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Garden's Solar Survival Charms

Tireless Assassin’s Mark

 Cost: 1 mote per die
 Duration: Varies
 Type: Supplemental
 Minimum Survival: 3
 Minimum Essence: 2
 Prerequisite Charms: None

Sometimes even the best assassin’s slip up and their marks escape into the night, leaving the assassin to begin the long and arduous process of tracking them down again. This charm allows the character to make that process easier by ‘tagging’ their mark with their own Essence. To perform this, the character brands the target’s skin with their attack, be it melee, hand-to-hand or ranged, leaving behind a golden mark which fades after a few seconds.

The Exalt’s player rolls to hit as normal. On a successful strike, the character feeds motes into the point of contact on the target, making a mark that flashes with the colour of the sun. These motes remain committed until the Exalt either cancels the charm or until the charm fades. For every mote commited, the target recieves an additional dice on their Perception + Survival roll to track the target (up to a maximum of their Perception + Survival), the mark fades at a rate of one mote per day. Whilst the mark is active there are no penalties for the target having hidden their tracks through mundane means.

Tireless Assassin's Mark is explicitly permitted to be part of a Combo with Charms of other Abilities.

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