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Name- Mnemon Galinitaro
Aspect- Air
Concept- Tomb Robber
Nature- Conniver
Str 2, dex 3, sta 2
cha 3, man 4, app 2
per 3, int 5, wit 3
Caste- Linguistics 3 (Native: High Realm; Low Realm, Old Realm, Riverspeak), Lore 4, Occult 4, Stealth 2, Thrown 4
Favored- Athletics 3, Endurance 2, Investigation 3
other- Archery 2, Awareness 2, Martial Arts 2, Melee 2, Performance 2, Presence 2, Ride 2, Socialize 2
Willpower 8
Essence 4, personal 18/18, peripheral 34/41, commited 7
compassion 2, temperance 2, conviction 4, valor 3
artifact 2 (Jade breast plate, jade amulet, jade bracers), breeding 3, manse 3, reputation 1, resources 3

  • investigation
    • Indisputible Physical Analysis Technique (p217)
  • lore
    • Elemental Bolt Attack (p 181)
    • Elemental Concentration Trance (p180)
  • occult
    • Terrestrial Circle Sorcery
      • Dance of the Smoke Cobras (bo3c 34)
      • Death of Obsidian Butterflies (core 217)
      • Emerald Countermagic (core 218)
      • Incantation of Effective Restoration (bo3c 39)
      • Infallible Messenger (core 218)
      • Ritual of Elemental Empowerment (bo3c 43)
      • Summon Elemental (core 219)
  • thrown
    • Seeking Thrown Technique (p 186)


I need to look up the bonus essence pool for breeeding 3 and add that in..... - Malikai

Fixed - Malikai