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Bog Mod, the Swamp of Lost Things, puts his charms here when he decides to work on them.

Imperfection of the Swamp of Lost Things

It is in the nature of Bog Mod to stubbornly follow his interests. They change in time and he leaves his half finished works to get back to later even if he never does. Because of this those charms noted as having the Imperfection of the Swamp of Lost Things will not work against things the character has a positive intimacy towards and always works against things the character has negative intimacies towards. If a character does not have at least half their maximum intimacies devoted to positive intimacies this charm can not be activated. If the character has a positive and negative intimacy that would apply the character can use the charm it is only fair after all.


First Bog Mod Excellency – Essence Overwhelming
Cost: 1m per die; Mins: Essence 1; Type: Reflexive(Step 1 for attacker, Step 2 for defender)
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: None

The Swamp of Lost Things is inquisitive and curious. He examines everything but only obsesses with one thing at a time until something new takes his attention and leaves things half finished. He is fair even when that would work against him. His anger is slow to build and fades slowly. His heart is logical without being constrained. He never forgets and will share what he has drawn into himself freely only to draw those he has shared with in as well. He is a social creature that seeks amusement and stimulation. He treats his enemies as puzzles until his cool is broken. He has high opinions of himself.

Characters may apply this charm to any actions they have considered carefully. Bog Mod's Excellency can also be used be a neutral party though his fairness is always a self-determined kind. New uses of old orders are pleasing to the Swamp of Lost Things. It can not help with completing long term projects but helps in advancing them and in solving immidiate problems. This charm aids in any action to make oneself comfortable or make friends. This Excellency can not help a person with random whims but can help them improvised ideas. Finally the Charm will not assist a character in resisting serious long term hardship unless they are turning from their path to follow something new.

Bog Mod Mythos Exultant
Cost: -; Mins: Essence 3; Type: Permanent
Keywords: None
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisite Charms: First Bog Mod Excellency

The Swamp of Lost Things has his obsessions and curiosities. The next stunt doing the same kind of action as the one before gets an additional die. A Storyteller should be strict if a player tries to count the same action for this effect when its only loosely the same. A flurry one turn with a sword followed by a flurry the next turn with a sword should count but a flurried sword attack followed by a flurry archery attack or even a single sword attack should not.


First Combat. Multi-purchase clinch upgrader. Permanent. First buy increases rate of clinches to 3. Second buy reduces the speed to 5. Third buy makes the clinch damage ignore armor soak.

Second Combat. Attack at limited range. Obvious swampy theme to attacks. Builds off First Combat.

Third Combat. Ranged clinch upgrade. Permanent. Builds off Second Combat.

Fourth Combat. Perfect Dodge. Imperfection of Bog Mod. Visual is the flesh just flows around the attack like a hand moving through water. Builds off First Combat.

Fifth Combat. Can forgo defense completely to ensure a hit on target. Counterattack. Target knows to finish the attack means they are hit in turn. Opponent using a perfect defense against counterattack means their attack doesn't land. Builds off Fourth Combat.

Sixth Combat. Move reducer. Area. Builds off First Combat.

Sevent Combat. Pulls enemies into ground to suffocate/crush/kill. Builds off Sixth Combat.

Eigth Combat. Upgrade to 7th. Lets one one things from a foe killed through 7th charm. Builds off 7th.

9th Combat. Speed Crippling attack. Builds off first combat.

10th combat. Rate reducer upgrade to 9th. Builds off 9th.

11th combat. area attack clinch. Builds off 9th and 3rd.

First Learny charm. Perm diff reducer to aware/inv rolls. Repeat Purchases?

Second Learny Charm. AESS. Builds off 1st.

3rd Learny Charm. Tracking charm. Builds off 1st.

4th Learny Charm. Bonus to learning via ruining things. Builds off 1st Learny.

5th Learny. Research boost. Builds off 1st.

6th Learny. Track booster. No longer require trails or even limit tracking to people. Need intimacy to thing being tracked. Builds off 5th and 3rd.

1st Social. Increases number of intimacies allowed.

2nd Social. Friend maker. Builds off first.

3rd Social. Intimacy protector. Permanent. Makes intimacies boost MDV by 2 instead of one when attacked or going against. Builds off 1st social.

4th Social. Social Perfect. Builds off first social.

5th Social. Social Obssesser. Gives instant intimacy to something and bonus when pursuing that. Can change an allready existant intimacy to another. Builds off 3rd.

1st Experimenty. Reroll a dice roll based on the idea of trying new angles rather then failures. Builds off first excellency.

2nd Experimenty. Gear stats modifier. Builds off 1s Experimenty.

3rd Experimenty. Craft booster. Can not finish projects unless project is a modification of an existing object or a new use of existing idea or a copy of an allready existant design. Examples would be designing a very short range essence weapon rather then typical sorts which have a long attack, making a normal daiklaive, or altering an allready built daiklaive into something different. Builds off first Experimenty.

4th Experimenty. Exalt imitator. Group of charms that turns the Infernal into a hybrid. Obvious changing effects to the Infernal with unique bonuses for each type imitaded. Builds off 1st and 2nd.

Bog Mod Sorcery