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Goals of the Sidereal Circle:

  • Stabilise South-West Creation
    • House Ragara seems to be best choice to do so due to man-power and resources.

Threats to the South-West:

  • Deathlord in the Mountains
    • Undead
    • Fortress Of Black ice
    • Zombie Hordes
    • Abyssals
    • Deal / Alliance with Gem
      • Discovered to be:
      • 1. Mutual Non-aggression Pact
      • 2. Trade allowances and favours
      • 3. Military Support
  • The Lap
    • Something is going on...
  • Mysterious unknown armies from the Silent Crescent
    • Some new kind of Exalt
  • Shadowlands in the mountainous region known as The Thousand

What has been happening in the South-West?:

  • Gem attacked by mysterious unknown Exalt and army
  • Undead attacking villages and stuff led by dark Solars
  • Souls of deceased not moving on (either to underworld or reincarnation)
  • Bargain between Abyssal and Despot of Gem
  • Sesus Legion wiped out in jungles (cause unknown, maybe mysterious Exalt?)
  • Dragon-Blooded Circle destroyed any chance of Realm influence in South
  • Sessiness getting very powerful in jungle.
    • Lots of jungle tribes begun worshipping
    • Possession of powerful Artifact (Jade Monkey)
  • Fortress Of Black Ice reappeared
  • Sidereal Wondrous Light disappeared in the Lap
  • Jungle tribes getting aggressive and moving north
    • House Sesus sent in legion to pacify and got wiped out
    • House Sesus sent second legion south after House Ragara's heroes found their way to Gem
  • Mysterious Exalts in Jungle
    • Presumably same as the ones attacking Gem
    • Point of origin seems to be Fount of Mourning
  • House Ragara and House Sesus fighting for control of region
  • Temple of Four Mystic Blossoms attacked by Abyssal
    • What is going on here?
    • What is the Fourth Caste of Monks?

Goal #1: Get House Ragara powerful

  • Give access to First-Age gear
    • Lead Ragaran Heroes to Fortress of One Thousand Sons
      • Complete!
      • Compose prophecies to aid the Dragon-Blooded
      • Arrange for Jotun to attack Ragaran Caravan near Fortress
      • Smite V'neef Aron and Sesus Ludar
      • Deliver the prophecies in snippets to guide the heroes
      • Send visions to Ragara Jinel to lead him to Fortress
      • Arrange for Elementals to open ground around the hidden entrances
    • In theory:
      • Other Dragon-Bloods follow Jinel to the Fortress
      • Aron cannot talk them out of it
    • Get information to Emerald-Blade about Abyssal and the Fortress
    • Be aware of possible trouble with the Abyssal infiltrator
  • Monitor Progress
  • Cripple House Sesus

Goal #2: What the hell is happening with Autocthon?

  • Appears that Autocthon's Exalts have returned
  • Unknown goals.
    • What purpose behind this invasion?
  • Origin near Font of Mourning
  • Gems on foreheads hold souls to bind and animate their magically constructed bodies
    • Unsure as to why mortals have them.
    • Perhaps to hold their souls upon death?

Goal #3: Deathlord and Abyssals

  • Lies-In-Hate went to Gem
    • Immediate superior is The King-In-Hate-And-Deceit
  • Another Abyssal spotted riding a dragon heading towards Ragaran heroes
  • Another Abyssal (Fearful-Journeys-With-Taint?) infiltrated caravan before it left Gem
    • Probably the Abyssal that imitated / posed as Nekuna
    • Will want the Fortress of One Thousand Suns and all it's stuff


Funny how none of these were being achieved, looked into, or even wondered about most of the time. :) nikink

I blame the petty infighting between the single Bronze Faction guy and the rest of the circle. - Bencyclopedia