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Mate Assuring Presence
Cost: ; Mins: Integrity 1, Essence 1; Type: Permanent
Keywords: None
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisite Charms: None

The bond between a solar and lunar mate is a special thing, unique and wonderful and as increadible as an eclipse. They show a unity of Heavenly power. More then that there is powerful love between them and such feelings can not help but be felt by a partner and reassure them in things. When a Lawgiver with this charm sleeps in the presence of the mated Lunar companion the Solar may add her Compassion to the Conviction roll to regain willpower. This can not raise a characters temporary willpower pool above its normal limit.

Adamant Soul Technique
Cost: -(1ahl); Mins: Integrity 4, Essence 3; Type: Permanent
Keywords: None
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisite Charms: Destiny-Manifesting Method

Sacrificing a bit of herself to make a shield for her soul her soul and powers become inviolate. At any point in the day the Solar can take an aggravated health level of damage and protect herself for one day with this charm. While it is active charms and effects which attack the soul, drain her motes, add a mote surcharge to using her charms, stop her from using charms fail. Powers which convince her to not use her charms or make her believe she can not use her charms work fine but if a Lawgiver wishes to express her might she will. Obviously this charm can always be activated.
