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Circus of Unearthly Delights

- Circus comes to town-
- The Ring Master- Saladin al’Sunni (secretly Fae Folk infiltrator) comes to town. All of Gem gathers down in the Hot District to see the spectacle.
– Lions & tigers & apes in cages. A great (actually 10 feet tall) Tyrant Lizard thrashing about.
- Then horror. Overturned wagon, broken cage! An Abacasteri (Lion of gold, eyes of topaz) has escaped at front gate.

Bite- Spd 6, Acc 6, Damage 5A (acid), Def 6
Claws Spd 6, Acc 7, Damage 8L, Def 7.
Dodge -5, Soak 7L/10B
Haunts graveyards, only attacks in self defence, burning hot blood, turns to yellow dust when killed.

While Guard deploys to find Lion, Hobgoblin infiltrators creep in, disguised as clowns.


Knife/Chakram- Speed 6, Acc 7, Dam 4L Defence 6
Bite- Speed 5, Acc 6, Dam 4L, Defence 4
Dodge Pool 5, Soak 4L/7B
Will power 6. 0, -1, -3, Incap x12

Names- Bozo, 0, -1, -3, Incap
Smiley, 0, -1, -3, Incap
Whitey, 0, -1, -3, Incap
Duffer 0, -1, -3, Incap
Dooley 0, -1, -3, Incap
Tooley, 0, -1, -3, Incap
Plonk 0, -1, -3, Incap
Tonk 0, -1, -3, Incap
Wheezy 0, -1, -3, Incap
Spangles, 0, -1, -3, Incap
Skippy 0, -1, -3, Incap
Nic Nac. 0, -1, -3, Incap


Throw marbles & tacks from big sleeve & giggle as people trip. (Dex & Dodge)
Custard Pie to face, filled with burning powder (howl uproariously). Sta+ Resist or blinded
Smiley faced chakram, cutting armour straps.
2 rush PC and 3rd sneaks behind to kneel down behind legs. Tackle attack- 6 dice, lose one success. If successful, does 3B and target needs to make Dex & Athletics at Dif 4. to avoid falling prone.
Unicycle trick- +2 to dodge, run over toes for 2B, no armour soak.

Ymes & men deploying on wall. Go in with Firewands with dawn.

Circus/Carnivale set up in Hot District- people streaming in, joyous music from it.

Big Top- Ringmaster is leading the clowns and trapeze artists around the tent. Crowd enthralled as a Tyrant Lizard eats someone and then they pop back out! High diver dives into a glass of water. Member of the audience is swung up by cruel trapeze artists- always letting them go, bashing them into nets & poles. She also has fear of heights. Keeps screaming.

Fortune Tent. Pay the Fae Gypsy and she will show you your future. Tarot cards come alive, showing animated scenes that will come true. “What has happened before will happen again!” Scenes depend on attitude of PC to her. Lose point of Valour to Ravishing.

Strong Man- Fae Cataphract with Str 8, Dex 4. Insanely lethal hammer…

Lion Tent- Animal tents- Abacasteri- wounded. Lionfolk eating people. Rhino escaping. Simhata (Golden maned superhorse) kneels toward Exalt. Desert Basilisk spits fire.

Big wheel & fair ground- go round, don’t come back. Everything inverted. In Upside-down world. Need to climb back.

Horses on Merry-Go-Round- turn live- great cavalry charge.

Carnies steal your soul in little bits. Streamers of gauzy energy coming from Gemites into the mouths of the Fae.

Centre of disturbance- of Wyld energy is the Ringmasters caravan. Terrible thumping heard from inside- crate battened down, reality distoritions coming off it. (makes you longer or shorter like crazy mirror. Left handed instead of right…..

Inside a morphic ball of silver madness and flesh. Constantly changing- lupine head, then eagles, then horse- a chimera Lunar, inundated with Wyld energy. Killing or absorbing Wyld essence earns PC a Lunar Exaltation.

Saladin al’Sunni-

Str 4, Dex 5, Sta 4, Cha 7, Manip 6, App 6, Mental- 5

Conviction 5, Valour 5, others 1

Athletics 4, Awareness 5, Craft (Glamour 5) Dodge 5, MA 4, Melee 4 , Performance 6, Presence 6, Socialise 7, Stealth 5.

Essence 3, Pool of 30m. Willpower 9
Beguile 1w, 10m, 14 dice for number of scenes his suggestions seem perfectly reasonable. Need Willpower 7 or more to resist.
Undetecible Lie- 5m, 1w. 12 dice to lie so well it seems real. Wits & Essence> 7 to resist. Or W.
Glamour- 9 dice to create illusion that is real. Need Wits & Essence over/equal to 5 to tell it’s a fake.
Faerie knife- Speed 13, Acc 9, Dam 6L Defence 7.
Dodge Pool 10, Soak 8L, 10B
0, -1 -1 -1 -2 -2 -2 -2 -4, Incap.

Iron does Agg, only 6A soak.

Rewards- 5xp. Save Hot District. Get invited to Despots Palace tomorrow. Lunar shard.

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