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God-Blooded Creation House Rules

Everyone should keep in mind that these new rules are meant to make God-Blooded more powerful than they currently are (in some cases much more powerful) and to get rid of the dependency to Merits and Flaws. Some key Merits are lowered in value because higher Inheritance doesn't give the capacity for more Flaws, and others because they're just too expensive in the book. Characters at Inheritance 2+ start with Essence manipulation, which is quite an advancement, but not enough to deplete the huge gap between Exalts and God-Blooded in power.

Any rules not mentioned remain the same. If any of my changes affect other rules that I haven't addressed, please let me know.


For the purposes of simplicity, Charms, Fae powers and Elemental powers are all refered to as just Charms, since they all cost the same to buy, etc. Essence pools are determined per the calculations detailed in the Players Guide under the Awakened Essence Merit.

- Trickled drops. You have little to no mystical heritage. You receive no bonus points, charms or any other mystical advantage. You may have some aspects of your parent, but nothing else.
Thin blood. You're still mainly human. You have no control of your Essence. It's possible you don't even know who your parents are, or that you're even a God-Blooded. You receive 6 additional bonus points.
• • Good blood. You have knowledge that you are special. You receive an Essence pool and manipulation of said Essence. You start with 12 additional bonus points and 2 Charms of your parent's type.
• • • Noble blood. Your ancestry is potent. More than probably, you know who and what your parents are. You have an Essence pool and receive 18 additional bonus points and 3 Charms of your parent's type.
• • • • Impeccable scion. Minor gods honor you as a peer. You've got the blood of heroes or very power demons or Fair Folk. You have an Essence pool and receive 24 additional bonus points and 4 Charms of your parent's type.
• • • • • Divine. You truly are the best of your breed. You claim descent from some of the most powerful gods, demons or fae. You could even equal the Terrestrial Exalted in power in your lifetime. You have an Essence pool and receive 30 additional bonus points and 5 Charms of your parent's type.

Higher Inheritance is possible, but these God-Blooded are the rarest of their breeds, only one or two born every few centuries, if even. The progression should be obvious. Keep starting Essence at 1 and add 6 additional bonus points and 1 Charm per level of Inheritance.

Merits and Flaws

Merits and Flaws unmentioned remain as they are.

  • God-Body remains the same, except the progression is 2, 4, 6, 8, instead of 3, 5, 7, 10.
  • Divine Resilience is unecessary. Use the Ox-Body Technique version for Spirits instead that gives Elemental- and God-Blooded two additional -2 Health Levels. In addition, any Elemental- or God-Blooded that purchase this Merit, only to later become actual Elementals or Gods by raising their Essence calculate their Health Levels as normal Elementals and Spirits, but still keep the Health Levels that their Ox-Body Technique grants them. All God-Blooded whose Heritage already possesses a version of Ox-Body Technique use that version.
  • Awakened Essence is partially discarded. Any God-Blooded of Inheritance 2 or higher already possesses this quality. Any God-Blooded that start with Inheritance 1 can later on buy this Merit at 10 experience points (or alternatively, the Storyteller could decide that by raising Essence to 2 the character gains an Essence pool automatically).
  • Magical Attunement falls to a 2 point Merit and the God-Blooded must be of Inheritance of at least 2. It costs 10 experience points to develope this quality in play, but the character must possess an Essence pool.
  • Aura of Power is only available to characters of Inheritance of at least 2. Only characters with an Essence pool can be cursed with this malediction during play.
  • Denizen of Beyond is only available to characters of Inheritance of at least 2. Only characters with an Essence pool can be cursed with this malediction during play.
  • Respiring Touch is now a 4 point Merit, but remains otherwise unaffected.
  • Elemental Power is nullified. God-Blooded born of elementals can buy elemental powers at char creation or during play at the same cost as Charms.
  • Elemental Dominion can be bought as if it were a normal elemental power or Charm.
  • Elemental Immunity doesn't require anything but an Essence pool and can be bought as if it were a normal elemental power or Charm.
  • Unholy overides Affected by Wards completely if taken and encompasses all the disadvantages of the previous Flaw. It's only available to characters of Inheritance 2 or higher (or can be gained if the character has an Essence pool during play).
  • Walking Blasphemy now grants 7 bonus points and encompasses both Affected by Wards and Unholy as Unholy encompasses Affected by Wards. It's only available to characters of Inheritance 3 or higher (only characters with an Essence pool can be cursed with this malediction during play).
  • Suicide Commando is only a 2 point Merit now.
  • Fetter Sense remains the same, except that, while the Ghost-Blooded can't tell who the Fetter is connected to, they can discern the power level of the Fetter with an Perception + Occult roll, difficulty 3.
  • Unchained Soul is now a 5 point Merit.
  • Chillikin Companion remains the same, except that Solar Exalted may also have this Merit. As an alternative, they may have a Chillikin Companion as a Familiar 3.
  • Supernatural Merits that grant the Fae-Blooded the powers of their parents may be bought as other God-Blooded buy their Charms (all prerequisites in the book still apply), except for Goblin Body and Transcendent Dream Shape, which are detailed below.
  • Goblin Body costs the same as any other Fae Power to buy with experience points, but the Fae-Blooded gets 3 mutations with the first purchase. After that, if the Fae-Blooded wants to buy additional characteristics, he may buy the Charm again (for the normal price) and gain 2 more characteristics for each purchase. If the player wants to start at character creation with a more powerful Goblin Body, he can use one of his alotted Charms at character creation to add 2 more characteristics. The prerequisite of Wyld Sense and the transformation costs still apply.
  • Transcendent Dream Shape also costs the same as any other Charm to buy with experience points, but the Fae-Blooded gets 3 dots of Physical or Social Attributes to add. Each additional purchase of the Charm later on (at the normal Charm price) adds 2 more points to be alotted. If the player wants to start at character creation with a more powerful Transcendent Dream Shape, he can use one of his alotted Charms at character creation to add 2 more Attribute dots in their special shape. The prerequisite of Wyld Sense and the transformation costs still apply.

Special Notes

  • God-Blooded Beastmen: Beastmen do not have to be conceived while the Lunar is in beastform with a human or in human form with an animal. Being in the Wyld is enough. The whole beastiality thing is totally unecessary. Beastmen can retain Essence 1 even at Inheritance 2 or higher, and do not have to take Charms. Instead, if they give up their second dot of Essence, they have the option to gain an additional 5 bonus points (above and beyond those given by their Inheritance rating). If thery choose not to take Charms, they can purchase their mutations with their Charm slots. Each Charm slot is worth two Poxes, one Affliction or one Blight, as necessary for their type of Beastman. If their Charm slots aren't enough to buy the necessary mutations for their Beastman type, they may buy other needed mutations as described in the Players Guide.



Why not just give out more BP with Inheritance? As far as I can tell, this will answer most of your desires, other than things like making certain M/F accessible to new types. - willows

Because I'm a complicated guy with a stubborn head on my shoulders. Also, I like structure, and just adding Bonus Points via Inheritance seems like a nice way of making one hell of a clusterfuck. I also lowered starting Essence to 1 again. It just makes more sense. I think this accomplishes what I wanted nicely, better than just adding Bonus Points. - Seiraryu