he becomes a creature fit to live in the deepest bowels of Gaia. The Lunar becomes immune to the earth, landslides and all manner of metals. Any sort of magic based on the metals or earth directed against the Lunar causes no damage or ill effects. This applies even to aggravated damage. The Lunar also converts his attribute dice in automatic successes in any Resistance or Endurance tests brought by such attacks.
  • The Beast Who Hunts the Flames: The Lunar becomes a shining salamander of glass, a creature fit to live in the endless, smokeless fires of the deepest south. The Lunar becomes immune to mundane and magical fire. Any sort of magic based on heat, smoke and fire directed against the Lunar causes no damage or ill effects. This applies even to aggravated damage.The Lunar also converts his attribute dice in automatic successes in any Resistance or Endurance tests brought by such attacks.
  • The Beast Who Hunts the Water: The Lunar's skin becomes as if made of solid water, a creature fit to live in the deepest western sea. Any sort of magic based on water directed against the Lunar causes no damage or ill effects. This applies even to aggravated damage. The Lunar also converts his attribute dice in automatic successes in any Resistance or Endurance tests brought by such attacks.
  • The Beast Who Hunts the Woods: The Lunar becomes a creature of thorns and petals, a creature fit to live in among the man-eating trees of the far East. The Lunar become immune to mundane and magical wood, thorns and poisons. Any sort of magic based on wood, plants or poison directed against the Lunar causes no damage or ill effects. The Lunar also converts his attribute dice in automatic successes in any Resistance or Endurance tests brought by such attacks.

Other elements follow a similar pattern. Direct attacks by other beings of Enlightened Essence, such as blasts of flame from a Dragon-Blooded or any attack made with Jade of the correspondent color, is not so ignored. However, they only deal their minimum damage against a Lunar so protected, no matter how much they have exceeded the Lunar soak. Poison is always ignored. The Lunar may not buy this Charm more times than he has dots of Stamina.

Life-Providing Instincts
Cost: 3 motes
Duration: Indefinite
Type: Simple
Minimum Perception: 3
Minimum Essence: 2
Prerequisite Charms: None
With this Charm, the Lunar needs never to go hungry or thirsty. If traveling alone through hospitable terrain, the Lunar is assured to find enough food or water to survive another day without devoting a single moment to it. If he actually stops to hunt or look for water, he finds enough to sustain a number of people equal to his Perception+Survival, without a roll, taking only an hour every day to do so. Inhospitable conditions may require the Lunar to roll, but unless he is at the Elemental Poles or similar hellish enviroment, the difficulty of the roll will never go above 3.

The Hunter Is At Home
Cost: 4 motes, 1 willpower
Duration: One Scene
Type: Simple
Minimum Perception: 4
Minimum Essence: 3
Prerequisite Charms: Life-Providing Instincts
Animals are specialized and adapted. The Lunars, with their intrisic connection to the Lotus of Life, take their lessons to heart, adapting their bodies to certain ambients. Attuning their bodies with The Hunter Is At Home, their bodies change, they develop feelers and the right skin and tendons to move in those places... the Lunar must choose a single ambient when he purchases this Charm. This Charm may be purchased more than once, a number of times equal to half the Lunar's Essence score(rounded up). Arid, Aquatic, Underground, Alpine, Woodlands, Plains, Artic, Forests, Savanna... on the Chosen environ, the Lunar converts all of his attribute dice in any Athletics, Awareness or Survival roll into automatic successes, and receives a 2-dice specialty bonus to all combat actions, which does not count against dice-adding limits.


Beast-Soothing Charisma
Cost: 4 motes
Duration: One Scene
Type: Simple
Minimum Charisma: 2
Minimum Essence: 2
Prerequisite Charms: Ascendant Charisma
With their Charisma, Lunars can curb bestial impulses, cooling the blood in the opposite way that Luna induces Lunacy, and making beasts know the Lunar is one of their own. The Lunar can instantly pacify any mundane beast. The Lunar walks without making birds and rabbits flee, and even wolves and bears just take the Lunar to be part of their pack or part of the background. They will never, in any instance, try to harm or hinder the Lunar unless they are harmed first. If the Lunar is faced with supernatural beasts, or those controlled by supernatural means to attack, the Lunar can roll his Charisma+Survival as a standard dice action with a difficulty equal to their Essence or the Essence of the one controlling them. Success stalls them for a turn.

The Lunar may wish to use this Charm to specifically pacify a single feral animal paying 1 willpower(and rolling, as above, for supernatural beasts). The beast remains pacified for the scene the Lunar remains with it, and for a scene afterwards. The Lunar may attempt to Tame or Train the animal pacified, rolling once per scene with it, even if the interval of such rolls would be of days or weeks.

Gather the Flock
Cost: 5 motes, 1 willpower
Duration: A Lunar Month
Type: Simple
Minimum Charisma: 3
Minimum Essence: 2
Prerequisite Charms: Beast-Soothing Charisma
Lunars can gather great armies of savage beings that resonate more easily with the primal impulses of Creation's soul. With Gather the Flock, the character can form a Pack or Flock no greater than (Charisma x5) beings. Those are only human-sized beasts, however. Two Small beasts count as one, five Tiny beasts count as one, and ten Minuscule beasts count as one. In the same token, a Large beast counts as two, a Huge beast counts as four, and a Giant beast counts as eight. To use this Charm on supernatural beasts or great feral ones, the Lunar needs to suceed in a Charisma+Survival roll with a difficulty equal to their Willpower.

Commanded beasts are in complete control of the Lunar, and will follow him as their greatest alpha. They do not fear fire, the lands of death, or any other thing that would give normal animals pause, and stop only when the Lunar wishes them to. Mounts will accept any riders the Lunar deems acceptable. The animals can understand the Lunar's commands perfectly, and he can understand all that they communicate to him. This Charm lasts for a Lunar Month, but at the end of it the Lunar can just pay the 4 motes again and retain his commnand without losing its benefits. If used on a Beast and the Lunar spends 1 experience point, he may create a Familiar, or increase his familiar rating with the beast by one.

Mirror of Wild Eyes
Cost: 2 motes
Duration: One Scene
Type: Simple
Minimum Charisma: 4
Minimum Essence: 2
Prerequisite Charms: Gather the Flock
The flock seems to be always aware of what all of its members see, able to dive and rise together at a moments' notice! Once this Charm is activated, the Lunar may spend 1 mote to see through the eyes of any of the animals he commands via Gather the Flock. He may do so for as long as he desires, but suffering a 4-dice penalty to notice or react to anything that happens with around his true self as long as his senses are mostly away, and 6-dice penalty on all awareness rolls required of his true self. The Lunar can use most sense-enhancing Charms through the animal as he could through his own eyes.

Dance of Wicked Beasts
Cost: 10 motes
Duration: One Scene
Type: Simple
Minimum Charisma: 4
Minimum Essence: 3
Prerequisite Charms: Mirror of Wild Eyes
Under the light of the full moon, beasts can be terrlble, descending over their unsuspecting targets and moving as one, ferocious, fast and powerful as their moonchildren leader herself! This Charm affects all creatures the Lunar commands via Gather the Flock. For the remainder of the scene, they add the Lunar's Essence to all combat actions.

Flock Dives at Bear
Cost: None
Duration: Permanent
Type: Special
Minimum Charisma: 4
Minimum Essence: 4
Prerequisite Charms: Dance of Wicked Beasts
A Flock or Pack moves as one. When threatened, they scatter as one, splitting in different ways with no pattern but their instincts, and yet, all know, and in the space of a breath they are together again, in perfect formation. Moving so perfectly, the group commanded by the Lunar becomes the perfect weapon, taking on enemies greater than itself, one covering for the other, counfounding the enemies with their movements, with their unity, a perfect understanding between all of them leading to nothing but victory! This Charm enhances Dance of Wicked Beasts. When activating that Charm, the Lunar may pay 1 willpower to lower all of his foe's defenses against the beast's attacks by his Intelligence, and increase the difficulty to strike at his beasts by his Essence.


Alpha Majesty Attitude
Cost: 3 motes, 1 willpower
Duration: One Scene
Type: Simple
Minimum Charisma: 4
Minimum Essence: 3
Prerequisite Charms: Beast-Soothing Charisma
The Lunar empowers the beast within his soul, turning his totem animal into a majestic beast to lord over its kind. When in Totem Form, enhanced by this Charm the Lunar is second only to an Animal Avatar. As long as this Charm is in effect, all members of his species that meet the Lunar will pay deference to him, never harm him, unless the Lunar provokes such(and even then they will stop the attack as soon as they can) and obey any of his non-suicidal commands. If they are forced to attack him, such as war horses or leashed hounds, they may only do so if they make a Valor roll per turn of attack or pursuit. Familiars are resistant to this Charm, but they still feel compelled to help, and must spend 1 willpower to resist the Lunar's orders, and 1 willpower for every turn they attempt to strike the Lunar. Elementals, Gods, Demons and such Creatures that share traits with the Totem are affected as Familiars.

Lord of the Wild Meditation
Cost: None
Duration: Permanent
Type: Special
Minimum Charisma: 5
Minimum Essence: 3
Prerequisite Charms: Alpha Majesty Attitude
The silver majesty the character dons now exceeds beyond the realm of his own species. This Charm enhances Alpha Majesty Attittude. By doubling its mote cost, the Lunar becomes able to affect any creature within the same species as his Totem(felines, canines, spiders, butterflies...) with its compulsion. Familiars remain equally resistant, and all spirits or other supernatural beings who share traits with beings of that species are affected accordingly.

Avatar of Nature Attittude
Cost: 6 motes, 1 willpower
Duration: One Scene
Type: Simple
Minimum Charisma: 5
Minimum Essence: 4
Prerequisite Charms: Lord of the Wild Meditation
The Lunar's Majesty transcends the realm of beasts, and he becomes the living embodiment of his species, second to none - only the Animal Avatars are his equals. When in his Totem Form, the Lunar may not be harmed by those of the same species as his own, no matter what he does, and he may issue even suicidal commands to them. Familiars now obey his commands, as long as they are not suicidal, or to attack the Familiar's master. Elementals, Gods, Demons and such Creatures that share traits with the Totem are affected as Familiars. This Charm may be enhanced by Lord of the Wyld Meditation.


Empower the Beast
Cost: 1+ motes, 1 willpower
Duration: A Lunar Month
Type: Simple
Minimum Charisma: 4
Minimum Essence: 3
Prerequisite Charms: Beast-Soothing Charisma
With a touch, the Lunar spreads his force to his bestial kin through his charisma, his presence, shifting their flesh to make them stronger, faster, better. The Lunar can only use Empower the Beast in creatures of the same species as his Totem Anima, although that includes Beastmen. For every mote committed, he may add 2 dots to the beast's attributes, but the Lunar may not spend more motes powering this Charm than his Essence. The Lunar may enhance (Charisma x2) beasts with this Charm, paying once for all those enhanced.

The Lunar may pay a number of experience points equal to the number of motes committed for this Charm when used on a Familiar, freeing the commitment and making the changes permanent. The Familiar does not count against the maximum number of creatures enhanced by this Charm when the changes are made permanent, but neither can the Familiar benefit from both the temporary and permanent iterations of this Charm at once.

Moonlight Shard Infusion
Cost: 10 motes, 1 willpower
Duration: A Lunar Month
Type: Simple
Minimum Charisma: 4
Minimum Essence: 3
Prerequisite Charms: Empower the Beast
Placing two fingers on her caste mark, the Lunar draws out shimmering moonlight slivers that hum like the Wyld. Those slivers are placed upon the brow of the beasts the Lunar has wishes to enhance, and sink in, forming an arcane tatoo that speaks of the Lunar's dreams and pride... and infusing the beast with a shard of moon-blessed power! The Lunar may enhance (Charisma x2) beasts with this Charm, paying once for all those enhanced, who must be from the same species as the Lunar's Totem Animal(Beastmen count). All those infused with the Moonlight Shard receive an Essence Pool of (Charisma x4) motes and a number of Charms the Lunar knows(and that they meet the Attribute, but not Essence, requirements for) equal to his Essence.

The Lunar may pay a number of experience points equal to the number of motes committed for this Charm when used on a Familiar, freeing the commitment and making the changes permanent. The Familiar does not count against the maximum number of creatures enhanced by this Charm when the changes are made permanent, but neither can the Familiar benefit from both the temporary and permanent iterations of this Charm at once.

Master the Living Kaleidoscope
Cost: None
Duration: Permanent
Type: Special
Minimum Charisma: 4
Minimum Essence: 3
Prerequisite Charms: Empower the Beast
All animals are as one to the Lunar. He is the lord of all beasts, able to empower any and all of them as readily as those who share his own soul. This Charm enhances Empower the Beast, and all Charms that possess it as a pre-requisite. The Lunar may now use said Charms to enhance any sort of beast, not only those in the same species as her Totem. This includes any sort of Beastmen, as well.

Moon-Blessed Chimera
Cost: 1+ motes, 1 willpower
Duration: A Lunar Month
Type: Simple
Minimum Charisma: 5
Minimum Essence: 3
Prerequisite Charms: Master the Living Kaleidoscope
The Lunar makes others consume little slivers of her flesh, and with them the chaotic essence of change untamed. This allows the Lunar to change their flesh as she would change her own, creating many unnatural features or simply perfecting the beast's forms. She may commit 1 mote to give the beasts 2 Mutation Points. The Lunar may enhance (Charisma x2) beasts with this Charm as it is activated, but may not commit more motes to it than her Essence.

The Lunar may pay a number of experience points equal to the number of motes committed for this Charm when used on a Familiar, freeing the commitment and making the changes permanent. The Familiar does not count against the maximum number of creatures enhanced by this Charm when the changes are made permanent, but neither can the Familiar benefit from both the temporary and permanent iterations of this Charm at once.

Soul-Sibling Unity
Cost: None
Duration: Permanent
Type: Special
Minimum Charisma: 4
Minimum Essence: 4
Prerequisite Charms: Moonlight Shard Infusion
Familiars are bound to the soul of their master. Lunars understand this bond deeper than most. Two sides of one soul separated only by their bodies... and with a touch, not even that. With a Shapeshifting Action and the expenditure of 1 willpower, the Lunar can meld his own form with the Familar's, becoming a powerful hybrid of both! They become one, guided by the Lunar's mind, but with the visible influence of the Familiar's personality. The Lunar must be in his human or totem shape when this charm is used(which has to be chosen when this Charm is learned is learned) and pay the cost to transform into the composite form, a clearly supernatural creature whose shape shows the characteristics of both the Lunar and his Familiar. The composite form the Lunar's attributes, plus one-half of the familiar's(rounding down), uses the best of their abilities, all of their specialties, and the sum of their Essence ratings. It has the Lunar's Essence Pool, all of their Charms, special abilities, natural attacks, features and supernatural weaknesses.


Boundary-Marking Meditation
Cost: 12 motes, 1 willpower
Duration: Instant
Type: Simple
Minimum Charisma: 4
Minimum Essence: 3
Prerequisite Charms: Primal Charisma
The land knows its protector. This Charm claims a territory no larger than (his Essence x10) square miles for the Lunar. The target region may not belong to another Essence channeler, and if it is, the Charm instantly fails and the owner becomes aware of it. All the Little Gods within the territory accept the Lunar's primacy; if any did not, this Charm wouldn't have functioned. Within the territory, anyone who is not the Lunar or a native little god increases the difficulty of all their actions by 1 as an Enviromental Penalty. The Lunar may exempt individuals from this by announcing it in their presence, or revoke this exemption in the same way. Characters who survey the land's geomancy with any form of Essence Sight can see the boundaries of the Lunar's territory. Thaumathurgic tools give the warning, showing the land is owned by a great power, whereas essence sight abilities see the edge of the territory glow with pale moonlight.

Watchful Spider Stance
Cost: 5 motes, 1 willpower
Duration: Indefinite
Type: Simple
Minimum Perception: 4
Minimum Essence: 3
Prerequisite Charms: Ascendant Perception, Primal Perception
Lunars are as aware of their territory as a spider is of its web. The character with this Charm becomes completely aware of the region known as her territory. She must own the territory, either by use of Boundary-Marking Meditation or by naturally being accepted in such position. She may target an area no larger than (Essence x10) square miles when using this Charm, and must be within its boundaries for it to function. Once this Charm is activated, the character may use Perception with any appropriate Abilities to notice or seek out things within the affected territory. Anything that would be a valid target for such a roll in her presence becomes a valid target for a roll within her territory. The character may enhance those perceptive abilities with any Charms at her disposal, and unusual disturbances within her territory merit reflexive Perception+Awareness roll to instantly become aware of. Paranoid Lunars, especially elders, have this Charm active at all times.

Grandfather Spider Majesty
Cost: None
Duration: Permanent
Type: Special
Minimum Perception: 5
Minimum Essence: 4
Prerequisite Charms: Watchful Spider Stance
This Charm permanently enhances Watchful Spider Stance, and allows the Lunar to declare conditions that allow the Lunar to activate Watchful Spider Stance reflectively and instantly observe the phenomenon. Players should come up with conditions that fit their characters, but may never set up more conditions than her Permanent Essence. Examples include:

  • When a person or party the Lunar does not know enters the territory.
  • Odd effects, such as unusual weather patterns, cultural migration or the Wyld.
  • When a specific, named person enters the territory.
  • When a Charm or Essence power is activated within the character's territory.

When this Charm activates, the Lunar gets a Reflexive Perception+Awareness roll against any magical attempt to conceal one of those conditions. Non-magical attempts instantly fail. If the Lunar is successful, he knows who invades his territory. If he fails, the Charm's activation goes unnoticed.

Silver Spider's Lair
Cost: 12 motes, 1 willpower
Duration: Indefinite
Type: Simple
Minimum Perception: 5
Minimum Essence: 5
Prerequisite Charms: Grandfather Spider Majesty
Spiders can easily weave more of their webs, covering vast swathes of territory with them in a whim! Activating this Charm, the Lunar fills an area that does not need be her territory with her presence. This takes five minutes and covers an area of (her Essence x100) yards. Within this area, as long as she keeps her motes committed, she may use Watchful Spider Stance and Grandfather Spider Majesty freely. She may make her presence manifest physically, usually in the form of grasping silver webs, if she so wishes, by paying 1 willpower. This has one of two effects. Either it gives any of those she does not exempts an Enviromental Penalty on all physical actions equal to the Lunar's Essence for a number of turns equal to the Lunar's Essence, or it creates something akin to a forest of opaque strands which give the statistics of a stone wall for every (10-the Lunar's Essence) yards anywhere in the territory, hindering the passage of others for a like number of turns. The Lunar may allow any he exempts from it to walk through even those hard strands. The Lair disappears at the end of those turns, and must be created anew.