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Random Thoughts

There are some things about I still think might need some changing. This is where I have an idea pit that I will not be quite implementing yet, but will have my players and anyone interested comment on mostly. Besides that, not much is going to be here, just to note. Lunar XP Costs and Training Times This is a big debate overall, and I’m still wondering over it myself. I really don’t want to give Lunars such an edge that they become broken, but I don’t want them to be horribly crippled. Since I won’t be running a mixed group, I won’t have as much chance to be testing this, but I have various PC groups elsewhere where I can try these on.

Right now, here is a few things that have come to mind as far as the costs idea

Caste Attributes

This is simple to begin with I think. Mainly, I think that these might be a bit cheaper, just to make the favoring of these Attributes mean more. The general change would be [(Current Rating x 4) –2], rather then the current [(Current Rating x 4) –1], which really doesn’t seem to do much. The other option that I’ve been weighing is that making it straight (Current Rating x 3) seems a bit fairer, since there are only three of them.

Favored Attributes

Favored Attributes This change would be a tad more drastic then others. This proposed houserule would give the Lunar one favored Attribute, treated in all ways like a Caste Attribute. As an additional option, the Lunar could sacrifice this Attribute to favor Martial Arts instead. The Lunar must also have the Ability favored with their set of four free ones, and from then on, the Lunar pays 12 experience per Charm.

Note that if the Lunar chooses to favor Intelligence, spells are still not favored. This is something innate to the No Moons and can not be achieved by any other Lunar Caste.


This is really something of debate since the book came out. Many folks have expressed that the Charms are overpriced, partly unfairly due to the power of Deadly Beastman Transformation’s synergistic effects on other Charms. I have thought over this, and here are some ideas I’ve had on dealing with this:

The easiest way to do it is to make all Lunar Charms and spells cost a flat 12 or 10 experience points, depending on whether or not it is favored. Now, the advantage in this is that the Lunar gets to not worry so much about wasting XP on Charms. At the same time, it also makes DBT cheaper; something one might have to keep an eye out for, IMHO.

A way to deal with this is to simply make Deadly Beastman Transformation cost more experience points, much in the same way that Sidereal Exalted pay more experience for Sidereal level Martial Arts Charms. With Deadly Beastman Transformation costing 15/12, it makes it a bit more balanced, and harder to get Charm.

Something to add to this department might be to continue giving Lunars a discount on Sorcery, this time making it 10/8 for Terrestrials spells. This seems reasonable to me, as well, mainly because I think it helps them catch up with Sidereal Exalted on the power scale of things, which is a lot of my goal on this. It also makes No Moon Lunars true pears to Solar Exalted when it comes to wielding magics.

Lunar Backgrounds

This is something rather simple really. It is hinted that when you give an Exalt type more Backgrounds to choose from, you should probably give her more dots to to choose with. Basically, with this house rule turned on, Lunars would get ten Backgrounds dots at character creation, rather then just seven, to help make up for the addition of Renown, Heart’s Blood, and Cult.


I think that lunars should perhaps get their 3 caste attributes, one favoured attribute but retain their normal method for favoured skills. In the first age they wouldn't have favoured Suvival but instead would have chosen one of the 5 combat skills. The backgrounds, change in how much cheaper favoured skills are I can see haveing no problem with. I remain unsure on the matter of charm related xp changes. -BogMod

I think I agree with you on the Abilities thing there. Note that I am still working on this area. These are thing si'm not sure on implementing yet, so that's why they are here:) And four total discounted Attriutes and five Abilities seems on par with the Sidereal 9 Abilities and the Solar 10 I think. It also helps something that really, really hurts Lunars a lot I think.
I don't think I will actually change the Charm costs in games I run, but it was a random thought. WHen I sat and looked at it, I think I would have to test it in a mixed game before ever really deciding either way on it. Since I'm running a Lunar-only game, I think since there isn't anything else about hurting thing stoo muchh, I think that 15/12 will probably remain in effect. Though< i think I will be adding a couple more background dots about for those who want it.
And stuff. Blaque