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Name: Triumphant Wave
Type: Sidereal
Caste: Secrets
Nature: Follower
Anima: ???
Concept: Wyld-touched

Strength 2, Dexterity 3, Stamina 4
Charisma 1, Manipulation 4, Appearance 2
Perception 4, Intelligence 4, Wits 3

Awareness 3, Bureaucracy 2, Craft Fate 1, Investigation 4, Larcency 3, Linguistics 3, Lore 3, Martial Arts 3, Occult (The Wyld +2) 4, Resistance 1, Ride 1, Socialize 3, Stealth 3, Survival 2

Backgrounds: Acquaintances 2, Backing (Gold Faction) 3, Celestial Manse 2, Connections (Division of Secrets) 1, Connections (The Threshold) 2, Salary 3, Sifu 2

Compassion 1 Conviction 4, Temperance 2, Valor 3

Willpower: 7
Health: -0,-1,-1,-2,-2,-4,Incap
Essence: 3
Essence pool: 13/35

The Key 2
The Mask 2
The Treasure Trove 3

Investigation: Efficient Secretary Technique
Martial Arts: Air Dragon's Sight, Shrouding the Body and Mind, Wind Dragon Speed
Larcency: Creation Smuggling Precedures, Sidereal Shell Games
Linguistics: Blue Vervain Binding
Lore: Systematic Understanding of Everything, Of the Shape of the World
Stealth: Soft Presence Practice
Survival: Becoming the Wilderness
Thrown: Willful Weapon Method

Equipment: ???

Base initiative: 6)
Soak: 4B/2L/0A (unarmored)
Dodge: 3
Chakram: Spd 6, Acc 6, Dmg 3L, Def 7, Rate 3, Range 20

Merits: Mutation: Horns (4 pts)
Flaws: Permanent Caste Mark (1 pt), Greater Curse (3 pts; reduces her maximum Paradox pool by 3)


There are those among the Chosen of the Maidens who believe the Wyld can only be understood by a mind that has experienced it. Since it is their duty to oversee the Fate of all of Creation, they argued that there was a need for someone among their numbers who understands the infinite possibilities of the Wyld.
After a satisfying number of planning sessions, policy meetings and Astrological predictions were held, the Chosen decided to guide a Sidereal Essence to a birth in a Bordermarch of the Wyld.
Even though the Sidereal took much care to predict the course of the Essence shard, the energies of the Wyld twisted the flow of Essence and redirected the spark into the sister of the boy who had been chosen for this project. For a short moment, the Exalts wondered whether their plan to control the touch of the Wyld could ever succeed when it wasn’t even working in its first stages, but once initiated, the Sidereal were unwilling to stop their project.
The Sidereals observed the growth of Triumphant Wave, the Wyld child. They saw her become a shaman of her tribe, and they saw her venture into the chaotic depths of the Wyld, hoping to be granted a vision of her fate. She received the vision she had sought and foresaw a future full of stars.
When she reentered stable Creation, she was doubly changed. The Wyld had touched her, and her Exaltation had taken place. Before she could reach her tribe, the Sidereals ushered her into Heaven, where her Sidereal training begun. She learned all the accumulated wisdom of the Wyld, and she learned of the Fair Folk, the formless natives of raw chaos. She visited all manner of Wyld-touched and communed with the gods who lived in the Bordermarches.
Sidereals and gods alike consulted her on matters of the Wyld even while she was training. Triumphant Wave came to believe that the constant questions meant that her answers were lacking.
After she had finished her education in the matters of Fate and Wyld, she served as roving consultant. Her journeys to all parts of Creation gave her much opportunity to secretly watch the Lunars and the Fair Folk in their dealing with the Wyld. As she grew bolder, she started to interact with them under the guise of Resplendent Destinies. Not long, and she had regular clandestine meetings with beings that were thought to be great dangers to Creation by her Sidereal comrades.
Her drive to truly know the Wyld is so strong that even though she is already mutated from her time spent at the borders of the Wyld, she plans to travel into the deepest Wyld, to search again for understanding through visions.

Expanded Merits & Flaws

Mutation: Horns: When she came back from her vision quest, the Wyld had given Triumphant Wave horns. They grow from the back of her head, fitting closely around its sides and pointing forward, giving them a crown-like appearance.

Permanent Caste Mark: Due to the twisted nature of her Exaltation, Triumphant Wave's Caste Mark is clearly visible on her forehead.

Greater Curse: The Wyld distorts petitions sent by Triumphant Wave to the Pattern Spiders. The Spiders have to straighten them out first, which tests their patience. Consequently, Triumphant Wave's Paradox pool is smaller than that of other Sidereals.