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Free Essence Spirit</b>

 <b>Cost: Special
 Duration: Permanent
 Type: Special
 Min. Endurance: 2
 Min Essence: 1
 Prereqs: None

As the Solar's power increases, so does her ability to utilize committed items. Every time this charm is purchased, five free motes for commitment is created. This means that a Solar committing 10 essence can completely erase that by purchasing this charm twice. This charm can only be bought once per dot of Endurance. This charm is also useful to reduce the commitment of essence motes from scene-long charms. Example: Clar'dan has no magical sword, but he has purchased Free Essence Spirit twice. When he activates 5FBS and FLB, the charms are still costly, but by stunting, stealing essence, and essence-generating charms (e.g., Essence-Gathering Temper) he can regain all his lost motes.


I was thinking to make two charms, one for artifact committing motes (craft), and one for scene-long charms (Endurance). - Clebo

Hm. Given the costlyness of the Abyssal Bloodpool schtik (the whole having to suck blood and all), I'd personally drop this to just 5 motes per time it's taken. At the same time, though, I'd also ease off on the restriction- just let it provide 5 more motes Peripheral per time it's taken. Or, arguably, five motes that recharge even when the Exalt couldn't normally regain Essence, thus giving a small battery in the Underworld. - DariusSolluman

I don't understand what you mean DS. If I drop the 5 motes per purchase, the charm wouldn't be able to do anything at all. The cap is there to quantify how much committed essence can be uncommitted. -Clebo

He's saying just let it add 5 to your peripheral pool, with no restrictions on its use.

I think the example is confusing, btw. The pool can be used for artifact commitments and scene long charm, so I don't see how (or even if) the Exalt chooses to regain essence or will is relevant. It almost seems to imply that the character can regain the committed essence (which I assume isn't the case as this would contradict canon in a big way).- Qaphsiel

I think this should be a Lore Charm. I find it almost entirely irrelevant to Endurance.
~ Shataina

I think that it should be Lore also, with at least a 3 Essence minimum. But then again, I never liked the Abyssal Survival Charm, either. But maybe I should think about that a little bit...hmm. - Morpheus

Well, I agree that the charm could be Lore-based. This is no big deal for me. Also, just increasing the peripheral pool would be "too easy". I like the more tricky mechanics where the build for the charm is not that straightfoward. Also, if the charm increases the pool, all characters would benefit from it greatly, and linearly (the more the better). In the present state, only a few purchases of the charm is useful, depending on if you have many charms with committed essence. Sure, first purchase, almost everyone can use, but three? Heck, I suspect that there are characters out there that do not even have more than 6 committable motes. This way, this charm will not necessary become crippingly mandatory. Also, the problem in getting the motes back that you are able to, is still a problem. -Clebo

Advanced Solars have access to fighting styles where nearly all their combat Charms involve committed Essence. My Essence 5 Night, Birds-of-Trinity, has almost zero Essence flux during fights because she doesn't ever use Instant Charms. - willows thinks that committed Essence is basically more and more important as you advance

willows, I agree that advanced Solars depend on scene-long charms, and as they become more powerful, this is clearer and clearer. However, I think that this works in favor of the charm. The more you advance, the more you pick up FES. This entices a gradual use of the charm, not something you'd pour all you XP into at one given time. For example, advanced Solars might know 5FBS, but not FLB. These Solars are benefitted from one FES, perhaps two if they have Graceful Crane Stance. Very experienced Solar might know FLB, GCS, 5FBS, and Charcoal March of Spiders. That's 5+3+5+12 essence committed. They have use of multiple purchases of FES, so they naturally buy it more often. A flat bonus to an essence pool would not have this characteristic, which I like. -Clebo