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Lunar Pain
Pain-Numbing Prana
Cost: 1 mote
Duration: One Scene
Type: Reflexive
Minimum Stamina: 1
Minimum Essence: 2
Prerequisite Charms: Silver-Soul’s Stamina.
The Lunar can supress his superficial feelings of pain with this charm, overriding his nervous systems. This Charm lasts for a scene, mitigating all wound penalties due to Bashing Damage. However, the Lunar still suffers the effects of lethal and aggravated damage, and is still rendered unconscious if his wounds(of any type) reach incapacitated.
Will of the Stoic Warrior
Cost: 5 motes
Duration: One Scene
Type: Simple
Minimum Stamina: 2
Minimum Essence: 2
Prerequisite Charms: Pain-Numbing Prana.
With this Charm, the Lunar can ignore even severe physical trauma, mitigating all the wound penalties of Bashing and Lethal damage. However, he still suffers penalties from aggravated damage and is still rendered unconscious if his wounds(of any type) reach incapacitated.
Red Wolf's Rage
Cost: 8 motes, 1 willpower
Duration: One Scene
Type: Simple
Minimum Stamina: 5
Minimum Essence: 3
Prerequisite Charms: Will of the Stoic Warrior, Stamina of the Moon-Kissed.
With this Charm, the Lunar becomes beyond pain. He inverts pain into herself, turning the burning pain into the flames of a battle fever. A rage that impels him foward, the more hurt he is, to destroy everything in front of him. For the remainder of the scene, the Lunar converts into autossuccesses a number of dice equal to his wound penalty for all violent combat actions – this does not count against the limit of dice he may convert with Charms. However, he loses four dice from all social and mental rolls while the Red Wolf's Rage is active.
Luna’s Fortitude
Cost: 6 motes
Duration: One Turn
Type: Reflexive
Minimum Stamina: 5
Minimum Essence: 4
Prerequisite Charms: Will of the Stoic Warrior, Stamina of the Moon-Kissed.
By calling upon Luna’s Fortitude, the Lunar ignores all wounds, period. For the turn this charm is activated, any wounds already present remain, and he may sustain new ones, but he suffers no action penalties while the charm is in effect, and may not be rendered unconscious(or killed) no matter how far past incapacitated his wounds would take him. This Charm may be placed on Combos despite its non-instant duration.
Lunar Healing
Bruise-Relief Technique
Cost: 1 mote per Health Level
Duration: Instant
Type: Reflexive
Minimum Stamina: 1
Minimum Essence: 1
Prerequisite Charms: Silver-Soul’s Stamina.
By expending essence to power this Charm, the Exalt can cause her malleable flesh to repair damage. To an observer, bruises and other superficial injurices simply fade away to leave umblemished skin. The Exalted can spend 1 mote to heal one level of bashing damage to herself, but may not heal more bashing health levels with this Charm than her Stamina in any given turn. The Lunar may activate this Charm if she is unconcious.
Halting the Scarlet Flow
Cost: 1 mote per Health Level
Duration: Instant
Type: Reflexive
Minimum Stamina: 2
Minimum Essence: 2
Prerequisite Charms: Bruise-Relief Technique.
By exploiting his shapeshifting abilities, a Lunar Exalted is able to quickly deal with cuts and other wounds, causing flesh to around gashes to flow together ad broken bones to magically reknit. The Exalted can spend 1 mote to heal one level of lethal damage to herself, but may not heal more lethal health levels with this Charm than her Stamina in any given turn. Any bleeding wounds automatically close if even a mote is spent to power this Charm - observers see the blood flow cease, wounds knitting together, swelling subsiding. The Lunar may activate this Charm if she is unconcious, but not if she is actually dead.
Lick Wound
Cost: 1 mote per die
Duration: Instant
Type: Simple
Minimum Stamina: 1
Minimum Essence: 1
Prerequisite Charms: Silver-Soul’s Stamina.
Using this Charm while licking a subject's wounds or breathing vapors into her face allows the Lunar to use her own essence to fortify an ally's resistance to infection. The Lunar may add dice up to her stamina to a subject's efforts to resist poison and disease. This also allows an instant roll to get rid of any poison the victim may be suffering of, a stamina roll with a difficulty equal to the poison's normal one and with a pool that starts at 0 and with a number of dice equal to how many the Lunar can lend. If successful, the victim is healed of the poison, and all ill effects(including the damage dealt by poison) instantly vanish. It is a roll made by the subject, and thus the subject can spend willpower or channel virtues to it, but the Lunar herself cannot. The Lunar can, however, use charms that convert those dice in automatic successes as he lends them.
Mother’s Touch
Cost: 2 motes per Health Level, 1 Willpower, 1 Health Level
Duration: Instant
Type: Simple
Minimum Stamina: 3
Minimum Essence: 3
Prerequisite Charms: Lick Wound, Halting the Scarlet Flow.
The Lunar infuses his blood with essence, and lets droplets of it drop upon a subject. He is then able to shape the subject's body as if it was his own, instantly closing wounds. Mother's touch instantly closes Bleeding wounds, and heals all Bashing wounds. Every health level of lethal damage costs flat 2 motes to be healed. This Charm may not heal Aggravated damage.
Wound-Knitting Power
Cost: 4 motes, 1 willpower
Duration: Indefinite
Type: Reflexive
Minimum Stamina: 3
Minimum Essence: 2
Prerequisite Charms: Halting the Scarlet Flow, Stamina of the Moon-Kissed.
With this Charm, the Lunar receives almost full control of his protean characteristics. This allows the Lunar to simply change bruises back into healthy flesh, and effortlessly close cuts, but the lost flesh takes some time to be replaced, even with the cuts are apparently closed. As such, the Lunar heals much faster than any other creature. Lunars with this power heal 1 Bashing Health Level per turn and 1 Lethal Health Level per hour. This healing is a reflexive action that takes place at the start of the Lunar’s turn.
Endless Body
Cost: 6 motes, 1 willpower
Duration: Indefinite
Type: Reflexive
Minimum Stamina: 5
Minimum Essence: 3
Prerequisite Charms: Wound-Knitting Power.
The Lunar now possesses full authority over his shape. He can return nearly from ashes, and remake his flesh after being crushed by any and every thing. Cuts close instantly, the lost flesh is renewed nearly so – the Lunar not only possesses full authority over his shape, but endless possibility of his form allows him to generate more flesh at whim to replace what was lost. Lunars with this power heal all Bashing damage every turn and 1 Lethal Health Level per turn. This healing is a reflexive action that takes place at the start of the Lunar’s turn.
Shed the Ephemeral Skin
Cost: 4 motes, 1 health level
Duration: Instant
Type: Reflexive
Minimum Stamina: 5
Minimum Essence: 3
Prerequisite Charms: Lick Wound, Stamina of the Moon-Kissed.
As substances begin to taint the Lunar’s Essence, the Lunar simply expels the affected parts – a little bit of blood, a little bit of fur, strands of hair, little droplets of his protean form shine in multiple hues and disappear - and with ease, the substance and its maladies are gone. This Charm instantly breaks the effect of any poison, disease, or other substance that affects the Lunar's body. The Exalt can invoke this Charm reflexively to impede a poison, disease or similar substance on the moment it comes in contact with his body, and before it has any effect.
Inviolate Lunar Essence
Cost: 5 motes, 1 willpower
Duration: Instant
Type: Reflexive
Minimum Stamina: 5
Minimum Essence: 4
Prerequisite Charms: Shed the Ephemeral Skin.
Everything is Essence. Every breath, every body, every rock. Every shape the Lunar assumes is composed of Essence, and Shapeshifting is little more than changing the essence of the body in a myriad of different ways, well evidenced by silver tatoos that lock their Form, Caste and Exaltatiom. The Lunar that understands this has an incredible control over the geomancy of their own bodies, and just as he hardens his skin, can compress their essence and ingrain it on his flesh, reshaping it and making it inviolate. A Lunar's Essence is his body, and nothing may tamper with it. As the Lunar uses Inviolate Lunar Essence, any effect that drains, burns, taints or otherwise affects their Essence, Essence Pools and Charm uses is instantly broken. This is a Perfect Effect.
A Face for Every Path
Cost: None
Duration: Permanent
Type: Special
Minimum Stamina: 3
Minimum Essence: 3
Prerequisite Charms: Stamina of the Moon-Kissed.
For shapeshifters like the Lunars, there is no place where they are not comfortable. Kissed by Luna's mate, where they are, they will be able to be comfortable as if in a Lover's Embrace... If they are in the North, they grow fur and adapt their hearing to the wind; If they are in the south, they shed fur, thin their bodies, and bask in the heat. If they are on the west, they swim with all beings of the sea... where they are, they blend in, perfectly. This Charm gives them this adaptative ability - every time it is purchased, the Lunar chooses a new enviroment to become adapted to. Each enviroment costs 10 motes to attune oneself to, as a reflexive action that does not count as a Charm action.
- The Northern Kiss: The Lunar receives a thick pelt of fur, becoming immune to cold and frostbite, comfortable even in the deepest north, vision adapted to the white of snow, able to ignore the wind madness and see only music in the Northern Winds. Being so at home in the North converts all of his attribute dice into successes when rolling Survival, Awareness and Athletics in an artic enviroment.
- The Southern Kiss: The Lunar receives the skin of a lizard, able to withstand the heat of the desert, immune to heat strokes, suburnts and normal fires, able to look directly at the sun without fear and able to go a number of weeks equal to his essence without water. Being so at home in the South converts all of his attribute dice into successes when rolling Survival, Awareness and Athletics in an arid enviroment.
- The Western Kiss: The Lunar receives the skin of a seal, gills and fins, becoming able to breathe water as easily as air, comfortable even in the most crushing pressures, vision adapted to the depths of the oceans. Being so at home in the West converts all of his attribute dice into successes when rolling Survival, Awareness and Athletics in an aquatic enviroment.
- The Eastern Kiss: The Lunar becomes one with the plants around him, his limbs adapting to the trees. The Lunar may climb trees at his normal speed, and move through them unhindered; Further, he become immune to all natural poisons. Being so at home in the East converts all of his attribute dice into successes when rolling Survival, Awareness and Athletics in a forest enviroment.
- The Central Kiss: Also known as the Kiss of Gaia, the Lunar becomes one with the world of rocks, able to climb on any mountain with enough of a foothold for that to be possible at his normal speed, to dig at twice the normal speed and see in the dimmest underground light. Being so at home in the Center converts all of his attribute dice into successes when rolling Survival, Awareness and Athletics in an underground or alpine enviroment.
Luna and her chosen traveled far and wide and dallied with the strangest beings, however; There exists the kiss of Malfeas, of Yu-Shan, of the Underworld, those of the Autochtonian Elements and others stranger still. There are more Realms than even the Exalted imagine...
Fortitude of the Aurochs
Cost: 5 motes
Duration: Until Released
Type: Simple
Minimum Stamina: 3
Minimum Essence: 2
Prerequisite Charms: Silver-Soul's Stamina.
The Lunar nourishes his body with his own essence. For as long as this Charm is mantained, he needs not eat nor drink. The Lunar may only safely mantain this Charm for a number of weeks equal to his Stamina; Each week he mantains this Charm thereafter, the Lunar loses a dot each of Strength and Stamina, and this loss is not recovered until the Lunar ceases this Charm and eats at enough to satisfy him for a number of days equal to his original Stamina.
Bear Sleep Technique
Cost: 3 motes, 1 willpower
Duration: Varies
Type: Simple
Minimum Stamina: 4
Minimum Essence: 2
Prerequisite Charms: Fortitude of the Aurochs.
The Lunar places himself in a slumber that lasts a number of years equal to the Lunar's Stamina. As long as this goes on, the Lunar needs not eat nor drink, and wakes up fully refreshed, if hungry. The time spent in hybernation is full of mystical dreams and insightful visions, and the Lunar may use it as training time to increase his Permanent Essence.
Ever-Waking Method
Cost: 6 motes
Duration: Until Released
Type: Simple
Minimum Stamina: 4
Minimum Essence: 2
Prerequisite Charms: Fortitude of the Aurochs.
The Lunar fortifies his body with his own essence, cutting his need for sleep - as long as this Charm is on, he needs not any sleep at all, nor will feel the need for it. He receives no penalties for lack of sleep. The Lunar may only safely mantain this Charm for a number of days equal to his Stamina; Each week he mantains this Charm thereafter, the Lunar loses a dot each of Strength and Stamina, and this loss is not recovered until the Lunar ceases this Charm and sleeps six hours for every day he has been awake past his Stamina.
Wolf Endurance Method
Cost: 4 motes
Duration: Indefinite
Type: Simple
Minimum Strength: 3
Minimum Essence: 3
Prerequisite Charms: Silver-Soul's Strength.
The Lunar reinvigorates his body with Essence, his strength overcoming any passing hindrance of exaustion. He is the hunter, and the hunter does not tire until he comes to his prey. ignoring any fatigue penalties he is suffering from, and suffering no others from armor, exaustion, or any other sort of fatiguing activity. The Lunar simply does not tire. This does not counter the need for sleep.
Life-Providing Instincts
Cost: 3 motes
Duration: Indefinite
Type: Simple
Minimum Perception: 4
Minimum Essence: 2
Prerequisite Charms: Silver-Soul's Perception.
With this Charm, the Lunar needs never to go hungry or thirsty. If traveling alone through hospitable terrain, the Lunar is assured to find enough food or water to survive another day without devoting a single moment to it. If he actually stops to hunt or look for water, he finds enough to sustain a number of people equal to his Perception+Survival, without a roll, taking only an hour every day to do so. Inhospitable conditions may require the Lunar to roll, but unless he is at the Elemental Poles or similar hellish enviroment, the difficulty of the roll will never go above 3.
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