Character for Stalker of Shadows's Gates Across Worlds Alchemicals campaign.
Caste: Orichalum
Nature: Leader
Concept: Borg Queen
Caste Attributes
Strength: 4
Charisma: 3
Intelligence: 5
Favored Attributes
Dexterity: 4(5)
Stamina: 3
Manipulation: 2
Other Attributes
Wits: 1
Appearance: 3
Perception: 3
Athletics: 1
Awareness: 2
Medicine: 1
Dodge: 3
Melee: 3
Resistance: 1
Thrown: 3
Linguistics: 2 (Autochthonian, Low Realm, Old Realm)
Performance: 1
Presence: 2
Awareness: 1
Socialize: 1
Bueracracy: 2
Investigation: 2
Lore: 1
Occult: 2
Compassion: 1
Temperance: 3
Valor: 2
Conviction: 3
Essence: 4
Personal: /21
Peripheral: /41
Willpower: 6
Class: 4
Vats: 1
Artifacts: 5
Backing (Luminators): 2
Installed Charms
Strain Resistant Chassis x2
Transitory Augmentation of Strength
Integrated Arsenal (hair whips)
Sustained Augmentation of Dexterity
Accelerated Response System (dodge)
Integrated Arsenal (chainsaw, perfect weapon)
Essence Shield Projector
Dynamic Response System
(to come)
Combat Stats
Initiative: 6+d10+weapon
Dodge: 8
Soak: 3B / 1L
Orichalum grand goremaul: speed+10, accuracy 9, damage 13L, defense 10, rate 3
Hair whips: speed +3, accuracy 11, damage 6L(piercing), defense 10, rate 5
Electrified whip: speed +2, accuracy 10, damage 6B, defense 9, rate 3. Charge for 1 mote adds +4B. Attune 3.
Gyroscopic Chakram (melee): speed +1, accuracy 9, damage 9L, defense 10, rate 6
Gyroscopic Chakram (thrown): accuracy 9, damage 7L, range 30, rate 3
-drains 4 motes on a hit
-returns instantly to hand after a hit
Time Interrupt Device *****
2 Orichalum / Soulsteel polymer gyroscopic chakrams **** each
Electric Whip ***
Orichalum grand goremaul
Gem of Ghost Touch (Abyssal 2): Allows the bearer to perceive and attack dematerialized ghosts. This has no effect on other dematerialized spirits such as gods, elementals and demons.
total: 15 / 30
-learned two ranks of Awareness
-learned one rank (2) of linguistics (Old Realm)
-learned one rank of medicine
-one dedicated charm slot installed