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Kaiju the Blizzard's Talon

Although Mako serves as the informal leader of the Heroes of Chaos, it is the Full Moon Kaiju's wisdom that helps guide the group. Kaiju wears his heart on his sleave, and would tell the truth even if it killed him. Still, there're none who can best the loyalty and ferocity of this quiet Icewalker giant. Kaiju is no stranger to responsibility either, and it was his determination that his people survive that led to his Exaltation. He will often provide counsel to Mako and the Heroes but sadly cannot be relied on in matters of intrigue and deception, as such things are as foreign to him as poison. Out of the entire group, he is probably the most unreasoning about evil, and will have nothing, NOTHING to do with the Deathlords and their ilk.

Kaiju's goals are crystal clear. Avenge those of his tribe who were captured and slain by the villainous Belasco, at the behest of the Deathlord Lover Clad in Raiment of Tears. All the while, he trys to repay the life debt he owes his sworn brother Mako and to help out where he can as one of the Heroes of Chaos.