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"A Dæmon's work is never done..." - Raziel, my little brother


Hi, my name is Damian and I'm an RPG geek. *Waits for obligatory 'Hi Damian' response.*

I was born in 1984 (which currently makes me 20). I'm prior service Army, released on grounds due to injuries I incurred in service. I'm a self-proclaimed Schizophrenic. None of that is important.

I've been roleplaying for ten years, at least. I'm really not sure when I started. It all began with LARPing, but I eventually ended up in chatroom roleplays. The thing that always bugged me was the lack of compatibility. A vampire fights a monk: the vampire is too fast to hit and kills the monk instantly, the person playing the monk ignores it and kills the vampire instantly, the person playing the vampire ignores it because he can't be killed by that type of wooden stake...it's a mess. Then I found D&D.

That was a wonderful day. Suddenly, the games had structure, purpose, and a standardized rules set! But something always bugged me...how the hell do I check my real life hit points?

Of course, the answer is that I don't check them, because hit points don't exist. I tried to work it all out, but it never really made sense to me. Levels, hit points, and suddenly becoming better at magic because I whacked things with my staff enough. It just doesn't add up. Enter Vampire: The Masquerade.

V:tM changed the world for me. Structure improved, versatility was measured, everything had a place. And wounding me made me less effective. It was more real, but still unreal enough. And it was good. There were holes in the system, sure. There will always be holes, but they were less than they had been. I was a happy geek.

And then...behold, Exalted. I was skeptical at first: the WoD system worked just fine, why change it? And then I tried it. Oh. My. Gawd!

I was so enrapt that I had to have everything. I still don't have everything. But I was started.

That was over a year ago. Now I'm the systems guru for our group, and a part-time storyteller. I'll also explain to you exactly why Sidereals are the best kind of Exalted 3V4R!!!

Current Projects

1. Custom Sidereal MA -- Pearlescent Lotus of Heaven Style (Growth)
2. Debugging custom artifacts
3. Finishing that bloody temple
4. Conquering An-Teng

Side notes

Why am I m4dn3zz? My initials are D.A.M...backwards that's M.A.D. I've been through wrestling school and Lucha Libre academy, and I used to worship Macho Man. Madness and I seemed made for each other. Just add l33t in one of its miscellaneous levels and you have m4dn3zz...and here I am.

I'm an author as well, and I'm working on a couple of stories in the Exalted universe. My deviantART site is at http://m4dn3zz.deviantart.com and I'll be posting notes here once I finish the stories.