Porcelain Child

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The Legend of the Porcelain Child

"For history to name one a hero, one must make brave choices before he performs brave deeds."

A single pair of unblinking eyes watched the dynast's slave diggers as they continued their toiling, growing ever closer to a secret that could topple their own precious Realm. A shovel struck against ageless stone with a resounding clang. A hundred more re-awakened alien eyes turned to the site joining the first, countless new - yet old - presences now hungered for one thing. The first watcher now hungered along with them. Reunion...

A group of souls linked by destiny travel the realm humbly (and not so humbly) righting its wrongs, but what else do the fates have in store for them?

A Dragonblooded and mortals chronicle, storytold by onine.

The Story Thus Far

The story thus far...


Yengo      Vana      Magpie      Anona and Epheri

Chapter 01 - Brewing Storm, Chance Encounters

The Magistrate and his new Archons prepare for their first trip, as already their task lies before them in a path of deception and blood. In an effort to discover clues of the machinations of the Solar Anathema, Magistrate Mnemon Diamandus treks to the nearby Torch Coast to confer with the volatile fire and sun spirits. Left behind the archons to wait for him in Noble, but when a terrified prefect of the province arrives looking for their missing patron, the Archons are forced to take sudden action. With bandits striking with wanton abandon in the foothills of the mountain range and other occurences of more unexplainable nature occuring, the Archons must take matters into their own hands without the Magistrate's permission. What dangers are before them are hidden from their eyes, but the trials ahead prove more nefarious than any of the heros' expectations.

/SessionOne : The Glitterstar docks, a fire is investigated, and Anona and Epheri become Archons
/SessionTwo : Meeting with the Prefect, Baths
/SessionThree : Shopping Trips, the tale of the hero and his sword
/SessionFour : The beginning of the journey to the isolated village. Crow is stolen. A tree is unhelpul.
/SessionFive : The rest of the journey to the isolated village. A bridge. A fern is more helpful.
/SessionSix : Investigation in the village, querying the alchemist. Magpie dares the village children to go with her to the forest...
/SessionSeven : Ventures into the woods.
/SessionEight : Vana kicks bandit butt. Incomplete, I believe.
/SessionNine : The End of Windswept Boughs (The first tiny bit incomplete)
/SessionTen : Aftermaths...

Chapter 02 - Valley of Fire, Winds Messenger

The conspiracy lies deeper than either the Magistrate and his Archons ever expected with dubious ties between the Bandits and the Tepet legions. With the appearance of a fae on the Blessed Isle, the horrors of the threshold begin to grow dangerously closer than ever before since the hiatus of the Scarlet Empress. Their only lead being the armour-smiths of Turchina, the heroes trek over the mountains and across the comparatively fame-free province between them and the Spine of the World and the Arjuf Prefecture beyond. Even as they carve their path into the lowlands on the Eastern mountainside disaster and mystery strikes, and a plot perhaps even more darker than the one that they had so recently bested -a plot that dives deeply into the purity of the so-called Immaculate Order itself! With beasts of death and slavery attacking on all sides, have the Archons finally met their match as they trek towards the free-trading town of Glie?

/SessionEleven : Ponderings of Conspiracy, Journeys Begin
/SessionTwelve : Village of the Dead
/SessionThirteen : Village of the Dead II
/SessionFourteen : Conversations over the campfire...
/SessionFifteen : Rude Awakenings, Zombies on the Bridge
/SessionSixteen : Of Mongooses and Immaculates
/SessionSeventeen : Conversations with Immaculates, Strange Constructions
/SessionEighteen : Reunion
/SessionNineteen : Investigation of Strange Constructions, Reunion II
/SessionTwenty : The Obduracy of Glie, Atrocities Among Monks, Plottings...
/SessionTwentyOne : Preparations and Journeys (log cuts out at about 10:27)
/SessionTwentyTwo : Zombies attack!
/SessionTwentyThree : Vana vs the Abbot (Missing)
/SessionTwentyFour : Glie Finale! Tragedy! Wonder! Wounded Anona!
/SessionTwentyFive : With friends like these...Vana vs Barton (Missing)

Chapter 03 - Ghosts, Mirrors of Steel and Jade

With the second fae incursion in as many weeks put down by the Archons in Glie, truly the concern over the state of the realm is rising. In the north, the fae menace has taken on a new shape, infesting the hollowed out bodies of even the exalted. Vana has discovered that even fleeing to the Realm cannot take her out of the grasping talons of Teresu Lir Zaran and the Three - Gren and Viers will not take Barton's defeat at Vana's hands lightly. Diamandus and his Archons continue the rest of their journey to Arjuf by sea and Turchina, their final destination. With their return to the civilised realm the machinations of the Dynasty awaits to embroil them in shadowy powerplays, something that Tepet Epheri and Tepet Anona must learn with experience or be chewed up in the cogs of conspiracy!

/SessionTwentySix : Arjuf. Real Estate Troubles.
/SesssionTwentySeven : More Real Estate Troubles. Anona vs Her House. Epheri vs Tany.
/SessionTwentyEight : Revelations of the swords, and unexpected departures.
/SessionTwentyNine : The Archons depart north and have a meeting with the woman that is rebuilding Nishimo
/SessionThirty : Dinner with Lady Farion and the trek into the rivers in search of the god I'kuan
/SessionThirtyOne : A negotiation with a god and the subsequent investigation of Lady Farion's actions against him.
/SessionThirtyTwo : Farion's machinations against I'kuan become more apparent with the discovery of her ambush using the God's oldest child as bait.
/SessionThirtyThree : The archons race against time to halt Farion before she reaches the point of no return
/SessionThirtyFour : The archons finally reach Tuchara to investigate the looted armours from the Foothills
/SessionThirtyFive : The investigations yield the breastplate's purchase to be one of Tepet Llestel, a deliberative politician in league with Juno.
/SessionThirtySix : The Magistrate and his archons finally begin the journey to the Imperial City, jewel of the isle, with a brief stop off in Noble...
/SessionThirtySeven : The arrival in the Scarlet Prefecture is accented by a falling skyship and lands stained crimson, what is its cargo?
/SessionThirtyEight : In the depths of the ship, the Magistrate does battle with the deady Wretched, and the anathema has grown stronger than ever!

Interlude the First

Interlude: Into the Whirlwind

Chapter 04 - Flights of Doves, A Closing Saga

With heavy hearts the Archons bury the Magistrate that gave his life to kill the Wretched anathema. His spirit moves on leaving the now ex-archons alone in his wake. With few leads, little guidance and without the authority of the Magistracy's chief agent, the ex-archons must chase the few tenuous leads that they have remaining. Formost on their minds the continuous plottings of Juno's invisible hand - just what is his objective? Is it truly as sinister as it seems? The Archons may appear lost without the Magistrate, but they have proven their worth alone before - but do they now have the strength to snatch victory again? With Anona's skill, Epheri's finesse, Magpie's adorable versatility and Yengo's...morals - surely the path can be found. Opportunity can be snatched from misfortune and a familiar visitor may provide just that!

/SessionThirtyNine : Mourning in the Imperial City, the Archons decide to travel to Ol Gibs home, but are met along the way... (incomplete)
/SessionFourty : The Archons SEE the sword!
/SessionFourtyOne : Morning meals with Lord Mistral, and an odd encounter in a sorcerous aerie
/SessionFourtyTwo : Messages from old friends and the maroon clad intruder
/SessionFourtyThree : Departures, discussions and conspiracies.
/SessionFourtyFour : The sinister arrival at the Six Birds ruin.
/SessionFourtyFive : Exploring the glade, and new arrivals.
/SessionFourtySix : A strange meeting - the man in orange, and thoughts of escape.
/SessionFortySeven : Tumbelin' down, tumbelin' down, tumbelin' down...
/SessionFourtyEight : Anona discovers her locale and possible options, and the other archons discover that Lao hides a secret.
/SessionFourtyNine : Anona arrives to an odd scene in the kindom of Palas, and the other Archons arrive to find a strange request from Tepet Juno.
/SessionFifty : With the words of a crane god Anona and Kess delve into the castle Palas.
/SessionFiftyOne : Face-to-face with Brattica.
/SessionFiftyTwo : Epheri, Yengo and Magpie begin a desperate and urgent investigation.

Chapter 05 - Warcry, Axioms of Volition

Since being seperated from the others, Anona, Kess and Six have faced down with an enigmatic god calling himself Brattica. Though victorious, the god's words echo in their minds on the journey back to the Blessed Isle. Who are the Apostate and the Invictus? What is the Evocator? What specific doom has Tepet Luen's meddling left Anona to suffer? Meanwhile back in the Imperial City, a traitor works slowly from within Juno's tightly knit group of collaborators. To combat this he has hatched a daring plan with Epheri and Yengo to throw the traitor off balance long enough to discover his or her identity. Already the mysterious nature of the informant and the escalation of events is creating a storm of intrigue that threatens to swallow the Archons up...

/SessionFiftyThree : Anona's homecoming, the Wyld Hunt and a stranger.
/SessionFiftyFour : A calm moment's rest.
/SessionFiftyFive : The journey to the Heptagram and the Batttleship Ul'Rakoul

Characters and Players

The main characters, throught destiny pressed into service as the archons of a returning magistrate...

  • Tepet Anona : Dragonblooded sorceress with pyro tendencies
  • Tepet Epheri : Anona's cousin and fellow sorceress
  • Magpie : Mortal street urchin
  • Teresu Sou Vana : Dragonblooded swordmaster on the run from Lookshy
  • Yengo : Mortal First Archon, a former surgeon for the Tepet legions
  • Kess Shennai : A mortal swordsman

Experience Relay

Player Character Experience

Important Characters of the 'World'

A list of the characters the the valiant group of Archons have met and had dealings with, friendly or otherwise, indexed and with a light summary of their 'place' so far in the story.

Close Allies

Seekers of Dragonwrath

The Dynasty and the Imperial City

The Dragonblooded

The Coterie

The Demonslayer Cavalry

The Caravan

The Fae

The Dreaded Anathema

The Mysteries

Travels Across the Isle

Equipment and Wonders


  • Truth and Virtue : A mighty Grand Gormaul wielded by the famed Realm Magistrate Mnemon Diamandus. The Truth and Virtue is a heavy flanged mace studded with white jade and diamonds and is heavier than even most exalted can lift. In the Magistrate's hands it is swifter than any other weapon Dragonblood-forged.
  • Singsong : Singsong is a first age reaper daiklave that has been the end of many Anathema over the last seventy-odd years. Presently wielded by the (alleged) madman Alphaeios, this blue, white and red jade daiklave is said to be masterful in single combat and slaying strong foes. It is named for the strange melodic wail it makes as it cuts the air.
  • Fathom : The bizzar liquid fabric sash that accompanies Ledaal Tany everywhere he goes. The sash seems to float about the immaculate at rest, and mimic his martial moves in battle adding to their power. It is likely that Tany has not yet unleashed the limits of Fathom's abilities on the Archons.
  • Dragonwrath : The legendary sword of the fabled warrior Kreites who began at least a portion of the stronger dragonblooded uprising against the Anathema. It is said that this weapon was bestowed upon him by the dragons themselves to lend their strenth to the strongest of their children.
  • Final Dare : The unique and devastating Grand Reaver carried by Cathack Tristi, lieutenant of Tepet Alphaeios' Demonslayers. It is capable of enormous wounding and can sometimes cut even if the jade does not strike flesh.
  • Kaleidoscope : The ever shifting weapon of the Wretched. Kaleidoscope resembles a Lookshy Infinite Weapon in most respects, but it bears the hallmarks of First Age construction both aesthetically and in capabilities. In her hands it has already displayed an ability to shit faster and into more weapons than the standard Infinite Weapon. Kaleidoscope has also demonstrated the ability to form Daiklaves of slightly smaller proportion.
  • Empyrean : A jade and silk warfan used by Tepet Juno as a secondary weapon to a sword. Empyrean is exceptional at defense, a casual fanning motion with it can bat away swords, deflect arrows or cut deep like a razor. It has a single hearthstone setting.
  • Child's Sword : A wood and bronze sword that Six treasures for reasons that he does not recall.
  • Stonehead : The Reaper Daiklave worn by Tepet Quintus. Stonehead is weighted by a massive marble weight on its tip which makes the weapon extremely damaging from a heavier swing but more difficult to control. The stone makes the Daiklave better in tandem with the Mountain Toppling Method charm for grievous wounding in a single blow.


  • Moira Gallante : A black and red jade breastplate modified from Gift of Celerity by the smith Sesus Rudeku. It is a little stronger than it once was, though it doesn't have as much of its original speed enchantment that it once enjoyed.
  • Pelta Danarae : Tepet Quintus' shield, while small is very strong and easy to use. Pelta Danarae bears an enchantment that aids it in deflecting and intercepting blows by flowing along the same essence lines as an attack. Unlike Stonehead which is of modern construction, the Pelta Danarae looks out of place against the Earth Aspect's white armour with its steel grey, gold and ruby colouring. The shield also includes a series of plates that attatch up the wearers arm for extra protection.


  • Yengo's Spoon : A simple iron spoon that has survived many encounters with the fair folk - encounters that they themselves have not.

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