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Sandboxing Sidereal Silliness

This is where I put stuff just to get it out of my head. If any interest is shown, I'll move whatever is interesting to it's own page.

Baby's First Loom of Fate (working title, give me ideas! Please.)

Artifact ????? (it seems to me it ought to be either a three dot artifact (all it does is remove the possibility of Paradox when dealing with a single individual's fate) or N/A (it allows you to hang long term Resplendent Destinies without cost) Suggestions?)

This takes the form of an Inkle Loom with a frame made of a dark hardwood from the far east of Creation and StarMetal pegs. The loom is used to usurp the fate of a single individual, allowing the owner of the loom to act in place of the PatternSpiders for this one individual.

To use the loom, you have to be either at the LoomOfFate or in the presence of the individual whose fate you wish to usurp. With the loom in hand, you make a simple Craft (Fate) roll at difficulty 3. If unsuccessful, the spiders will burden you with two Paradox dice. A botch will drop your target outside of fate as well as garnering you four dice of Paradox and, possibly, the censure of your peers and elders.

If the roll is successful, the target is removed from fate (and all that entails) and hung from your loom. You may now place any SiderealAstrology effect upon the target you wish, with the following stipulations:

  • The possessor can only use the Colleges they actually are initiated into (have at least one dot in).
  • Effect successes are generated with an extended Craft (Fate) task with each roll representing one hour of weaving with the Craft (Fate) roll taking place of the PatternSpiders""' actually weaving.
  • No Paradox is generated.
  • Only your target can be effected, limiting Scope to just him.
  • The item was constructed with the intent that it would be used only on the Sidereal attuned to it, being able to place someone else on the loom is an unintended sie effect. As a result, you can only place someone with half your Essence (round up) on it if you're going to use it one someone other than yourself. Attempts to use it on anyone with a greater Essence are dealt with as a normal failure when attempting to remove them from the LoomOfFate. (No, CK cannot string up Celestines)
  • All other rules of SiderealAstology are followed.

Putting someone back onto the LoomOfFate is handled exactly as the attempt to take them off, except it requires you be at the LoomOfFate so that you can reattach your target's threads. If you don't mind all the effects you placed on your target slipping off, the Difficulty is 3. If you want to transfer any ongoing astrological effect and the results thereof back onto the LoomOfFate, it's a Difficulty 5 and automatically generates one die of Paradox whether you're successful or not. Everything else is as per detaching them in the first place.

The reason you might want to go for the extra Difficulty of putting your work back onto the LoomOfFate is that, otherwise, your target goes back to the fate that the PatternSpiders had for him in the first place. If you spent five years tugging some farm boy around until he was the king of half the East then put him back onto the LoomOfFate at the Difficulty 3 level; he ends up being put back where fate would have had him in the first place. Probably a farmer. (This example purposefully ignores that a hit team would have been put out on this creature from outside of fate that was messing with Creation on that scope)

If you want to string yourself up in order to get all those nifty Resplendent Destiny powers without worrying about Paradox, or for some other reason,) it's +1 to the Difficulty of every roll involved but otherwise the same as working with someone else's fate.

Note that it's unlikely that the elder Sidereals will like some young kid running around with this thing.


I really, really like Baby's First Loom, though I'm wondering under what circumstances anyone would be allowed to build one, much less operate one, and how you are to succeed with one, given the whole kill-team thing... the Baby's First Loom should have some legitemate effect, in addition to hijacking someone's fate. -Seraph

Thanks! It's always nice to get feedback, especially if it's positive. :) To answer your questions,
  • The intended builder was a powerful elder Sidereal who was tired of incurring Paradox for Respelendent Destiny effects and Astrological effects upon himself. The ability to use it on someone else is a side effect. I should get off my dead ass and add a bit of background to it.
  • Getting away with using it would depend on the campaign. I can easily see someone with Connections (Bronze Faction) 3 filling out all the paperwork to be allowed to act outside of fate (sort of a Special Agent's Special Agent), ahe same could be said of Secrets or Endings. As well, being able to step outside of fate is a great way to be able to hide from your fellow Sidereals, so if you're sneaky enough, they might never know you have the thing. Unless, of course, you try to raise this Arthur kid up from a farm boy to King of half the East and aren't quick enough about getting him back onto the Loom before someone comes to check things out.
  • The kill team is a feature of the Dept. of Destiny, not the item, and acts as a Storyteller tool to keep use of the item within the campaign scope. Also, since you can hang yourself up on it, the "legitimate effect" would be to bypass the spiders and attendant Paradox costs when laying Astrological Effects on yourself.
Any recommendations for a name? -Neverway