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This style is the Property of Shataina.

Sound Mesh style progression

               |                          |                         |
          Enchantment                Enchantment               Enchantment
            / Lull                     / Lull                    / Lull
               |                          |                         |
                                   Bridge Decision-
                                    Forcing Charm
               |                          |                         |
          Dissonance                 Dissonance                Dissonance     
               |                          |                         |
                           |                             |
                      Silence /                      Silence /
                     Abstraction                    Abstraction
                           |                             |
                                  Pinnacle Charm
                                 Secret Technique #1
                                 Secret Technique #2


Resonant Reverberation

Min. Martial arts:2
Min. performance:2 
Min Essence:1 

Description:The Martial artist has trained to be in harmony with the essence of Creation. Using this training the martial artist channels her essence to even further this effect. The martial artist add's her Essence in dice to her next attack roll. As a side effect of the harmony induce by learning this charm the martial artist adds one auto-success to all perform rolls using their voice.

Sonorous Somnolence
Cost: 4 motes plus 2 motes per target after the first
Duration: instant
Type: Supplemental ?
Minimum Crafts [Poetry]: 2
Minimum Martial Arts: 1
Minimum Essence: 2
Prerequisite Charms: Initial Charm

By making a short poem, or sonnet the martial artist weaves the essence of inactivity, sleep and relaxation into her target(s). This Charm temporarily lulls the target(s) into a drowsy daze causing them to make easy mistakes. The target must make a willpower roll with a difficulty equal to the user of this charms charisma score. If this test is unsuccessful the target suffers a on success penalty on all rolls for the scene. This charm does not stack with itself. The user of this charm may affect more than one target with this effect by spending an additional cost of 2motes per additional target. This charm has a range of effect equal to {permanent Essence}10 yards.


This is my attempt for the "starter charm" of this style. Tell me what you think. - Issaru Thinks all Wikizens should have a page that we just use to help each other with side projects that don't have to involve the whole of the wiki.
Not bad. I hate permanent Charms, though, and I fully intend never to use any ever. I also kind of decided this morning that the starter Charm would add dice to rolls to perform poetry rather than anything to do with attack rolls ... so ... sorry. Good try, though! And the Charm name is cool. I think I'll steal that. :)
I can understand wanting to have your own subpage where you keep comments, but would you mind crossposting them also to the main page I've set up for this style? I don't want to have to check a million places for peoples' comments, and I'd also like to keep a record of development, if you know what I mean.
~ Shataina
NP. Consider it done. Glad you like the name (the hardest part of charm creation), and please steal away. Consentual plagiarism is one of the reasons I post - Issaru Has far too much ego to not smile when people use his stuff.