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Monkey . o O ( Quick, David, have Kaizoku say something cool before I came up with something silly! ) Admiral Kaizoku thrusts the narrow tip of his blue jade Daiklave up to the sky and then lowers it down towards the woman. "Bold words when spoken under the sun... bold and futile! You and your little surprise will be burned away like shadows!" Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( For the record, I have Fivefold Bulwark Stance up from last time, unless the scene ended. ) Monkey . o O ( Ah, from the big zombie extra? ) Monkey . o O ( If that counts as a scene, then Monkey has Wolf Form and Increasing Strength Exercise up. ) Monkey . o O ( And is down 1 WP. ) Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( Yep. ) think Back. Yeah, same scene as the giant zombie fight. The Storyteller . o O ( Back. Yeah, same scene as the giant zombie fight. ) Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( And there's surely an even bigger giant zombie lurking under the ground. ) Monkey . o O ( Which is appropriately short, because we all know the big giant monster is the weak one and the human nemesis are the strong ones. ) Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( And I'm down 1 WP and 3 personal. ) think Sitrep: The woman is on the gate. The giant zombie corpse is about 15 yards up the street from the gate, and is surrounded by the raiding party. Exception: Kaizoku and Monkey are to one side and about 8 yards from the giant zombie. Am I missing anyone? The Storyteller . o O ( Sitrep: The woman is on the gate. The giant zombie corpse is about 15 yards up the street from the gate, and is surrounded by the raiding party. Exception: Kaizoku and Monkey are to one side and about 8 yards from the giant zombie. Am I missing anyone? ) Monkey . o O ( Except when you beat the human nemesis and it transforms into a big giant monster. In which case things are going to be tough. ) Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( Nope, we put the rest of the zombies down. ) Monkey . o O ( Monkey is 100 yards from the building we started on. Quite far. ) Monkey . o O ( IIRC it's implied that Kaizoku, after killing the giant zombie, walked over to interrogate the nemissary but found it already abandoned the body. ) Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( Yep. ) think And Kaizoku's next to him. Okay. The Storyteller . o O ( And Kaizoku's next to him. Okay. ) Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( So a big horde/creature can come up and split the PCs from the NPCs... ) Monkey . o O ( Ah, shoot, I forgot to email Jesse and tell him to do just that. Have enough mooks, maybe even with a lieutenant, engaging the NPCs and worry only about the named bad guys and the PCs. ) think No worries. Remember how I was talking about paring back the cast? The Storyteller . o O ( No worries. Remember how I was talking about paring back the cast? ) Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( Oh oh. ) Monkey . o O ( Aw, crap. So who got eaten? ) Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( And I was wanting MORE NPCs to direct operations elsewhere, so the Admiral wouldn't have to micromanage. ) TonyC [to jetman]: You'll have to settle with Generics instead of Name-Brand NPCs. :) jetman [to TonyC]: Generic NPCs can't use Essence and thus can't fire our good stock of energy weapons... TonyC [to jetman]: Nonsense. There's a subcategory of Generic NPCs called Dragonbloods. @emit The woman says nothing to the admiral's counter-challenge. She merely lifts her hand to the sky and snaps her fingers. A sleek, long blade appears, a grand daiklaive of strange design. She lifts it and kisses the blade. The woman says nothing to the admiral's counter-challenge. She merely lifts her hand to the sky and snaps her fingers. A sleek, long blade appears, a grand daiklaive of strange design. She lifts it and kisses the blade. Monkey . o O ( Meteo! ) think make a Wits + occult roll to recognize the blade. The Storyteller . o O ( make a Wits + occult roll to recognize the blade. ) Monkey rolled 4 dice on Wit + Occ and got 2 successes. Admiral Kaizoku rolled 9 dice on WIts+Occ and got 4 successes. think No good, neither of you know what it is. The Storyteller . o O ( No good, neither of you know what it is. ) Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( Rats, 1 short. ) Monkey . o O ( It's okay. Once you've taken it away, you can examine again and reroll. :) ) think Sorry, was being distracted by wife. The Storyteller . o O ( Sorry, was being distracted by wife. ) think She brought home a lot of stuff and was showing it off. The Storyteller . o O ( She brought home a lot of stuff and was showing it off. ) Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( No, just pick it up with tongs and drop it into a volcano. ) Monkey . o O ( And possibly corrupt the volcano god? ) think Clearly, the answer is the Mouth of the Void. The Storyteller . o O ( Clearly, the answer is the Mouth of the Void. ) Monkey . o O ( Dude, if you want to do that, you might as well keep the bling bling. ) Monkey . o O ( Anyway, so let's see what else she does. ) Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( The Admiral can't say it, so Monkey should. "Don't kiss that! Who knows where it's been!" ) Monkey . o O ( Damn, why didn't I think of that. ) Monkey jumps to the top of the gate and yells, "Don't kiss that! Who knows where it has been!" think Oh, okay. The Storyteller . o O ( Oh, okay. ) Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( Roll for init, or does her attack have a cutscene? ) Monkey . o O ( Errr, if I can't get to the gate, it's okay. I just want to do the usual Monkey "get to the highest place". ) Monkey . o O ( I want to see the cutscene. ) think You're about 115 yards away from the gate, which is 10 feet tall. Monkey Leap? The Storyteller . o O ( You're about 115 yards away from the gate, which is 10 feet tall. Monkey Leap? ) Monkey . o O ( Sure. ) think roll initiative, then. The Storyteller . o O ( roll initiative, then. ) Monkey . o O ( Peripheral, 'coz having the caste mark glint right now seems appropriate. ) Monkey rolled 1d10+8 and got 10. Admiral Kaizoku rolled 1d10+7 and got 14. think Well, yes, but I was thinking more: Monkey has no persistents up and is using a Charm. The Storyteller . o O ( Well, yes, but I was thinking more: Monkey has no persistents up and is using a Charm. ) Monkey . o O ( Has Wolf Form and Increasing Strength Exercise. I think you meant no persistent _defense_. ) think Those are the only persistents that _count)_. The Storyteller . o O ( Those are the only persistents that _count)_. ) Admiral Kaizoku says "Don't be headstrong..." even as Monkey leaps. Monkey . o O ( Headstrong? You mean rash. ) think Very. The Storyteller . o O ( Very. ) roll 1d10+20 On 1d10+20, you rolled 28. think How far away from her do you land on the wall? The Storyteller . o O ( How far away from her do you land on the wall? ) Monkey . o O ( Quick question: Is she App 1 or 4? Or worse, 0 or 5? ) Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( Well, that's not a good number... ) think App 5. The Storyteller . o O ( App 5. ) think She is an old Abyssal, as it were... The Storyteller . o O ( She is an old Abyssal, as it were... ) Monkey points at his lips instead. "How about right here instead. I know exactly where it has been." Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( Well, there goes THAT theory. ) think Again! How far away are you on the wall from her? The Storyteller . o O ( Again! How far away are you on the wall from her? ) Monkey . o O ( Call it 5 yards. ) think Okay. The Storyteller . o O ( Okay. ) Monkey . o O ( Let me point out that no matter how you do it, the turn will always start her first and me last, allowing me to use defensive charms. ) think Except on turns where you used a charm, such as Monkey Leap. The Storyteller . o O ( Except on turns where you used a charm, such as Monkey Leap. ) Monkey . o O ( Right, except my init means I move after she moves. But hey, go ahead. ) @emit The woman says, "What is the greatest pain?" The woman says, "What is the greatest pain?" Admiral Kaizoku calls out back to the rest of the group "Leden, take the others with you for the same plan as the Isle of Shadows cult tower!" referring to when he had Leden hide and prepare for an ambush at the most opportune time. With that, he took off at a run for the gate and the Deathknight (and Monkey). Monkey instinctively answers, "To love and not be loved." @emit Not waiting for an answer, she attacks. She's a black blur as she dives toward the raiding party, her slim blade a shadow of sorrow in her hands. Onyx Blossom barely has time to bring her goremaul into a defensive posture before the deathknight is upon her. Not waiting for an answer, she attacks. She's a black blur as she dives toward the raiding party, her slim blade a shadow of sorrow in her hands. Onyx Blossom barely has time to bring her goremaul into a defensive posture before the deathknight is upon her. Monkey looks puzzled for a moment. "... whoa. That's deep. How'd I came up with that?" Monkey . o O ( Then Onyx Blossom's mom show up. ) think Nice. The Storyteller . o O ( Nice. ) xl 14 You rolled 14 dice on something and got 3 successes. think Christ. The Storyteller . o O ( Christ. ) xl 8 Onyx defense You rolled 8 dice on Onyx defense and got 5 successes. Monkey . o O ( It's her mom interfering from behind the scenes. Second Circles can do that, y'know. ) think Goddammit. The Storyteller . o O ( Goddammit. ) Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( She's using up all her bad rolls on the NPCs... ) Monkey . o O ( That's one way of putting it. Of course, this means Kaizoku's gonna flub an important defense roll just when she got an excellent roll. ) @emit Onyx brings her goremaul up just in time to block the deathknight's blade. Smoke curls up from her weapon's jade haft as the deathknight leaps to a nearby rooftop. Onyx brings her goremaul up just in time to block the deathknight's blade. Smoke curls up from her weapon's jade haft as the deathknight leaps to a nearby rooftop. think Next, Kaizoku! The Storyteller . o O ( Next, Kaizoku! ) Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( Oh, yes. I'm going to regret not getting the perfect defense too. ) TonyC [to jetman]: Have you considered playing Shen/Leden in Admiral Monkey's Navy? Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( The Admiral's still 100 yards from the fight, right? ) Monkey . o O ( Yes. ) think Oh, sorry! The Storyteller . o O ( Oh, sorry! ) think Yes, he is. The Storyteller . o O ( Yes, he is. ) Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( Should have bought lightning speed too. ) Admiral Kaizoku takes off at a run, blade held up in a defensive stance as his legs pump furiously, heading to the Deathknight. "Is that the best you can do?" he calls. "To attack those who serve under me, or try to? I will show you the TRUE power of the sun, and you will flee back to your decaying master!" Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( Full move, 32 yards. ) think Okay, Monkey's go. Then the rest of the party. The Storyteller . o O ( Okay, Monkey's go. Then the rest of the party. ) Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( Or get some Gunzoshu armor... that doubles speed. ) Monkey jumps down from the top of the gate to follow the deathknight. His plan is simple, grab her, thus stopping her from using her big sword and protecting the others at the same time. And hey, if that involves a bit of a tussle with a pretty lady, why that hardly seems like an disadvantage. Let's see if it'll work. Monkey . o O ( One grapple attempt. That's it. ) Monkey . o O ( I'll roll stunt, if any, separately. ) think Okay. She's in move range for Monkey, so no penalty for that. The Storyteller . o O ( Okay. She's in move range for Monkey, so no penalty for that. ) Monkey rolled 11 dice on Grab and got 6 successes. think 1-die stunt at least. The Storyteller . o O ( 1-die stunt at least. ) Monkey rolled 1 dice on stunt and got 1 success. @emit As Monkey's arms close on the woman in black silk, she vanishes like smoke in the wind. A moment later, Monkey feels a chill behind him. As Monkey's arms close on the woman in black silk, she vanishes like smoke in the wind. A moment later, Monkey feels a chill behind him. think Flowing Evasion Assault... The Storyteller . o O ( Flowing Evasion Assault... ) think she's attacking. Perfect dodge? The Storyteller . o O ( she's attacking. Perfect dodge? ) Monkey . o O ( Well, does she have an action left or is she using a counterattack charm too? ) think action left. The Storyteller . o O ( action left. ) Monkey responds by disappearing and appearing behind her instead. "Hmmmm, not too shabby." Monkey . o O ( The one with the WP. 'coz I like the teleporting sfx. ) think Eh? Which one is that? The Storyteller . o O ( Eh? Which one is that? ) Monkey . o O ( Shadown in Noonday Sun. The perfect applicability trumping one. ) think Okay. I didn't think it let you do the "behind you" bit. The Storyteller . o O ( Okay. I didn't think it let you do the "behind you" bit. ) Monkey . o O ( Ah. No, that's just a general location. No actual game mechanics effects. Like I said, sfx. ) think Okay. The Storyteller . o O ( Okay. ) @emit Her blade slashes through the air where Monkey had been a moment ago. She pivots on her heel so that she half-faces him. "Wrong answer." Her blade slashes through the air where Monkey had been a moment ago. She pivots on her heel so that she half-faces him. "Wrong answer." think Kaizoku, can you handle the raiding party's actions? The Storyteller . o O ( Kaizoku, can you handle the raiding party's actions? ) Monkey . o O ( They tapdance. ) Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( They've got their orders... go to ground and wait for an opportunity to strike when the target is weakest. ) think Ah-one, ah-two, ah-one, two, three, four! The Storyteller . o O ( Ah-one, ah-two, ah-one, two, three, four! ) Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( Want me to pose that? ) think Yes, please. The Storyteller . o O ( Yes, please. ) Leden nods at the Admiral's order and points down an alley, sending Suda, Leaf and Onyx Blossom down it before following himself, Onyx Blossom's smoking weapon leaving a trail for a few feet. Armor and skill lets them vanish from sight, moving to the backup position to observe covertly. think Where's the backup position? The Storyteller . o O ( Where's the backup position? ) Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( We found two houses suitable to hole up in, the backup was the one we didn't use, a few homes further back. ) think Ah, okay. So fairly close. The Storyteller . o O ( Ah, okay. So fairly close. ) Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( Yep. ) think Then roll init. The Storyteller . o O ( Then roll init. ) Monkey is taken aback slightly by the deathknight's curt "wrong answer" reply. "I was just referring to your line viewed from behind. I didn't mean that not too shabby was the answer. What was the question again?" Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( So they can launch a finishing strike if needed. ) Admiral Kaizoku rolled 1d10+7 and got 12. roll 1d10+30 Rose init On 1d10, you rolled 3. Monkey rolled 1d10+8 and got 17. think dammit. The Storyteller . o O ( dammit. ) think so annoying. The Storyteller . o O ( so annoying. ) roll 1d10+30 On 1d10+30, you rolled 40. think Damn. The Storyteller . o O ( Damn. ) Monkey . o O ( Hoooweee. ) think Guess who goes first? The Storyteller . o O ( Guess who goes first? ) Monkey . o O ( Dude, why bother rolling? ) roll 1d10+8 On 1d10+8, you rolled 14. think Umm.... practice? The Storyteller . o O ( Umm.... practice? ) think Anyway, here's the skinny on the blade, just to keep everything above board: The Storyteller . o O ( Anyway, here's the skinny on the blade, just to keep everything above board: ) Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( It is very long, longer than anything... ) Monkey . o O ( It's Masamune. And that's Celes with her Rune Blade ability. So we're screwed. ) Monkey . o O ( Unless Monkey can pull off the Bum Rush Blitz. Half circle forward to back and then straight forward then A. Quick! ) think It's the Blade of the Black Chrysanthemum. +20 Speed, +12L, +2 Acc, -1 def, Rate 4. Oh, and it ignores soak. And steals one of essence, souls, names, virtues, memories... whatever, whenever it hits. Plus some other stuff. The Storyteller . o O ( It's the Blade of the Black Chrysanthemum. +20 Speed, +12L, +2 Acc, -1 def, Rate 4. Oh, and it ignores soak. And steals one of essence, souls, names, virtues, memories... whatever, whenever it hits. Plus some other stuff. ) think At least it doesn't bitch about souls and come with an attached albino. The Storyteller . o O ( At least it doesn't bitch about souls and come with an attached albino. ) Monkey . o O ( I seem to recall someone worrying about Monkey's soak. Hahahaha. ) Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( Time to read up on the disarming rules... ) Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( I'm guessing this will be a really big attack... ) @emit The woman says, "Introductions. I am the Perfect Rose of Thorns. You are Monkey. And the question: What is the greatest pain?" The woman says, "Introductions. I am the Perfect Rose of Thorns. You are Monkey. And the question: What is the greatest pain?" @emit She leaps backward, alighting on a nearby rooftop. "I will await your answer there," she shouts, pointing at the Autocrat's palace. "With your double." She leaps backward, alighting on a nearby rooftop. "I will await your answer there," she shouts, pointing at the Autocrat's palace. "With your double." think Monkey's pose. The Storyteller . o O ( Monkey's pose. ) think y'know, I'm looking forward to seeing the initiative system for 2nd edition. The current one just doesn't make sense sometimes. The Storyteller . o O ( y'know, I'm looking forward to seeing the initiative system for 2nd edition. The current one just doesn't make sense sometimes. ) Monkey puts his hand on his waists. "Women. Why do they have to make us go all these hoops just so I can get an invite to her house?" Monkey . o O ( waist, singular. Unless Monkey's double is a lot closer than we thought. ) think Is that it? The Storyteller . o O ( Is that it? ) Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( The Admiral is still 70ish yards off... What does Monkey do? ) Monkey says, "Couldn't she just, say, send a runner bearing a polite message." Monkey . o O ( Pretty much. I could go after her and I think I can keep up, but then Kaizoku will be left behind. ) Admiral Kaizoku Admiral Kaizoku's voice booms out "GO!" as he points at the fleeing Deathknight." Monkey is puzzled at Kaizoku's sudden command but he shrugs and leaps after Rose. Monkey . o O ( Current max speed: 220 yds/turn. ) Admiral Kaizoku throws out his hands to his sides and leaps, spinning around and around, calling up the power of Stormwind Rider! think You both know about the "finishing move" rule, right? Nobody dies for sure from a single blow, there has to be a coup de grace or bleed out. The Storyteller . o O ( You both know about the "finishing move" rule, right? Nobody dies for sure from a single blow, there has to be a coup de grace or bleed out. ) Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( Yep. ) Monkey . o O ( Yes. But it's kinda moot when your soul got eaten first. ) think Okay, just making sure. The Storyteller . o O ( Okay, just making sure. ) think Soul eating is sooooo booooring. So, y'know, Virtues, memories, names, etc. The Storyteller . o O ( Soul eating is sooooo booooring. So, y'know, Virtues, memories, names, etc. ) think So the Admiral's on round 1 of Stormwind Rider. The Storyteller . o O ( So the Admiral's on round 1 of Stormwind Rider. ) Monkey . o O ( What, you want to drop Monkey's Temperance back to 1 again? ) think Uh-oh, hiccup. The Storyteller . o O ( Uh-oh, hiccup. ) Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( Yes. ) Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( I have a grand plan that will come to nothing. ) think What, like all of mine? The Storyteller . o O ( What, like all of mine? ) Monkey . o O ( It's okay. At least it's grand. ) think Okay, so your raiding party has vanished toward the safe house. The Storyteller . o O ( Okay, so your raiding party has vanished toward the safe house. ) Monkey . o O ( So, we're all there. How much of my motes are spent? ) think Let's just roll init again, then.... The Storyteller . o O ( Let's just roll init again, then.... ) Monkey rolled 1d10+8 and got 11. think WHat, you expect me to keep track of that? The Storyteller . o O ( WHat, you expect me to keep track of that? ) roll 1d10+10 On 1d10+10, you rolled 15. Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( Stormwind has to be faster than Monkey Leap or Undead Moving So Fast When Not Seen... so he'll zip ahead and set up a hammer and anvil trap. ) roll 1d10+8 On 1d10+8, you rolled 10. Admiral Kaizoku rolled 1d10+7 and got 11. roll 1d10+7 On 1d10+7, you rolled 14. Monkey . o O ( No. But I expect you to pick an arbitrary number to account for multiple activations of Monkey Leap during the off-screen chase. ) think Well, it's the Rose's turn first, so... The Storyteller . o O ( Well, it's the Rose's turn first, so... ) @emit The Rose leaps from rooftop to rooftop with a shadow's speed, tiles and timbers crunching under her feet. Monkey lands on a rooftop in her path, and she jumps down into an alley, out of sight. Does Monkey follow? The Rose leaps from rooftop to rooftop with a shadow's speed, tiles and timbers crunching under her feet. Monkey lands on a rooftop in her path, and she jumps down into an alley, out of sight. Does Monkey follow? Monkey . o O ( What a silly question. ) Monkey drops down from the roof and strolls into the alley. @emit The first thing he sees is a hole in the street. The second is the Rose leaping down said hole. It's a biggish hole, about four feet across. A trail of slime leads from the hole and vanishes further down the alley. The cobbles around it look melted. The first thing he sees is a hole in the street. The second is the Rose leaping down said hole. It's a biggish hole, about four feet across. A trail of slime leads from the hole and vanishes further down the alley. The cobbles around it look melted. think Back to the Admiral. The Storyteller . o O ( Back to the Admiral. ) Monkey . o O ( Ewww. ) Admiral Kaizoku is troubled by the two dots vanishing from the sky, but completes his spell, calling "Close on the tower for the plan!" before his words are engulfed by the tornado of white wind that lifts his feet off the ground. TonyC [to jetman]: What a stroke of luck. Remember when you said we might have to dispose of the sword in the Mouth of The Void? I think I just found a shortcut. @emit As the admiral spins the Essence of the Emerald Circle into a wind of his desire, he does not hear the soft footfall behind him. But when a lash of dark energy whips across the street and shatters his spell in mid-cast, he feels it. Shards of magic spin across the street, scorching stones and timbers. As the admiral spins the Essence of the Emerald Circle into a wind of his desire, he does not hear the soft footfall behind him. But when a lash of dark energy whips across the street and shatters his spell in mid-cast, he feels it. Shards of magic spin across the street, scorching stones and timbers. Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( Maybe it's just a tunnel. ) Monkey . o O ( Hah! You got the ugly guy. ) think How does the Admiral react? Figure you get, say, half an action to respond. The Storyteller . o O ( How does the Admiral react? Figure you get, say, half an action to respond. ) Admiral Kaizoku spins around on the dissipated wind to face the direction that lash, blade up. @emit Two figures stand there, both in black and silver and bone. One is a tall necromancer, hands still crackling with the energy of the countermagic spell. The other is a broad man with the features of the Marukani. A soulsteel bow is in his hand, and before the Admiral can draw breath, a hail of arrows fly toward him. A great howling accompanies them, and the archer's anima flares into life, a black skull with the caste mark of the Dusk. Two figures stand there, both in black and silver and bone. One is a tall necromancer, hands still crackling with the energy of the countermagic spell. The other is a broad man with the features of the Marukani. A soulsteel bow is in his hand, and before the Admiral can draw breath, a hail of arrows fly toward him. A great howling accompanies them, and the archer's anima flares into life, a black skull with the caste mark of the Dusk. Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( Necromancy countermagic can counter Sorcery? Darn. Parry. ) think Combo: Arrows of the Sudden Grief. Flawless Archer Discipline + Withering Feathered Maelstrom + Iron Sleet Attack + a couple dodge. Expensive as hell, but... The Storyteller . o O ( Combo: Arrows of the Sudden Grief. Flawless Archer Discipline + Withering Feathered Maelstrom + Iron Sleet Attack + a couple dodge. Expensive as hell, but... ) Monkey . o O ( OOC: Necromancy+1 cancels Sorcery. Sorcery+1 cancels Necromancy. ) Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( NO idea what any of those do... ) think I think Suda mentioned that to K once. The Storyteller . o O ( I think Suda mentioned that to K once. ) Monkey . o O ( Just throw up the best defense you can. ) think Perfect Attack + Extra Actions + Dex penalty. The Storyteller . o O ( Perfect Attack + Extra Actions + Dex penalty. ) Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( How does a perfect attack combine with rolls anyway? A good defense will get it down to just ping? ) Monkey . o O ( Yes. ) think Pretty much. The Storyteller . o O ( Pretty much. ) xl 14 Attack 1 You rolled 14 dice on Attack 1 and got 5 successes. xl 14 Attack 2 You rolled 14 dice on Attack 2 and got 4 successes. xl 14 Attack 3 You rolled 14 dice on Attack 3 and got 7 successes. xl 14 Attack 4 You rolled 14 dice on Attack 4 and got 10 successes. Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( OK, time to combine Golden Essence Block on top of Fivefold Bulkwark! ) think Each arrow that hits -- and they all do -- drops your Dex by 1. The Storyteller . o O ( Each arrow that hits -- and they all do -- drops your Dex by 1. ) Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( Before or after the parries? ) Monkey . o O ( When it does damage. ) think Yeah. The Storyteller . o O ( Yeah. ) Monkey . o O ( If you don't take damage, you don't lose dex. ) Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( Two Essence per parry. ) Admiral Kaizoku rolled 18 dice on Parry 1 and got 12 successes. Admiral Kaizoku rolled 18 dice on Parry 2 and got 3 successes. Admiral Kaizoku rolled 18 dice on Parry 3 and got 4 successes. Admiral Kaizoku rolled 18 dice on Parry 4 and got 11 successes. Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( What the HELL? ) think hehehheh. The Storyteller . o O ( hehehheh. ) think NOW you roll well. The Storyteller . o O ( NOW you roll well. ) Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( 18 dice and THREE successes? ) think and poorly. The Storyteller . o O ( and poorly. ) think What's your soak? The Storyteller . o O ( What's your soak? ) Monkey . o O ( Pssh. The difference is 1, which is what would've happened given it's a perfect attack. ) Admiral Kaizoku brings his blade in a sweeping arc at the death-charged arrows, strongest on the ends. Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( 12. ) think And he's using target arrows, so... Er. How much of that is armor soak? The Storyteller . o O ( And he's using target arrows, so... Er. How much of that is armor soak? ) Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( I realy should have forseen this trap. Or rather, I did, but didn't see it through. ) Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( 10. ) Monkey . o O ( ping, ping, ping, ping. ) think So it's actually going to be 7. Base damage is 7L, so damage is ping, or 4. The Storyteller . o O ( So it's actually going to be 7. Base damage is 7L, so damage is ping, or 4. ) xld 4 You rolled 4 dice on something and got 2 hits. xld 4 You rolled 4 dice on something and got 1 hit. xld 4 You rolled 4 dice on something and got 3 hits. xld 4 You rolled 4 dice on something and got no hits. think Whoops, forgot to add his Essence to the damage. The Storyteller . o O ( Whoops, forgot to add his Essence to the damage. ) think Nevermind, wouldn't make a difference. The Storyteller . o O ( Nevermind, wouldn't make a difference. ) think So you take 5 HLs and lose 3 dots in Dex. The Storyteller . o O ( So you take 5 HLs and lose 3 dots in Dex. ) Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( I count six? ) Monkey . o O ( Hey, you're the one who told me to go chase the girl. ;) ) @emit The first three shafts bury themselves in Kaizoku's torso while the fourth sticks harmlessly in his armor. A bitter cold seeps into his bones from the arrowheads, slowing him down when he can least afford it. The first three shafts bury themselves in Kaizoku's torso while the fourth sticks harmlessly in his armor. A bitter cold seeps into his bones from the arrowheads, slowing him down when he can least afford it. think You're right, 6.' The Storyteller . o O ( You're right, 6.' ) think Roll init again. The Storyteller . o O ( Roll init again. ) Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( My move? ) Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( That was all reflexive, after all. ) think Nope, they interrupted your spellcasting. So that was their turn. New round. The Storyteller . o O ( Nope, they interrupted your spellcasting. So that was their turn. New round. ) Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( OK ) Admiral Kaizoku rolled 1d10+14 and got 24. Monkey . o O ( No. I think the turn was: you cast. necromancer counters. archer shoots. New turn. ) roll 1d10+10 On 1d10+10, you rolled 16. roll 1d10+8 On 1d10+8, you rolled 16. roll 1d10+7 On 1d10+7, you rolled 13. Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( Three health levels left. ) think Kaizoku first. The Storyteller . o O ( Kaizoku first. ) Monkey . o O ( Surrender? ) think Oh, and Monkey needs to roll Init too. The Storyteller . o O ( Oh, and Monkey needs to roll Init too. ) Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( No. ) Monkey rolled 1d10+8 and got 15. Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( Combo's no good either. ) Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( How far are they? ) Monkey . o O ( Get inside a building, close the door. Use the terrain. Run. ) think About 20 yards away. The Storyteller . o O ( About 20 yards away. ) Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( And the nearest building behind? ) think No more than 10 feet. The Storyteller . o O ( No more than 10 feet. ) Monkey . o O ( Refinement. Get inside. Barricade yourself. Cast Stormwind. Then run, really fast. ) Admiral Kaizoku sweeps the arrows out of his breastplate as he falls back into the building behind him, through the ruined doorway and into the shadows. Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( Hide with steath, hold action, ambush whoever comes through. ) Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( They could run inside freely and countermagic on the same turn the spell would go off. ) think Okay. Switch camera to Monkey. What's he doing? The Storyteller . o O ( Okay. Switch camera to Monkey. What's he doing? ) Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( I messed up very badly and this is the end. ) Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( I'll do it. ) Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( Wolf and Lost Monkey. ) Monkey lands softly and gets up. He looks around to orient himself, his caste mark giving him enough light to see by and to be seen. Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( D'oh, my steath's no good with no dex either... ) @emit Monkey is in a long tunnel lined with slime. In the darkness, not too far, he can hear running footsteps, running away... Monkey is in a long tunnel lined with slime. In the darkness, not too far, he can hear running footsteps, running away... Monkey . o O ( If nothing jumps me, activating Identifying The Scent of Danger. ) think Remind me what that does, please. The Storyteller . o O ( Remind me what that does, please. ) Monkey . o O ( MA Awareness charm. No surprises. ) think Oh, okay. 'Cause if it was a general danger sense, it'd be going off like crazy anywhere in the city... The Storyteller . o O ( Oh, okay. 'Cause if it was a general danger sense, it'd be going off like crazy anywhere in the city... ) think Nothing jumps you, so... if you get any more action, go ahead. If not, we'll switch back to the admiral. The Storyteller . o O ( Nothing jumps you, so... if you get any more action, go ahead. If not, we'll switch back to the admiral. ) Monkey starts jogging after the footsteps. Casually, at first, but soon his gait changes. Slightly hunched, arms hung down so his hands reach the knees, he speeds into a sprint. Monkey . o O ( Normal move. Next. ) Monkey . o O ( Next turn. ) @emit Outside his hiding place, Kaizoku can hear the necromancer incanting a spell, some ancient magic of the underworld. The room he's in is the front room of a once-beautiful home. A door leads further in, and another opens onto a side room. Outside his hiding place, Kaizoku can hear the necromancer incanting a spell, some ancient magic of the underworld. The room he's in is the front room of a once-beautiful home. A door leads further in, and another opens onto a side room. think Roll init. The Storyteller . o O ( Roll init. ) Monkey . o O ( Are you sure you aren't going to flee? ) Monkey rolled 1d10+8 and got 16. Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( Can't be done. ) Admiral Kaizoku rolled 1d10+14 and got 19. roll 1d10+10 On 1d10+10, you rolled 14. roll 1d10+8 On 1d10+8, you rolled 10. roll 1d10+7 On 1d10+7, you rolled 10. Monkey . o O ( Hmmm, I think after I inherit the fleet, I'm going to rename it Monkey's Wind. ) think Oh, nice. The Storyteller . o O ( Oh, nice. ) think Order is Kaizoku, Monkey, Rose, Abbot & Costello. The Storyteller . o O ( Order is Kaizoku, Monkey, Rose, Abbot & Costello. ) Monkey . o O ( Heh heh heh. ) Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( One story building or two? ) think two The Storyteller . o O ( two ) think brb The Storyteller . o O ( brb ) Admiral Kaizoku moves quietly up the stairs, staunching his wounds with sheer force of will, and then quietly calls on the power of Emerald Sorcery again. Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( I'm out of ideas. ) Monkey . o O ( Option 1. Fleeing. Finish your spell. Bust the wall on the other side and keep moving. Do not go around or over obstacles. ) Monkey . o O ( Option 2. Surrender. Offer ransom. If necessary offer parole. ) Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( That won't work, and is OOC. ) Monkey . o O ( Option 3. Ambush. You hear the other casting. This means he's occupied. You got init. Rush out, target the archer's weapon and try to destroy it or at least cut the string. This is beyond the rule, so stunt it. ) Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( Can't rush out with no movement rate. ) Monkey . o O ( You already said you are casting. Presumably this is Stormwind Rider. ) Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( Yes, as it can fall from a 2 story building with no trouble. A full Countermagic will dispell it again though. ) Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( And drain off most of my essence. ) Monkey . o O ( The necromancer is casting a spell. He'll either abort, at which point chances are your attack already goes, or he tries to finish it, at which point your attack is already through and you get to keep moving. ) think back The Storyteller . o O ( back ) Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( It would take a full move action to get across the street to them running though, so that's another turn of arrow fire. ) Monkey . o O ( You already described yourself casting a spell, presumably this is Stormwind Rider, which has lots of movement rate. ) Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( I'm not sure you can attack when using it though. Riding it "consumes the sorcerer's attention." ) think You've done it before. Remember that naval action? The Storyteller . o O ( You've done it before. Remember that naval action? ) Monkey . o O ( What Jesse said. ) Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( Yeah, but that was a boat that was standing still by comparison. ) Monkey . o O ( Pump enough motes into Excellent Strike and Abbot and Costello will be standing still. ) think Anyway, back to Monkey, since we know what Kaizoku's doing. The Storyteller . o O ( Anyway, back to Monkey, since we know what Kaizoku's doing. ) Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( Didn't work before. They'll have to have better reflexive-die-drainers than the Deathknight General. ) Monkey . o O ( Let's try another approach. Roll Valor. Roll Conviction. If you get more in Valor, fight, go out and attack to the best of your ability. If you get more Conv than Valor, survival first. Attempt flight or surrender. ) Monkey . o O ( No ambush in front of Monkey? Between Wolf Form, Scent of Danger, and Dragon Tear Tiara, that's three things increasing Perception in one way or another. ) think No ambush... yet! The tunnel goes a bit deeper and begins to curve to the northeast. Monkey is gaining on the runner, but without his leaping advantage, not as fast as he'd probably like. The Storyteller . o O ( No ambush... yet! The tunnel goes a bit deeper and begins to curve to the northeast. Monkey is gaining on the runner, but without his leaping advantage, not as fast as he'd probably like. ) Monkey's anima banner flares into a bonfire as he shifts his essence flow to emulate the Lost One of the Monkey Tribe. His hands almost touches the ground and yet his speed increases. Monkey . o O ( Lost Monkey Form. Double movement rate, Dodge Pool + MA, halves opponent's active defenses. ) @emit Suddenly, he comes upon a hollow, a small round cavern. Three other tunnels face him now, one going deeper and the others splaying out like the toes of a bird. Suddenly, he comes upon a hollow, a small round cavern. Three other tunnels face him now, one going deeper and the others splaying out like the toes of a bird. Monkey . o O ( Movement rate: 34 normal. 70 full. ) think Roll Per + Awareness to figure out which is the right path to take. The Storyteller . o O ( Roll Per + Awareness to figure out which is the right path to take. ) Monkey . o O ( Spending wp for auto. ) Monkey rolled 5 dice on Per+Awa+tia and got 1 success. think Hm. Well, that gives you two successes. You think you can hear her footsteps down the left-hand path, but isn't that her smell wafting up from the descending tunnel? Better decide quickly. The Storyteller . o O ( Hm. Well, that gives you two successes. You think you can hear her footsteps down the left-hand path, but isn't that her smell wafting up from the descending tunnel? Better decide quickly. ) think And we'll switch back to the admiral as Monkey ponders. The Storyteller . o O ( And we'll switch back to the admiral as Monkey ponders. ) Perhaps it's the lingering effects of the Wolf Form, or perhaps it's just random guess, but Monkey ambles down the descending tunnel and continues on. Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( Init? ) Monkey rolled 1d10+8 and got 9. @emit Thank the Sun! The rooftop has a high wall around it, and a long-dead garden fed by a long-dry fountain adorns it as well. For now, the Admiral is masked from his enemies, though that will not last long, as the green essence surrounds him. In the street below, the necromancer's chanting is growing in volume, echoing from teh walls. Thank the Sun! The rooftop has a high wall around it, and a long-dead garden fed by a long-dry fountain adorns it as well. For now, the Admiral is masked from his enemies, though that will not last long, as the green essence surrounds him. In the street below, the necromancer's chanting is growing in volume, echoing from teh walls. think Yeah, init. The Storyteller . o O ( Yeah, init. ) roll 1d10+10 On 1d10+10, you rolled 20. roll 1d10+8 On 1d10+8, you rolled 10. roll 1d10+7 On 1d10+7, you rolled 17. Admiral Kaizoku rolled 1d10+4 and got 9. think Order is Rose, archer, necro, Monkey, Kaizoku. The Storyteller . o O ( Order is Rose, archer, necro, Monkey, Kaizoku. ) Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( My character design skills aren't as good as I thought, clearly. ) think So... Okay. Rose runs. Run, Rose, run! Admiral, you can here someone walking around downstairs, probably the archer. By the sound of it, he just kicked one of the doors open. The necromancer is still casting, which is a bad sign -- it means it's at least a higher circle than Emerald... The Storyteller . o O ( So... Okay. Rose runs. Run, Rose, run! Admiral, you can here someone walking around downstairs, probably the archer. By the sound of it, he just kicked one of the doors open. The necromancer is still casting, which is a bad sign -- it means it's at least a higher circle than Emerald... ) think So, Monkey? The Storyteller . o O ( So, Monkey? ) Monkey . o O ( Mister, you're outnumber 2:1 by equal power level opponents. On average, you lose. ) Monkey picks up his pace and goes into a full run. Let's hope he chose the right path! Monkey . o O ( Y'know, I should shout a challenge to her and have her either come over or spend a WP to avoid doing that. ) think Good point. The Storyteller . o O ( Good point. ) Monkey . o O ( Anyway, that's my move. Go on with Kaizoku while I write the challenge. ) @emit As Monkey dashes down the tunnel, following the scent of the Rose (rimshot!), he's glad to hear footsteps ahead of him. Suddenly they change, from feet on earth to boots on stone. As Monkey dashes down the tunnel, following the scent of the Rose (rimshot!), he's glad to hear footsteps ahead of him. Suddenly they change, from feet on earth to boots on stone. think Kaizoku? The Storyteller . o O ( Kaizoku? ) Monkey . o O ( Wooohooo, getting lost in the Labyrinth. While in Lost Monkey Form! How apt! )

notes to self: get Monkey lost in Labyrinth. With David Bowie.

The Storyteller notes to self: get Monkey lost in Labyrinth. With David Bowie. Monkey . o O ( Oh no! David Bowie is Mask of Winters! ) Admiral Kaizoku finishes casting the Stormwind Rider and rises up again, up higher, glowing with the full power of the Sun, storm-tossed waves of gold cresting over the wall of the building. He spins up over the edge of the wall and out into space, aiming precicely to land the point of the small tornado right on the necromancer, to disrupt his spell. think Hm. Make a Dex + Occult roll.... The Storyteller . o O ( Hm. Make a Dex + Occult roll.... ) Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( Stunt? ) think Oh, 2 dice. The Storyteller . o O ( Oh, 2 dice. ) @emit A bright white light shines from the necromancer's chest, and a small whirlwind of bones is rising and surrounding him. A bright white light shines from the necromancer's chest, and a small whirlwind of bones is rising and surrounding him. Admiral Kaizoku rolled 6 dice on something and got 1 success. Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( Game over. ) think Wits + Occult. Okay, just a mo. The Storyteller . o O ( Wits + Occult. Okay, just a mo. ) Monkey . o O ( Tsk tsk. Don't be silly. They'll capture you 'coz your essence shard is valuable. ) Admiral Kaizoku rolled 7 dice on Wits+Occ and got 3 successes. think Not you, him. To keep his spell going. The Storyteller . o O ( Not you, him. To keep his spell going. ) xl 9 necro concentration! You rolled 9 dice on necro concentration! and got 7 successes. Monkey . o O ( They capture you and they might be able to corrupt you. They kill you and your shard flies up to Heaven for recycling. ) Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( Defeat is worse than death, as you have to live with defeat. ) think Which _would_ call for a dramatic rescue scenario.... The Storyteller . o O ( Which _would_ call for a dramatic rescue scenario.... ) Monkey . o O ( So start thinking escape plan. That doesn't involve Monkey. ) Monkey . o O ( After a hard journey and many troubles, Monkey finally reaches the prison where Still Moon is kept. He unlocks the cage and does a double-take. "Why, Admiral, you're already inside! Wow, how'd you manage that?" ) Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( With no stealth or larceny skills at all. ) think Anyway... The Storyteller . o O ( Anyway... ) @emit The Admiral's whirlwind washes over the necromancer, drawing the spinning bones away from him in a plume. But the necromancer chants on, dark runes of power blossoming into the air around him, and the bones return. More erupt from the ground. The Admiral, caught up in his own magic, finds himself a good hundred yards down the street before he can turn for another pass... The Admiral's whirlwind washes over the necromancer, drawing the spinning bones away from him in a plume. But the necromancer chants on, dark runes of power blossoming into the air around him, and the bones return. More erupt from the ground. The Admiral, caught up in his own magic, finds himself a good hundred yards down the street before he can turn for another pass... think Roll init! The Storyteller . o O ( Roll init! ) roll 1d10 On 1d10, you rolled 1. roll 1d10+10 On 1d10+10, you rolled 11. roll 1d10+8 On 1d10+8, you rolled 15. Monkey rolled 1d10+8 and got 12. roll 1d10+7 On 1d10+7, you rolled 11. Admiral Kaizoku rolled 1d10+4 and got 6. think Order is: Archer, Monkey, Rose, Necro, Kaizoku. The Storyteller . o O ( Order is: Archer, Monkey, Rose, Necro, Kaizoku. ) @emit Behind the Admiral, the archer bursts back out of the door, bow in hand, and swiftly looses an arrow at the whirlwind. Behind the Admiral, the archer bursts back out of the door, bow in hand, and swiftly looses an arrow at the whirlwind. Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( +2 diff for ranged attacks on the Admiral. Unless he uses his combo again. ) xl 10 You rolled 10 dice on something and got 4 successes. Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( If the necro was across the street and the archer in the building the the Admrial 100 yards away... how'd he get behind?! ) think Soak 10, right... FFBS? The Storyteller . o O ( Soak 10, right... FFBS? ) Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( Yes. ) Admiral Kaizoku rolled 13 dice on something and got 8 successes. think Uhm. Visualizing. You dive into the building up the street from the terrible two. The archer follows. Then you dive out with your whirlwind and end up 100 yards down the street. The archer fires down the street at you, past his buddy. The Storyteller . o O ( Uhm. Visualizing. You dive into the building up the street from the terrible two. The archer follows. Then you dive out with your whirlwind and end up 100 yards down the street. The archer fires down the street at you, past his buddy. ) Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( Ahhh, OK. ) Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( Was that a perfect attack, or do I deflect it? ) think You deflect. That combo wasn't exactly cheap... The Storyteller . o O ( You deflect. That combo wasn't exactly cheap... ) think Monkey? The Storyteller . o O ( Monkey? ) Monkey gets impatient at all this running about. Still running after the deathknight, he calls out, "Yellowbelly, what's this about teaching me to fear the night?" A dozen more steps. "Looks like you're the one who fears me! Come about and face me if you dare!" Admiral Kaizoku holds his blade up and slices the arrow in two as it comes in, the two halves shooting deep into walls behind him, hurled by the stormwind. xl 4 You rolled 4 dice on something and got 1 success. think Figures. The Storyteller . o O ( Figures. ) Monkey . o O ( You know that feeling when you know the answer to the riddle and yet can't say it because it's probably OOC? It's not exactly the greatest pain, but it's a pain in the ass indeed. :) ) @emit The footsteps stop. "A challenge... and an insult. How can I resist that kind of charm?" the Rose hisses back into the tunnel. The footsteps stop. "A challenge... and an insult. How can I resist that kind of charm?" the Rose hisses back into the tunnel. think What, "Monkey?" The Storyteller . o O ( What, "Monkey?" ) TonyC laughs out loud. jetman has disconnected. think Uh-oh. The Storyteller . o O ( Uh-oh. ) Monkey . o O ( Hmmm, did he say anything before disconnect? ) think Just his last pose. The Storyteller . o O ( Just his last pose. ) Monkey . o O ( probably nothing then. ) Monkey . o O ( I hope. ) think Likewise... The Storyteller . o O ( Likewise... ) jetman has connected. Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( A DC, a crash and then another DC. ) think Fun! The Storyteller . o O ( Fun! ) Monkey . o O ( So, what do you think is the greatest pain, jetman? ) Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( Poor connectivity. ) Monkey . o O ( And what difficulty is the Int+Lore roll to make it IC for Monkey to answer "to die and yet not be able to." ) Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( I last saw Jesse roll one success. ) think Well, it's the Rose's turn, so you haven't missed anything. She just retorted at Monkey. The Storyteller . o O ( Well, it's the Rose's turn, so you haven't missed anything. She just retorted at Monkey. ) Monkey . o O ( Ah, that's the Valor check for Rose. ) think And that's her action, so on to the necromancer. The Storyteller . o O ( And that's her action, so on to the necromancer. ) Monkey . o O ( Anyway, my action is pretty much challenge and full move. ) think Ah. Posing. The Storyteller . o O ( Ah. Posing. ) Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( I suppose having more Sapphire spells might have helped out, but there were no good ones to be had. ) Monkey . o O ( The teleportation one would've been perfect in this situation. ) @emit Monkey dashes out of the tunnel and finds himself in a cellar of some kind. Once a building stood here, but it was ripped away, and now Monkey looks out over a huge, torn hole in the landscape. To right and left, he can see the city wall, but in front of him is a deep pit, as wide as a river and as long as... a very long thing. In the center of the pit, he can see a mound, some kind of nest, and pale maggots the size of wagons crawling about it. Twenty feet away, on the sheared-away top of a stair, the Rose stands, leaning on her sword. Monkey dashes out of the tunnel and finds himself in a cellar of some kind. Once a building stood here, but it was ripped away, and now Monkey looks out over a huge, torn hole in the landscape. To right and left, he can see the city wall, but in front of him is a deep pit, as wide as a river and as long as... a very long thing. In the center of the pit, he can see a mound, some kind of nest, and pale maggots the size of wagons crawling about it. Twenty feet away, on the sheared-away top of a stair, the Rose stands, leaning on her sword. Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( Three turns to cast, two more to materialize, 40 mile range... enough time to get stabbed or shot to death while trying to go. ) think The Admiral needs a spell-storing cord. The Storyteller . o O ( The Admiral needs a spell-storing cord. ) Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( He needs a lot of stuff, clearly. ) Monkey . o O ( Doesn't work for teleportation. The way the cord works is that it captures a spell someone else cast at you. Technically you could capture a spell you cast on yourself, but that probably need extra hands. ) think It's not like there's a shortage of sorcerers in the crew at the moment. The Storyteller . o O ( It's not like there's a shortage of sorcerers in the crew at the moment. ) Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( Or the level 2 ambidexterity. ) think anyway, posing necromancer. The Storyteller . o O ( anyway, posing necromancer. ) Monkey . o O ( Heh. ) think No, really! It's got 16 degrees of articulation! The Storyteller . o O ( No, really! It's got 16 degrees of articulation! ) @emit The bones whirl and lift the necromancer up. They grow into a storm about him, a mix of bone and light and iron. Then they come together, a cascade of sound as they snap into place around him. Finally, he is enclosed in bone and iron -- a warstrider of necromantic art. A great dire lance rests in the armor's right hand, and the necromancer's strange sigil marks its chest. The bones whirl and lift the necromancer up. They grow into a storm about him, a mix of bone and light and iron. Then they come together, a cascade of sound as they snap into place around him. Finally, he is enclosed in bone and iron -- a warstrider of necromantic art. A great dire lance rests in the armor's right hand, and the necromancer's strange sigil marks its chest. think Kaizoku's turn. The Storyteller . o O ( Kaizoku's turn. ) Monkey . o O ( You're having way too much fun with Bone & Ebony, Jesse. )


The Storyteller cackles. think Kaizoku's got a pretty good chance at getting away if he just books, btw... The Storyteller . o O ( Kaizoku's got a pretty good chance at getting away if he just books, btw... ) Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( But to where? ) Monkey . o O ( Safe house. ) think See, that's unprofessional thinking there. The key is "away." Where can wait until you're not getting shot at. The Storyteller . o O ( See, that's unprofessional thinking there. The key is "away." Where can wait until you're not getting shot at. ) Monkey . o O ( Ah. The Rincewind Maxim. ) think Exactly! The Storyteller . o O ( Exactly! ) Admiral Kaizoku refrains from taunting as he steers the Stormwind down the street away from the now-armored necromancer. He circles around the next block several times, sending a cloud of dust into the air and then steers for the safe house where the rest of the crew should still be. think I would suggest killing the spell before you get near the safehouse. Well before. The Storyteller . o O ( I would suggest killing the spell before you get near the safehouse. Well before. ) Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( Yes. But that was part of the stiring the dust too. ) Monkey . o O ( Safe house will get you to allies. Another alternative is to go straight to the tower, on the assumption that you can get there faster than Rose, necromancer, and archer and hoping you'll have enough lead time to do something. ) think Okay, that'll take you a couple of rounds. The Storyteller . o O ( Okay, that'll take you a couple of rounds. ) Monkey . o O ( Alternatively, book it out of Thorns and back to Iridia. ) think We'll drop the Admiral out of combat and... uhm. Kinda late. The Storyteller . o O ( We'll drop the Admiral out of combat and... uhm. Kinda late. ) think Any fight between Monkey and the Rose is going to take a while, so how about we pick that up next time? The Storyteller . o O ( Any fight between Monkey and the Rose is going to take a while, so how about we pick that up next time? ) Monkey . o O ( Okie. Let me write down the spent motes and wp. ) Monkey . o O ( Got it. ) Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( Hope Suda has a good healing charm. ) think Kaizoku should also track his spent stuff... and wounds. The Storyteller . o O ( Kaizoku should also track his spent stuff... and wounds. ) Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( I have. They're on my WP character sheet. ) Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( Maybe I should get that danger sense charm. ) Monkey . o O ( Hmmm, 37 motes available. ) think Or build up to HGD. The Storyteller . o O ( Or build up to HGD. ) think In any case, 3 bp each. The Storyteller . o O ( In any case, 3 bp each. ) Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( Doesn't help vs ambushes... ) think And we'll get together next week, I think... The Storyteller . o O ( And we'll get together next week, I think... ) Monkey . o O ( Go for Surprise Anticipation Method. Second tier. Awareness 3, Essence 2. ) TonyC [to Apollonian]: Good night to you. Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( Well, that's why not... have to buy up to Awareness 3 for starters. 20 XP. ) Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( Nite! ) Monkey . o O ( 3 BP. ) Monkey . o O ( Cheap. ) think Plus SAM, and combo. Not too expensive. Slap in Solar Counterattack and you've got a nice "don't ambush me" set up. And since HGD and SC are reflexive... The Storyteller . o O ( Plus SAM, and combo. Not too expensive. Slap in Solar Counterattack and you've got a nice "don't ambush me" set up. And since HGD and SC are reflexive... ) think Actually, all three are reflexive. That's not a bad combo... The Storyteller . o O ( Actually, all three are reflexive. That's not a bad combo... ) Monkey . o O ( Getting the MA danger sense is three times more expensive to you. ) Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( Whoops, had more Essence commited than I thought. ) think Maybe drop DSD into it as well, so you have a cheaper defense for lesser attacks... The Storyteller . o O ( Maybe drop DSD into it as well, so you have a cheaper defense for lesser attacks... ) Monkey . o O ( Also, being counterspelled will not trigger _any_ danger sense charms. ) Monkey . o O ( For that you need perfect awareness charms or at least a high enough awareness pool to fake it. ) Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( or All Encompassing Sorcerer's Sight to see it starting up. ) think David, I think one reason Kaizoku is not as effective as Monkey is because he's doing three things (leadership, melee, and sorcery), while Monkey is focused on one (fighting). Maybe you should focus for a bit. The Storyteller . o O ( David, I think one reason Kaizoku is not as effective as Monkey is because he's doing three things (leadership, melee, and sorcery), while Monkey is focused on one (fighting). Maybe you should focus for a bit. ) think Anyway, good night. The Storyteller . o O ( Anyway, good night. )