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And here be Session Sixteen for this crew of pirates.

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Session Seventeen

As the Solars dock and Ryoujal finds himself greeted by the unfamiliar sight of his home, people start to emerge from the island. All of them look somewhat haggard and the other Solars will note a variety of wyld mutations among the people of the isle. Among them is Lady Caritharnas, whom the others have 'met' once back in the Wyld on that island, but this is a weary Lady Caritharnas bearing wounds that appear to have only recently been healed. "Why did you take so long to come?" She asks Ryoujal. "We waited for you when word came that you had received our message. But you have come too late."

Ryoujal says, "My Lady... what happened here?"

Orillian looks out at the island's inhabitants. "Ar, not the sort of homecomin' I'd be wantin," he comments quietly to Megumi, shaking his head.

"What do you think?" Comes the slightly sharp reply. "We came under attack and were only barely able to survive. My father is captured and we are left to fend for ourselves as the Wyld encroaches closer."

Megumi shakes her head. "No...I'd hate to see the Isle in these straights..." she whispers back.

Big Red scans the horizon and shakes his head at the sight

Ryoujal says, "This... I didn't know it was... Why didn't..."

Ryoujal can only get out those partial thoughts, too shocked to go one.

Lady Syn says, "What attacked? Numbers, powers, and so on. Then where are they holed up?"

"You know my Father. You think he would ask you to return for anything but the greatest of troubles? He is far too proud to ask for help otherwise." As she speaks, the volcanoes rumble and Caritharnas spins around. "Follow me. A Wyld storm approaches once more and we must get to safety." She slithers off quickly, with the small group of her followers with her.

Ryoujal says to Storm, "Capitan, you might want to get the crew to come with..." Before following her to the bastion.

Orillian licks his thumb and sticks it out to measure the wind. "Best place to ride out the storm be where the Wyld can't touch... say, around me. Have ye all a safer harbor for the boat?" He asks out to the islanders.

Megumi allows the crew to take shoreleave if they wish, or stay with the ship, at their preference. She follows along, because apparently we're going to have some exposition. Yay for plot exposition.

Ryoujal says, "If need be, I can help protect you from the storm.... if you wish it My Lady...."

Orillian stays aboard. "If it's all the same to ye, captain, I'd best be with the boat to make sure she don't plop into a whale or a flowerpot or some other Wyld abomination. Besides, I can listen in on Syn."

Lady Syn says, "I'm nae some personal communications device."

Orillian snickers. "Nay, but ye are wearing one."

Lady Syn says, "Just use the time to figure a way to get you out of my blasted head. And if thats too hard for you, defur that artifact I found."

Big Red follows the Lady and here people

Orillian starts shooing the crew off the boat. "Hey! Follow the one with scales, the less of ye need protectin' the easier my job be."

Orillian watches everyone run off. "Eh, bugger it all. Engineer's mate GIR! If anyone try to board, bake them some food!"

Orillian hops off after everyone.

"Sir yes sir!" GIR replies delightedly. Mini-GIRs all squeal at the word food. And the ship is left in relatively safe hands.

Lady Caritharnas slithers onwards to one of the volcanoes, before leading them into an underground network of caves and caverns. The place is hot and smells of sulfur due to the active volcanoes above them. But the air is still breathable. They are guided to a much larger cavern that has some rough furniture where they may sit upon. The others in her entourage have left, presumably to join the rest of their people. Safely underground, Lady Caritharnas seems to regain a measure of her composure and bows politely to all those present. "Forgive my manners. I suppose introductions are in order. I am Lady Caritharnas, temporary ruler of these volcanic isles. Are you all members of Ryoujal's crew?"

Lady Syn says, "He like the rest of us are members of Megumi's crew. I am Lady Syn. Now, about my questions before."

Megumi says, "I'm the CAPTAIN of "his crew.""

Big Red removes his hat and gives a bow to the lady. "Names Red"

Ryoujal says, "Yea... about that... It's sorta like what they said..."

Orillian nods absent-mindedly as he inspects around the cavern for what they're using to ward against the Wyld. "Aye, Orillian, Ship's sorcerer-engineer."

Lady Syn thinks 'why do I get the feeling that he's nae the only one who misrepresents himself on whose crew it is?'

"I see. So you are a member of Captain Megumi's crew. Forgive my presumption." The last sentence is directed at Megumi. "Pleased to meet all of you, though the circumstances should have been better. I'll tell you what happened and what I need Ryoujal to do."

Megumi would suspect Syn is right, if she knew what she was thinking, on that. Probably Avery brags to all the tavern wenches...

Megumi nods. "It's fine."

Ryoujal says, "Yes, what ever you wish to set things right, I'll do it."

Orillian nods. "Aye, it looks like ye could use a great piece of help."

Lady Cari begins to explain what happened. "Several months ago, we received a simple missive. The Skullstone Archipelago wanted to open trade relations with us and flattered us with gold and jewels. Father accepted the gifts but denied the request. The next message was less polite and the refusal was also less polite. Things eventually degenerated to the point that we were plagued by undead creatures, though my Father was powerful enough to keep those foul creatures at bay. Then came the ultimatum of accepting his offer or being conquered. My Father refused but had learned enough of the enemy to send the message to ask for your return Ryoujal. They struck a week ago and devastated our islands, capturing my Father for reasons unknown. That's what happened."

Ryoujal says, "I can understand why he refused, they are not... people in any sense of the word. I swear I'll find Lord Tzihelta and set my homeland right once again."

Orillian nods. "And your father be a spiritual creature, aye?" he asks, looking the Lady over again. "Only foul intents could the undead have for a spirit of the living world... but at least they not be seeking to turn him into a ghost. Or maybe they be... hmm, that would be a real trick of - oh, sorry, not meaning to unsettle ye. What be the nature of the envoys? Living men? Corporeal dead? Ghosts?"

Lady Syn says, "Smashing undead sounds like a good way to unwind after the headaches of the Wyld."

Megumi shrugs. "It's certainly simpler than the Wyld. Fae give me a headache."

"He is an elemental dragon of fire." Lady Cari answers proudly. It's probably clear where she gets the scales from. "The envoys were men that were dead but carried ghosts within them. It enabled them to flee when my Father flew into a rage."

Ryoujal says, "Horrible, but I don't think anything we can't handle... right?"

Megumi nods. "I think we can handle a few undead. I've fought them before, a couple of times - a lot of crews coming out of Skullstone crew mostly with skeletons and zombies and the like."

Orillian scratches his chin. "So long as we fight at night. The enemy must manifest themselves when hidden from the light of Sol Invictus."

Ryoujal says, "Then that would mean it'd be best to rescue him during the day when they won't bother us?"

Megumi shrugs. "Yeah, maybe, but either way we'll have to tangle with them - if not now, then in a week when they launch another raid."

Orillian shakes his head no. "Not all the dead must be quiet by day, especially in Skullstone."

Lady Syn says, "What do we have for numbers?"

Megumi says, "Do you know where they may be keeping him?"

Orillian looks pensive, frowns, looks pensive again, frowns some more, and then thinks. "I don't suppose ye have a manse on this island? Especially not a powerful one, with your spirit in possession of the hearthstone?"

"My Father was dragged into the oceans, and he carries the hearthstone of our only manse. But he cannot have been moved far since the volcanoes still rumble." Lady Cari replies.

Megumi says, "And is there any important reason the Silver Prince would go to such lengths for your island? No offense, it seems a, erm..wonderful place," she pointedly ignores the mutations as she says this, "...but it's over a week's sail for most ships, easily. There's far closer independent isles they might pursue, if it were simply territory they sought.""

Lady Cari shakes her head. "I do not know why the ruler of Skullstone would have taken an interest in us. We have been isolated from the rest of Creation for a very long time. I do not understand the whims and fancies of those from the outside."

Ryoujal says, "Besides, he's an undead, soulless bastard. What ever he wants from us, it can't be anything good."

Lady Syn says, "Fine enough. I guess its take a swim, restore the dead tot heir proper state and ask whoever is holding the dragon before killing them."

Ryoujal says, "Ask them with our fists...."

Orillian nods. "So, a force of undead sufficient to capture a lesser elemental dragon of fire with a powerful hearthstone. I be thinking we best leave the mortals out of this?"

Megumi nods. "I'd have to agree, thanks."

Lady Syn says, "So we leave them here."

Megumi nods. "Going to have to. Could submerge, but I doubt it'd do a lot against undead - they don't particularly need to breathe, I imagine."

"We can house your crew. But our supplies are meagre ones and we may not be able to support so many mouths for long." Lady Cari tells them.

Big Red says, "What about those of us who can't breathe water?"

Ryoujal says, "Do not worry my Lady, we will liberate him as quickly as possible."

Megumi shrugs. "The magics to breathe underwater are not particularly rare out here, if you know where to look. I wouldn't be surprised if the Lady's father had a few baubles which might facilitate our underwater excursion?"

Orillian coughs. "Aye. I don't suppose that god of yours has any breathing devices he hands out to your hunting parties?" he asks, reaching.

Lady Syn says, "Could just let the undead swallow you whole. That seems to be your style of things."

Big Red thinks a little more "Also my weapon are of a fire nature. I doubt they will work underwater."

Orillian shrugs. "Aye, but it gets uncomfortable when there be no air in here."

Lady Cari reaches into her belongings and brings out five pearls, one for each Solar. "These pearls will allow you to breathe underwater as long as you hold them under your tongue. But each pearl only lasts one Lunar month from its first use."

Ryoujal says, "I do not need one, I have this belt that allows me to do so on my own. Best not to waste such a precious comodity."

Orillian examines the pearl and nods.

Megumi waves a hand. "My armor sustains me as well. Orillian and Red are the ones that lack."

Lady Cari does look interested when Red mentions his little problem. "You use fire weapons? I believe I can provide you with some powder that can help you with this issue, even underwater."

Big Red takes one "Thank you"

Big Red says, "Really. Please tell my Lady"

Lady Syn says, "I need no pearl. Water impedes me none."

Lady Cari keeps the rest of the pearls and whistles. A flock of Fire Butterflies emerge, fluttering around on delicate wings. They stare at each Solar carefully, but since none of them are prettier than the Fire Butterflies, they continue flying around happily. "The powder of their lower wings combined with the powder from my grounded scales will enable to flame to burn even underwater. It's still a temporary flame, but it should be adequate for your weapon."

Megumi whistles briefly at the sight of all the pretty spirits.

Big Red attempts to gather some dust from the butterflies

Ryoujal says, "Thank you for the boon for my companion my Lady."

Orillian waves his gloves. "Need some help holding them down?"

At the order from Lady Cari, they alight quietly on Red and allow him to harvest the powder on their wings before fluttering away. Lady Cari herself removes several of her scales to hand them to him. Grinding all the powder together will probably give him enough for quite a number of shots.

Big Red says, "Thank you. You have done me a great favor. I promise I will do everything in my power to return your father."

Big Red sets to work making the powder and cutting his ammo with it for the fight ahead.

Megumi says, "Did you happen to see which way they took him? I realize we'll have to track from there, but if you'd show us where the incident initially took place, we'd have our starting point...""

The volcanoes above finally stop rumbling and Lady Cari nods. "The Wyld Storm has passed, so I may show you where he was dragged into the ocean. Follow me. Your crew will be taken care of the best we can." With that, she slithers back to the surface.

Ryoujal follows in determined silence.

Lady Syn follows along.

Big Red takes up his place in the walk

Orillian nods and follows, vaguely fascinated by her slithering.

Megumi rests her Bow upon her shoulder and follows along with a casual ease.

Lady Syn shakes her head at Ori.

Up on the surface, the passage of the Wyld storm is evident in strangely shaped debris, but the island itself is still in relatively good shape. Though how long it remains that way has yet to be seen. She leads them to the Northern part of the island where the marks of a terrible battle is still evident. There are deep furrows in the land and some parts have been blasted by intense heat, other parts by a dark blight. "My Father was dragged into the ocean from here. They are likely using the water to try and suppress his power, but he will not be so easily subdued."

Megumi says, "So I see."

Ryoujal says, "He has survived in the polar opposite of his element for who knows how long. There are few things that could subdue him at all."

Lady Syn walks to the waters edge and shrugs before diving in.

Megumi marches up to the water and steps on in.

Orillian whips out his hammer and shakes his head. "Ye know, we could ride in the ship most of the way..."

Big Red looks around the beach for any clues as to what they will be facing

Megumi says, "There's that. ...And then we'd have the guns... but no crew."

Ryoujal goes into the shallows but stops to see that no one else is following, "Hey, aren't we going to swim out there and kick undead ass?"

Megumi sighs thoughtfully. "Let's get the Tempest, first. Orillian's right, it'll be faster - and better armed. Anything that can take on an elemental dragon is worth preparing for."

Ryoujal says, "Alright.... What ever gets us there faster."

Lady Syn lets the others get the ship. She's going to see if there is a trail and how many things there are.

Orillian makes a note to try and fix the Essence Distribution Drive as quickly as possible, before any more crew go into insulin shock trying to sniff the fumes, but for the moment concentrates on managing the engines while manning the most powerful forward battery. When it may be necessary to blow up an underwater mountain or two, it's best to be prepared.

The four Solars board the ship and submerge immediately, this time not accompanied by their crew, but by the inane singing and whistling of the mini-GIRs aboard the ship. Ryoujal uses his surveillance equipment to survey the surrounding area and attempt to track where Tzihetla might have been taken to. The trail is already one week old, but he still manages to spot where the Fire dragon was pulled along to. The ship slowly glides along underwater until those looking on the outside can spot something burning rather brightly underwater. The flames flicker and burn, sometimes brightly, sometimes weakly, but at least they still burn. They're probably close.

You paged Lady Syn with 'Syn follows along the track and given she's in close proximity with the ocean, she can see the claw marks which Tzihetla has left behind in the sand. Even after a week, the glassy sand reveals his passage. She manages to move faster than the ship since she had a headstart, and sees the burning underwater fire before the ship does. Moving closer, she also sees that the entire area is covered in undead creatures. Moving even closer, she realises something even worse, the area undersea is a shadowland, and the Fire dragon has been dragged into one. As she realises that, the Tempest is drifting in from behind her.'

On to Session Eighteen