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The Yozi: Jailors of the Primordials
When the Primordial War ended, the Incarnae took steps to lock them away forever. With assistance from Autochthon and Gaia, they constructed another world, a terrible twisted place that was tied to Creation by only the thinnest of threads. They did this because of the damage that the Neverborn could cause, and because if the Primordials were severed from Creation entirely, they might create a new Creation, and come for revenge some day.
However, there was a problem. The Primordials were vast beings, and could not normally be held. In order to keep them tied down, the Incarnae needed powerful jailors. And so they created the Yozi.
The Resplendant Jailors
According to this alteration to canon, the 'Yozi' as people know them are not the Primordials themselves, but merely the casings holding their power to strict limits. Normally, a Primordial's souls are free to travel as they will, but by reshaping and torturing them, the Incarnae created a powerful prison. The key to each prison is the fetich soul.
The secret that has been forgotten by all but the greatest Exalts and gods is that the fetich soul is not tied to a Primordial. Instead, if the fetich is destroyed by a method that causes it to be forever snuffed from existance, cracks would spread through a Primordial's jail. From that moment, no Third Circle demon of that Yozi could be restored, nor could a new fetich soul be born. If all of the Third Circle souls of a Yozi were destroyed, the Yozi would collapse, and the Primordial trapped within could be restored. It was for this reason that the Solar Exalted were so cautious about summoning a Third Circle demon, and it is for this reason that demons may be summoned by the Exalted - not because of oaths, but because they are their creations.
The Primordials
The supposed hatred and bitterness of the Yozi is merely the embodiment of their desire to hold their jailors within Malfeas. The Yozi do not truly seek the fall of Creation; rather, the Primordials are trying through extremely limited means to effect their release. Their demons are driven mad by the conflicting nature of the two influences working through them. Were they to be released, the Primordials would likely be hostile to humanity - but they would not be truly evil or vengeful, and may even agree to work with aspects of humanity or the Exalted to restore their rule.
The Implications
If this is true, it is easy to free the Primordials; one must simply destroy their prisons. More importantly, such a possibility might not be the devastating option that it is considered to be. Perhaps the Primordials are secretly training true Solar Exalted, preparing to use them to restore a world that they would want to live in. Perhaps negotiations could be made.
Perhaps the Celestial Incarnae are not so necessary to Creation's survival.