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Wolverine Vitality Technique</b>
 <b>Cost:  None
 Duration:  Permanent
 Type:  Special
 Minimum Medicine:  2
 Minimum Endurance:  2
 Minimum Essence:  2
 Prerequisite Charms: Body-Mending Meditation, Ox-Body Technique

Like Ox-Body Technique, this is not actually a Charm, but instead a development of the Exalt’s natural abilities. In this case, Wolverine Vitality Technique enhances the character’s healing speed, making such healing even faster than normal. The character always heals at (1 + (his rating in Medicine)) times the normal rate. This is cumulative with Body-Mending Meditation. Wolverine Vitality technique does not aid with the recovery of aggravated wounds. This Charm is based on Neph’s suggestion on the wiki; I just fleshed it out.

Transcendent Medicine Prowess</b>
 <b>Cost:  None
 Duration:  Permanent
 Type:  Special
 Minimum Medicine:  5
 Minimum Essence:  3
 Prerequisite Charms:  Addiction-Cleansing Touch

Even without the aid of Charms, the character is now a superlative healer. The most obscure treatments and difficult procedures are easy for her to perform, even internal surgery! The character subtracts two from the difficulty of any Medicine roll (minimum difficulty 1). This is based on Neph’s suggestion on the wiki; I just fleshed it out.

Second Wind</b>
 <b>Cost:  15 motes, 1 Willpower
 Duration:  Instant
 Type:  Simple
 Minimum Medicine:  5
 Minimum Essence:  3
 Prerequisite Charms: Bodily Regeneration Prana, Anointment of Miraculous Health

In a flash, the Character pumps Essence through his own body, rapidly healing wounds, re-knitting bones, sealing cuts, and so on. This powerful treatment happens in a second, and relies on the raw power of Essence to make it work- the body’s natural healing mechanisms are fueled and driven by the essence. There is no need for food or rest; the character feeds his body with Essence, which allows it to heal swiftly. With each use of this Charm, the character instantly heals a number of health levels equal to his Essence score. This Charm only functions on the Solar himself, and does not speed the healing of aggravated tissue, nor does it allow the regeneration of amputated or destroyed tissue.

Heavenly Healer Touch</b>
 <b>Cost:  15 motes, 1 Willpower
 Duration:  Instant
 Type:  Simple
 Minimum Medicine:  5
 Minimum Essence:  4
 Prerequisite Charms:  Second Wind, Healing Trance Meditation

Even the harshest of wounds are not beyond the reach of a healer blessed by Heaven. This charm fills the target’s body with Essence not too dissimilar from the refined extract of Celestial Wine known as Frozen Heart of Yu-Shan, an extremely potent drink that even most gods reserve for medical emergencies. As a result, the Solar may heal her target of a number of Health Levels equal to her Essence score instantly, with just a touch. This will cure aggravated, but cannot be used on the Solar herself. This will regenerate lost limbs and destroyed tissue. Count each such regeneration as a equal to a number of health levels as proscribed under Bodily Regeneration Prana.

Unyielding Spirit</b>
 <b>Cost:  15 motes, 2 Willpower
 Duration:  Instant
 Type:  Simple
 Minimum Medicine:  5
 Minimum Essence:  5
 Prerequisite Charms:  Heavenly Healer Touch

Now the character’s regenerative capabilities have reached a superlative level. No wound can slow his endless recovery to health, and the only limitation on how fast he heals is how much Essence he can pump through his body and how strong his Will is. The character instantly regenerates a number of health levels equal to his Essence score, including aggravated damage! This will regenerate lost limbs and destroyed tissue. Count each such regeneration as a equal to a number of health levels as proscribed under Bodily Regeneration Prana.

Total Care Discipline</b>
 <b>Cost:  15 motes, 2 Willpower
 Duration:  Instant
 Type:  Simple
 Minimum Medicine:  6
 Minimum Essence:  6
 Prerequisite Charms:  Unyielding Spirit

A healer with this knowledge is truly a blessing of heaven. Her healing powers are miraculous, and no injury or illness is beyond her touch. If she chooses to reveal the extent of her powers, her fame will be widespread- perhaps as much or more dangerously so than someone who knows Youth-Restoring Benison. With just a touch, the character heals her target completely. All lethal and bashing damage is healed, all diseases are cured and poisons purged from the target’s body. This Charm does not affect aggravated damage or lost limbs, and cannot be used on the Exalt herself.

Glorious Solar Recovery</b>
 <b>Cost:  20 motes, 2 Willpower
 Duration:  Instant
 Type:  Simple
 Minimum Medicine:  7
 Minimum Essence:  7
 Prerequisite Charms:  Total Care Discipline

In a brilliant display of Essence, the Solar completely revitalizes his entire body. Wounds seal as though they had never been, diseases, toxins, and other damaging foreign elements are removed in bursts of golden light. All lethal and bashing damage is healed, all diseases are cured, and poisons are completely purged from the Exalt’s body. This Charm does not affect aggravated damage or lost limbs.

Phoenix's Tears</b>
 <b>Cost:  20 motes, 3 Willpower
 Duration:  Instant
 Type:  Simple
 Minimum Medicine:  8
 Minimum Essence:  8
 Prerequisite Charms:  Glorious Solar Recovery, Youth-Restoring Benison

This whispered Charm has not been heard of in millennia. It was rare enough in the First Age after the fall of the Primordials; rare was the Solar in the latter days of the Deliberative willing to expend so much power on even allies when slower, easier methods could get them back on their feet and healing themselves. Still, the master of this Charm would become a resource of great power in this fallen age. Her touch alone can restore complete and total health to even the most ravaged body. Illness, poison, and any damaging foreign elements are simply removed; all injuries, even lost limbs and the worst aggravated damage, unhealable by any other means will simply be restored. Insanity will be cured; virtues lost to the Fair Folk or other sources renewed. Any possible damage the target has taken will be healed. If the Solar chooses to expend 3 experience points, the target is restored to youthful maturity-- the equivalent of age 18 in humans. (This has no effect on Exalted and similar magical creatures, who are, after all, roughly the same until they die).

Transcendent Phoenix Heart</b>
 <b>Cost:  30 motes, 3 Willpower
 Duration:  Instant
 Type:  Simple
 Minimum Medicine:  9
 Minimum Essence:  9
 Prerequisite Charms:  Phoenix's Tears

Transcendent Phoenix Heart is the ultimate personal healing charm. Only by wearing down his essence and will through prolonged battle, or by killing him instantly could a master of this Charm be slain. With a simple act of will, all damage, aggravated or otherwise, lost limbs, virtue damage, illness, poison, damaging foreign elements, insanity-- any and all negative states will be instantly and totally cured. Virtually no force in existence can prevent this healing; certainly none from a source with less Essence than the Exalt. This has no effect on the Exalt's age.

Beneficent Gift of Health</b>
 <b>Cost:  5 motes
 Duration:  One Day per dot of Medicine
 Type:  Simple
 Minimum Medicine:  2
 Minimum Essence:  2
 Prerequisite Charms:  Flawless Diagnosis Technique, Touch of Blissful Release

Instead of intensive care requiring the Solar's attention, a Solar with this Charm can lend some of her Essence to aid a mortal with just a touch. By infusing the mortal with an overflow of essence, the mortal will gain some of the vitality and health of an Exalt. Mortal characters with this Charm active resist infection, heal, resist bleeding, resist poison and disease just like an Exalt for one day per dot of Medicine the Exalt has. They still cannot soak lethal damage with their stamina. This Charm has no effect on the Exalted and other beings that already heal at those levels.

Vital Rays of the Sun Meditation</b>
 <b>Cost:  15 motes, 1 Willpower
 Duration:  One Day
 Type:  Simple
 Minimum Medicine:  4
 Minimum Essence:  3
 Prerequisite Charms:  Contagion-Curing Touch, Touch of Blissful Release

By opening her inner Solar soul to the outside world and sending out beneficent, vital rays of life-encouraging Essence, the Exalt can cure numerous people of diseases at once. Before invoking this Charm the character must mark out an area no greater than her Medicine times five yards in radius. Once she is done, the Exalt rests in the middle of the circle and meditates on the healing force of the sun. Anyone who spends a day within the circle, needing no more than a simple bed (warmth, feeding, and drinking will be taken care of by the Essence radiating out from the Solar) will have a chance to be cured.

At the end of the day the Exalted's player makes a single Intelligence + Medicine roll, with successes judged as per Contagion-Curing Touch. Like that Charm, regardless of whether or not the disease is cured, while the Charm is in effect, all diseases will halt their ordinary progression. This Charm will affect powerful diseases such as the Great Contagion, and up to Third Circle Diseases. The Exalt is not helpless during this time, but any action other than meditation that takes more than ten turns at a time will break the Charm's effects, requiring it to be restarted from the beginning.

Blessings of Solar Health</b>
 <b>Cost:  15 motes, 1 Willpower
 Duration:  One Day
 Type:  Simple
 Minimum Medicine:  4
 Minimum Essence:  3
 Prerequisite Charms: Vital Rays of the Sun Meditation, Wound-Mending Care Technique

Further developing the Solar's aura of healing abilities, this Charm allows the Exalt to knit the wounds and heal the damage of others around him. Before invoking this Charm the character must mark out an area no greater than his Medicine times five yards in radius. Once he is done, the Exalt rests in the middle of the circle and meditates on the healing force of the sun. For every day a character spends within the circle, getting at least bed rest, that character will be healed of a number of health levels equal to the Solar's permanent Essence plus a number of additional levels equal to the number of successes his player achieves on an Intelligence + Medicine roll.

This Charm does not speed the healing of aggravated damage, nor does it allow regeneration of amputated or destroyed tissue. The Exalt is not helpless during this time, but any action other than meditation that takes more than ten turns at a time will break the Charm's effects, requiring it to be restarted from the beginning.

Holy Totality Radiation</b>
 <b>Cost:  15 motes, 2 Willpower
 Duration:  One Hour
 Type:  Simple
 Minimum Medicine:  5
 Minimum Essence:  4
 Prerequisite Charms: Blessings of Solar Health, Healing Trance Meditation

The Solar executing this Charm falls suddenly into a trance, and rays of healing power pour out of her like the blessings of the Unconquered Sun. Any being within the Solar's Medicine x 5 yards who consents will be instantly be placed into a trance as well. During the next hour, they will be in a state of accelerated healing and have no awareness of the outside world. For each hour spent in the trance, the subjects (not the Solar) heal a number of health levels equal to the Exalted's Essence. As with Bodily Mending Meditation, this Charm can heal aggravated damage and replace lost limbs and other, similar maimings. The times required to heal these injuries are as for Bodily Regeneration Prana. None of the characters involved regains Essence during the healing period, assuming that any of the targets have any Essence to regain in the first place.

Therapeutic Healing Hand</b>
 <b>Cost:  15 motes
 Duration:  Instant
 Type:  Simple
 Minimum Medicine:  4
 Minimum Essence:  3
 Prerequisite Charms:  Contagion-Curing Touch, Anointment of Miraculous Health

This Charm will send powerful bursts of curative essence into the subject, curing serious and normally incurable diseases such as the Great Contagion or Essence Diseases. A single touch is all that is required. The Exalted's player makes an Intelligence + Medicine roll. Normal diseases are cured with a single success, while more serious plagues may require as many as five successes. This effect happens instantly.

Triumphant Plague-Slaying Hero</b>
 <b>Cost:  20 motes, 2 Willpower
 Duration: One Scene
 Type:  Simple
 Minimum Medicine:  5
 Minimum Essence:  4
 Prerequisite Charms: Therapeutic Healing Hand, Vital Rays of the Sun Meditation

The generous spirit of a medicinal Solar is often severely taxed by the plagues that run across Creation from time to time. Although careful practice can permit Exalts to generate healing fields via meditation or touch, such Charms require time that victims may not have and Essence beyond even the vast capacities of a Solar. However, few things are beyond the reach of a Solar, and powerful Exalts with the Triumphant Plague-Slaying Hero Charm can be ultimate blessings for cities and nations under the threat of pestilence.

After expending the Essence, for the rest of the scene, the player of the Exalt triggering this charm rolls her Intelligence + Medicine. The number of successes garnered indicates the maximum potency of the disease (as per Contagion-Curing touch) that the character can cure. A field of holy solar energy coruscates out of the Exalted, healing all sick (up to the disease potency limits of the successes rolled) within a radius equal to her permanent Essence x2 yards. The Solar will generate this field for the rest of the scene regardless of what she does, so she is perfectly capable of defending herself against enraged plague-gods, desperate mobs, fanatic Immaculates, and so forth.
