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V'neef Mica

Character Type: Terrestrial (Dragon-Blooded) Exalted
Player: NPC
Aspect: Wood
Concept: Immaculate Anathema-hunter
Nature: Visionary
House: V'neef

Attributes: Strength 3, Dexterity 5, Stamina 4, Charisma 2, Manipulation 2, Appearance 3, Perception 4, Intelligence 2, Wits 4
Abilities: *Archery 5, Athletics 3, Awareness 3, *Dodge 5 (In armor +1), Endurance 3, Linguistics 2 (High Realm, Old Realm, Skytongue), Lore 3, *Martial Arts 5, *Medicine 4, Melee 2, *Performance 2, Presence 2, Resistance 5, *Ride 2, *Stealth 5, *Survival 4
Note: * = Favored or Aspect ability.
Backgrounds: Allies 1 ( V'neef Barada), Artifact 5, Backing (Immaculate Order) 2, Command 2, Connections (House V'neef) 2, Connections (Thousand Scales) 2, Manse 5, Sifu 3
Virtues: Compassion 3, Conviction 3, Temperance 3, Valor 3
Willpower: 7, Essence: 5 (72), Essence Pool: 12/33 (11 peripheral committed)


  • Archery
    • Spring Follows Winter
    • Swallows Defend the Nest
    • Dragonfly Finds Mate
  • Dodge
    • Flickering Candle Meditation
    • Safety Among Enemies
  • Martial Arts (Immaculate Initiation)
    • Spirit Sight
    • Spirit Walking
  • Martial Arts (Wood Dragon Style)
    • Eyes of the Wood Dragon
    • Mind-Over-Body Meditation
    • Wood Dragon Vitality
    • Soul-Marking Strike
    • Wood Dragon Form
    • Death-Pattern Sensing Attitude
    • Unbreakable Fascination Kata
    • Enthralling Blow Attack
    • Spirit-Wracking Method
    • Spirit-Rending Technique
    • Soul Mastery
  • Martial Arts (Earth Dragon Style)
    • Force of the Mountain
    • Unmoving Mountain Stance
    • Stone Dragon's Skin
    • Earth Dragon Form
    • Stillness of Stone
    • Avalanche Method
    • Earthshaker Attack
    • Shattering Fist Strike
  • Medicine
    • Infection-Banishing Prana
    • Disease-Banishing Technique
    • Wound-Closing Touch
    • Dread Infection Strike
  • Resistance
    • Strength of Stone Technique
    • Impervious Skin of Stone Meditation
    • Earth Protection Form
    • Chaos-Warding Prana
    • Defense-From-Anathema Method
  • Survival
    • Wild-Wandering Forester Charm
    • Quarry Revelation Technique

Base Initiative: 9
Long Jade Powerbow (broadheads): Speed 9, Accuracy 11, Damage 8L, Rate 3, Range 400
Clinch: Speed 3, Acc 10, Damage 3B piercing, Defense 10, Rate 1
Fists: Speed 9, Acc 11, Damage 3B, Defense 12, Rate 5
Kick: Speed 6, Acc 11, Damage 6B, Defense 7, Rate 3 Dodge: 15, Soak: 14B/9L/7A (Reinforced jade buff jacket, +10/+7), Health: -0, -1, -1, -2, -2, -4, Incapacitated


Jade long powerbow, jade reinforced buff jacket, White Crane Tea Service, hearthstone amulet.

Experience Points: 518
Unspent XP: 0

Character Description and Background

Expanded Backgrounds
